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"You're a Jedi," Omera gasps, her eyes widening as she took a small step away from me. I look up at her and open my mouth, taking in a deep breath as I tried to figure out what the fuck I was going to say to her. "It's okay!" she quickly exclaims, holding her hands up in a reassuring manner. "I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you," I sigh out, dipping my head as I mentally kicked myself for being so reckless. Why is it that after years of hiding this little secret from everyone, now is when I start to slip up? It's always that moment I think I'm safe that I get caught up in some shit.

"You're quite skilled," she says, smiling at me. "We once had a Jedi like you pass through here. He was a young man that looked to be just a little older than you, but his saber wasn't purple like yours," she explains. I let out a small sigh and look back at her.

"I appreciate you being accepting of this, but... The Mandalorian fellow that I travel with doesn't know about this and I'd prefer if it stayed that way for now," I whisper, meeting her eyes again. I'm sure she could sense the tension in my voice because all she does is nod her head with a curt smile on her face. She holds her hand out to me, her smile growing a little more as she waits. 

"Come, the Mandalorian and Miss Dune are looking for you," she says, waving her fingers a bit. I nod and place my hand in hers. She leads me out of the trees and I soon spot the whole village gathered around my two tall companions. 

"I was watching you earlier whole you were training. You're a pretty damn good shot. You know that, right?" I compliment, hoping to steer her mind away from what she had just seen me do. 

"Thank you. As long as I'm able to keep my village safe, it'll all be worth it to me," she says as I smile at her. We walk up to Mando and Cara as the villagers split off to where they need to be. Omera and I release each other's hands and I slowly cross my arms. 

"The sun is about to set and we'll be leaving soon. When we return, we're coming in hot," Mando explains, looking over at Omera. She nods her head and visibly swallows hard. She looks over to me for a moment before running off to her position. Mando looks over to Cara and nods his head once. Her mouth forms into a small 'o' while her brows perked up. She quickly walks away, making me furrow my brows as my partner in crime looked down at me. "Where'd you do?" he asks, placing his hand on the small of my back while leading me into the room that we were sharing. 

"I just took a walk through the forest," I say, nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders in hopes that he wouldn't question me any further. I already had to deal with Omera finding out that I was a Jedi of some sort. I didn't need Mando finding out too. "I kind of got bored just sitting in the room for hours on end."

"I see you took this along with you," he says, his gaze falling to the silver hilt that I was still hooked onto my belt. My face flushes a light pink and I nod my head. "Dug it out of your bag for a stroll?"

"I just like having it by my side," I say, nodding my head while narrowing my eyes a bit. He's getting way too close to the subject and it's starting to make my heart race. 

"Whatever you say." He looks away from me for a moment, his chest rising high as he took a deep breath. I perk a slight brow, wondering what was bothering him. I open my mouth to ask him what was wrong, but his words quickly cut me off. "Look, I don't want you fighting out there right now," he rushes out, his voice almost shaking with an uncertain nervousness. 

"I'm sorry- what?" I ask, furrowing my brows while cocking my head to the side, my mind wondering if I had actually heard him correctly. 

"You haven't fully healed yet and someone has to stay back and finish this whole thing in case Cara and I don't make it back," he explains, towering over my figure. He plants one of his hands on his hip while holding his other hand out to me as if that were going to easily calm me down. I shake my head and stare up at his helmet. I don't like that he's talking about himself as if he isn't going to come back from this job. 

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