Chapter 8

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Credit : MoMoSE89

- Edited

He was hiding in a bathroom stall and crying to himself at the moment. Aria was right before wasn't she? He seemed kinda peeved. He always looks that way though.

"Ah! Tsukki!" He tried to pack away his stuff quickly but he dropped a textbook just as his blonde friend vanished around the corner. He'll look for him later then. He's probably avoiding Aria.

"Ouch." She commented and patted his back as she picked up a book.

"Hey... I texted Kei after the incident the other day and sorted it out. Sorry about insulting you!" She smiled at him as he put his book away.

"It's okay." He gave a weak smile in return.

"Oh... He was supposed to tell you this but I guess he chickened out but... He wants me to be his friend instead of you." Yamaguchi slung his bag over his back and stared at her for a second. He didn't believe her.

"That's a lie." He said blankly then ran off to find his friend.

He searched the roof. Nobody. The gym. Nobody. All of their usual meet-up areas too. Not able to find his friend once. So he thought to check the clubroom. Lone behold there was Tsukishima with a happy looking Aria behind him. He tried to process the situation differently. He really did. There was no other conclusion he could find though. So he just decided to apologise and leave them to their thing. He's always known Tsukishima didn't really like him anyway so why does it hurt so much?

"S-sorry Tsukki!" Yamaguchi turned and ran off without another word. He remembered hearing Tsukishima say 'Huh?' but didn't turn around. Going straight to the bathroom and locking himself in a stall as tears he'd been holding back fell down his face.

He'd put the lid of the toilet seat down and sat on it, rubbing at his face as he tried desperately to stop crying like a baby. He hates this. All of this. Though he should've picked up on it sooner. All the signs that Tsukishima didn't like him anymore were there. It just took Aria to make him finally realise that.

He's always the one following the blonde around, rambling on about something when he had his headphones on sometimes. Even venting despite the fact that Tsukishima couldn't hear him. There were times where the taller male would mention something he thought he only said when Tsukishima had headphones on but if he knew it, then clearly Yamaguchi had said it at some other point aswell.

Those headphones. They were just to block him out and pretend he wasn't there.

Why did he let me call him Kei when Aria was there though...? I know it was a one time thing but still.... He also didn't push me away when I hugged him that other night... No... that was just him pitying me. Now he won't have to do that.

It dawned on Yamaguchi that he'd have to see Tsukishima at practice. That wouldn't be fun.

He heard the bathroom door open and someone else entered. Three people actually.

"No I haven't seen him. Still haven't answered why the hell there's a hand shaped bruise on your face! And I thought falling on the pavement was unlucky. Now you have injuries on both sides of your face!" Hinata's voice chirped.

"Both are actually the same injury." He heard a tired Tsukishima mutter under his breath.

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