Detour #1

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A small boat bobbed steadily towards the simmering port city. The sun was beating down on both land and sea, making everything sparkle and glisten with an almost blinding light. A figure stood tall at the bow, feminine curves almost hidden beneath a heavy black trench coat.

A dry wind blew sparse sand particles into the woman's face as she lowered the spyglass that had been pressed against her eye. A frown turned her darkly painted lips down. Then she snapped the spyglass closed and stuffed it deep into one of her many pockets.

Whirling around, her coat snapping at her ankles, the woman adjusted the sail of the refurbished dinghy and moved to the stern. Her combat boots tramped heavily on the planks as she reached the rudder and nudged it, bringing the nose of her boat closer to the city on the approaching horizon.

"I hate the desert," a low growl left her lips and she pulled the wide brim of her black sun-hat down over her eyes.

The stifling heat was already building under her dark turtle neck and heavy black cargo pants. She knew her preferred colour of clothing was the absolute worst thing to be wearing in such a climate, but she wasn't going to change her signature style for a (hopefully) quick visit.

Ugh. Why had she even come here?

She let out a frustrated groan and glowered at the water.

Right. To see if Crocodile had any work for her.

She had just finished her mission and was on her way back to her client. But she couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some extra cash. Who knew when she'd be in these waters again?

The woman let out a short sigh and brushed her long ebony hair over her shoulder. She cast one more glance at the approaching town before spinning on her heels and entering the ship's cabin.

The single room was surprisingly colourful when compared with the all black attire of its sole occupant. A deep blue shag rug covered one corner, serving as a nice, soft wake-up for her toes when she got out of the cot set against the wall. This sparse sleeping area was curtained off from the rest of the room by a soft pink sheet, which was drawn back at the moment. The small sink and stove-top that served as the kitchen occupied the wall to the right of the door, and a large desk and fully stocked bookshelf, solely composing of black leather-bound notebooks, sat against the left. In the center of the room sat a sturdy, if somewhat worn, table and chairs.

The woman walked over to the table and picked up a thick black notebook from the scuffed wooden surface.

She flipped the book open to a marked page and ran her eyes over the messily scrawled writing that filled the paper.

"Most of the Agents should be here already," she murmured as she grabbed another notebook off the shelf and quickly left the cabin.

The boat nudged closer to the dock and the woman jumped out, securing her vessel with many thick-roped knots and giving plenty of hearty tugs to ensure that it wouldn't be going anywhere.

Her dark eyes traveled over the worn paint on the prow and she smiled at the faded green letters. The Flying Dodger. Then her gaze moved to the slightly rotting boards and the rusting pulleys and she let out a sigh. She would have to get him spruced up before she left Paradise.

"Stay safe, baby," she whispered.

Her hand moved down her coat, feeling the familiar bulges at her belt. She nodded and rolled her shoulders before turning and walking down the pier. Her clothes were already soaked with sweat and it was only going to get hotter.

"Damn desert," she growled as her boots hit the sand.

She'd only gone a few steps before something caught her eye. A glint, brief but unmistakeable, flashed from behind some rocks up the coast.

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