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Mando and I stride into our usual cantina, the low buzz of chatter stopping for a few moments as the other bounty hunters scattered around start to spot the tall Mandalorian and I walk in. I slap a smile on my face and walk over to Greef, who was enjoying a drink at his own little table as he had always done. His usual smile burns through the crowded cantina, warming the room up. I slid into the seat in front of him, tilting my head to the side as I met his kind gaze. 

"That was fast," he says, stating the obvious while perking an interested brow. 

"Well, it was easy," I say, sliding over in the booth so my companion could sit as well. 

Mando drops all of the tracking fobs on the table before plopping down into the seat next to me. His leg pressed up against mine, but I don't make an act to move away from him. It was comforting being this close to him, especially in a room full of bitter bounty hunters who probably wouldn't hesitate to snap my neck if they had the chance. 

He subtly lifts his arm and rests it over the top of my shoulders before sliding it up to the top of the booth. My cheeks flush a light pink and I spot Greef's smile turn into a small smirk, his eyes flicking between the both of us. 

"I suppose I'll begin the off-load then," he says, nodding while pressing a subtle button on the table. I curiously narrow my eyes at him, but I quickly drop the uneasy feeling that had flooded into my chest for a few seconds. 

Here's the thing about Greek Karga: He is an absolute softy when it comes to me and he has been ever since we've met. It's pretty helpful in this line of work since he likes to give me some of the more high-paying jobs, but that's not the only reason I like him. 

He's one of the few people in the galaxy that has kept my dark little secret, the one that helped me land a spot in the harsh bounty Guild, and he's the one that introduced me to Mando all those years ago. At least one good thing came out of that train wreck of a partner job. 

A small stack of credits is suddenly placed on the table in front of us, snapping me out of my nostalgic daze of adoration. I furrow my brows, my eyes narrowing even more at the sight of the shiny Imperial credits that had been set in front of us. 

"Come on, Greef," I whine while shaking my head. He should know better than to give me Imperial credits, especially with my background. 

"Those are Imperial," Mando says, stating the obvious while agreeing with my whiny attitude. 

"They still spend in these parts," Greef says, sliding them closer to my partner and me. 

"I don't know if you've heard, but the Empire is gone," Mando continues, shaking his head. My body tenses up slightly at the mention of the Empire being gone, but I try not to show it too much. Mando tilts his head over to look at me, but I don't dare meet his piercing gaze. 

"That's all I've got-"

"I think we all know that's a lie," I say, rolling my eyes while perking a sharp brow. Mando grabs the fobs and pops up from his seat, but I quickly grab the sleeve of his shirt and pull him back down into his seat. He looks over at me and yet again, I ignore his stare. I wasn't about to let Greef pull something like this on me, especially when he knew how sensitive I got about subjects like this. "Come on, Greef. It's me," I say in a slightly sweeter tone, pouting my lips while staring into his kind eyes. 

"Fine," he says, immediately giving in. He sets a different stack on the table with a sigh. "I can do Calamari Flan, but I can only pay half."

"See? That wasn't so hard now, was it?" I say, winking at him. I earn a harsh eye roll from him and that just makes me smile a little more. "So, what else have you got for us?"

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