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Blarg! I wanted to wait until I had the chapter after this one written, since this chapter is one some of you have already seen (with some minor edits), but I've sadly had neither the time nor the motivation to write lately D:

So here's the Buggy chapter in my canon sequence of events. Hopefully my ability to sit down and write comes back sooooooon


By noon the next day Onyx was long out of reach of the Kid Pirates.

She suspected that she wouldn't be pursued, but just to be safe she had skipped over the next island and kept on sailing through the night. The weather, though not a full-fledged storm, had been rough and Onyx had spent the night keeping a death grip on both the rudder and the rope controlling the sail.

Now that the sky was clear and the sun shone down, she was dead tired.

Opting to let the Dodger drift onward on his own instead of dropping anchor, Onyx retreated to the cabin.

"What was the point?!" she sighed as she fell backwards onto her bed, not even bothering to remove her hat.

Her stomach let out a hungry growl but she ignored it, instead favouring to wallow in her anger and frustration at Spandam.

"What would he gain by sending me on a pointless mission?" she muttered, glaring at the ceiling, "If he didn't want me around he didn't have to send for me..."

It didn't make sense.

Onyx rolled over and buried her face in her pillow, determined to force herself to sleep and forget about everything for a while.

At least she could collect another hundred million beris...

...She should stop by one of her drops soon, she needed to stash the money from Big Mom and Spandam. It was never a good idea to be sailing with such large amounts of beris...

She lay there, slowly drifting off, until-


Onyx stiffened and lifted her head.

The low rustle of the relatively calm waves were all that broke the silence. She must have been dreaming.

When the call didn't repeat itself she dropped her head back down and resumed her fuming.

Actually... that probably wasn't Spandam's plan. He had seemed a little too casual with the details... maybe he had been under orders from higher up.

And Rena... that was too much of a coincidence.

Could the whole thing have been a government set up? Onyx knew those old geezers up in Mary Geois wanted her wiped from the earth. And they were far from the only ones...

No, don't think about it now. Just go to sleep!

Onyx squinted her eyes closed so hard that she saw spots swimming behind her eyelids.


Her glare almost burned a hole through the door. There was no mistaking it this time.

Why the hell was there someone shouting at her in the middle of the sea?!

"Hello? Anybody there?"

It didn't sound like they were going away.

With a loud groan, Onyx got up and threw open the door, making sure to stomp extra loudly as she emerged on deck.

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