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Seeing the fear on Julia's face was awful as I watched Guy draw his sword. How could he be so cruel? If he wanted to win over Marian so badly, he wouldn't be doing something like this. The sheriff must have gotten to him. My thoughts were interrupted by a frightened scream from Julia. Guy extracted his sword and she plopped to the ground. He flashed me an audacious smile.

"This is what will happen to whomever Hood helps next," the sheriff roared as Guy got on his horse. The knight, meanwhile, removed his hold upon me and snickered, looking at the one I loved. It was so unkind. My heart was broken as I fell to my knees. Julia lay on a small pile of leaves, some of which were caressing her head. I didn't watch as the sheriff, Guy and Knight rode away.

My attention went to Julia. I hoped she wasn't deceased. I hovered over her, noting she was still breathing. Guy had gotten her below the chest. Her breathing was uneven and difficult. Her eyes were barely open, and I embraced her cheek, trying to be of what comfort I could be. Djaq had to be here soon.

Waiting for the gang seemed like an eternity. Surely, they had known that the sheriff was not in the castle by now. Surely. I looked down at my lover. She opened her eyes more and attempted to sit up. I shook my head, letting her know that she should stay the way she was. "Julia, it'll be okay. Djaq will be here soon." With any luck, soon.

She tried to speak but her voice was only a whisper, "What happened? Where is everyone?" Julia was frightened but, I hushed her affectionately, kissing her on the forehead. Her face looked pained and I could tell that it was donning on her what had happened. She looked down at the spot where she was hit. "Oh no," was all she said as I grasped for her hand and held it close.

"Come on, Djaq," I mumbled to myself. It had been about a half hour since the Guy had left us and Julia seemed to be getting frailer by the minute. Finally, a few moments later, after I had prayed, the gang came to us.


Djaq sprinted down the hill quickly with a medical bag in her hand. She hurried to Julias side and I moved out of the way. The rest of the gang trailed behind her, rushing up to our friend. Robin looked down, distressed at what he saw. Instantly, when he saw me, he hugged me and apologized for not being there when I needed him most. He couldn't have known that this was going to happen, I reassured him. Still, I could tell he blamed himself.

Suddenly I saw him. Allan. He just watched over Julia, tears of remorse welling up in his eyes. He had regret on his face but, how did that help her now? He had gone too far, and he couldn't take back the dreadful things he had done to her. I thought about making a scene and shouting at him but, if Julia were to die, I didn't want that to be her final memory of me.

After talking to John for a few minutes, telling him what happened when they were at the castle, I went down and sat next to Julia. She seemed to be in the same shape as she was before. With Djaq there, her breathing had improved but, she was told that she shouldn't sit up just yet. Djaq had put a bandage around her torso. Julia's face had become peacefully since I last saw her.

"How is she doing?" I asked, smiling down at Julia. Knowing it would probably be a long time, I asked, "When will she be better?"

After giving Julia some medicine, Djaq gestured for me to stand up. "Much, I need to talk to everyone for a moment, okay?" She glanced down at Julia with a sensitive smile, "Someone will be right back, okay?" My love nodded as we walked over to Robin.

The gang, and Allan, huddled over by a tree. Djaq made sure to watch over Julia as she spoke to us with hushed tones.

"So, Djaq," Robin asked, "How is she?"

Instantly, Djaq had a somber look on her face. I could tell something was wrong. Would her recovery take time? My brain didn't want to go to the most desperate possibility yet. She had a bandage and that had to mean something. She was getting better right?

"Much," She said, trying to hold back tears, "She's dying." She put her arm on my shoulder and tugged at Will's hand for some sort of consolation.

"No," I instantly blurted out. "She has a bandage, doesn't she? She'll make it. You're wrong." Tears filled my eyes as I looked to where Julia lay.

"How long?" Robin asked, humbly.

"It could be a few hours to a few days," Djaq told him, "I'm not too sure. She was struck in her stomach and it hit something. She was bleeding severely when I got to her. I've tried all I know how, Robin." She turned to me, "I haven't told her yet, Much. Maybe you can?" I nodded and walked over to Julia and knelt down next to her. She lit up when she saw me. To me, it seemed like she would be okay but, I did notice that her breathing was still uneven.


"What was that about?" She asked, with a radiant smile. Julia noted my tears, "Much, what's wrong?"

I didn't say anything for a moment, I didn't want to. She was already distressed because she hadn't met her mother and more recently, she was wounded by Guy. News that she was dying would only make it worse. Tears again filled my eyes. Julia stroked my cheek, "What is it?"

"You are going onto another adventure, my love." I wept, not saying exactly what was happening to her. It seemed to help, and Julia understood what I had meant.

"Much," She sniffled, "How long do I have?"

I frowned, "Djaq's not sure. But I'll make sure that you're comfortable before you leave."

"I don't want to leave," Julia whispered, "I want to stay here with you."

I grinned as tears leaked from my eyes. I wanted her to stay too. This was too sudden, too much for us. "I know, my darling. I wish more than anything you could stay here too."

"Much, tell me a story," Julia smiled, as I dried her tears. "You always tell the best stories, and your voice is the last one I want to hear." 

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