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A loud pounding on the door makes my breath hitches as I'm forced to wake up. I jolt up, planting my hands down on whatever it was that was lying underneath me. I frantically look around, my tangled hair falling over my face as my head pounds and aches in pain. The knocking on the door continues and I glance over my shoulder, carefully eyeing the black shiny door that was practically shaking off its hinges. 

"Mae! Come on. I know you're in there! Open the freaking door!" Adrienne exclaims, her usual seductive and sly tone starting to mix in with an unusual fear that was starting to shine through. "Dameron! This is serious shit, god damn it!"

 "We should probably get that."

I yelp and look down to see Mando lying right under me. My hands were planted on his chest and my heart practically stops. I quickly get off of him and scramble away, falling right off the bed we were lying on. I land on the floor with a harsh thud, but I quickly roll back up to my feet, firmly pressing myself against the wall. 

"This isn't some early morning booty call that I'm trying to pull off with you! For Christ's sake Mae, open the damn door already!" Adrienne continues shouting, but her banging on the door comes to an abrupt halt. "Oh shit," she breaths out in a hushed tone.

Fast footsteps lead away from the door and everything falls silent. The door suddenly bursts open and three storm troopers flood into the room, their blasters aimed directly at me. My eyes widen slightly and my jaw drops as I try to find the words that wanted to come out. 

"Oh, what the fuck?" I breathe out. Apparently, that's all I could manage to get out. I could barely process whatever the fuck it was that was going on in my life. You know, after this shit, I think I have the right to call my life an actual shit-show.

"Mae Dameron, you have been subjected as a traitor to the Empire. We've been ordered to bring you in," the storm trooper in the very front says. I blink fast a few times, wondering whether or not I was in a dream. "Put your hands in the air and keep them there."

I slowly push myself off the wall and take a few careful steps towards them, raising my hands in the air. Are you fucking kidding me? How the hell did they find me that fast? I take a few quick breaths, trying to come up with a quick plan in my head. 

If I just use the force to get my saber-

Three blaster shots suddenly go off and the three storm troopers fall to the ground. Behind them stood the one and only Adriene Calypso, her arm raised with her blaster in hand. She was staring right at me, her grey eyes intense and annoyed. 

"Are you serious? I have been pounding on that fucking door for the past five minutes while you were boning the Mandalorian you travel with? It took three storm troopers for you to get up and out of bed!" she exclaims, pushing her way into the room. She kicks one of the trooper's arms out of the way, not seeming to care that there were now three dead storm troopers in the middle of the room. 

"I wasn't boning him-" I say, trying to defend myself as to why I hadn't opened the door right away, but she lifts her hands and cups my face, forcing me to look her in the eye. 

"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that the Imperial fucking asshole that stole your goddamn childhood from you is here and you need to get the hell off of Canto Bight right now," she says, grabbing my dress from the ground near the foot of the bed. She throws it over to me and I catch it, holding the thin dress close to my stomach. I look down at myself to see that I was wearing nothing but one of Mando's long-sleeved shirts. 

I'm wearing one of Mando's shirts. 

I was lying in bed with Mando.

What the fuck happened last night and how much did I have to drink?

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