Unwanted Guest

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"She's probably terrified in that castle," I frowned as I began to make lunch. "We told her she'd be safe."

Robin grinned, supportively, "I know. We'll get her out soon. We just need to make a plan. This is surely part of a rouse by the sheriff."

"What makes you say that?"

Robin picked up an apple and bit into it, "The timing is too seamless. The locket went missing, the spy came to be, and now she's gone."

I put turnips in the boiling pot. As Robin spoke about a plan my mind was somewhere else. I recalled making it to the courtyard, looking back and not seeing Julia. My heart fell and I stopped running. "Julia," I remembered shouting. She was nowhere to be found. Djaq paused for a moment and tugged me along, as I looked back in dismay. Julia was gone!

Will snapped his fingers, bringing me back into reality. "Much, are you okay?"

Startled and still blue, I responded with a no. "I love her, Will."

"What?" He questioned, taken back.

I smiled, with sorrow in my grin, "I should've protected her."

Will looked over a Djaq who was counting coins beneath the leaves that covered camp. He remembered meeting her and somehow it turned into love. "Don't blame yourself. You did all you could."

Suddenly, Little John came bounding into camp. He had been keeping watch. With Allan being the spy and working with Guy, the gang couldn't take any chances that the sheriff might find our hideout. "Robin, someone is coming!"

The place immediately got quiet. I stopped speaking and Will quickly turned, taking his axe out of his bag. I took the wooden spoon out of the pot. While not the best weapon, it would hurt a little. I stood and followed Will as we went back inside our fort.

"Who is it?" Robin murmured. "Did you see anything?"

"Looks like one of Guy's men." Little John told him. "I didn't see a face."

I heard a horse gallop and then it stopped. Hearing the rider jump off, I stood and looked to see who it was. To my astonishment and absolute disappointment, it was Allan.


Everyone pulled out their weapons, I rushed forward, angry at him for taking away my love. "Allan," I roared, "You took her away from me!"

Allan frowned, taking a step back, fearing we would kill him.

Robin got his arrow, pulled back and ready. "Give me one good reason, we shouldn't run you through."

"I've got this," Allan stuttered as he pulled something out of his pocket.

Everyone was anxious as he showed it to us. It was a small image of Julia and her father. Little John huffed, "I can't believe you took that locket from her and the small painting."

Allan didn't make eye contact with anyone. His face just fell. It was killing him inside to do this. "I, um, also have this." From his other pocket, he pulled out some parchment. On it was written a ransom note. Although we didn't bother reading it, we knew what it meant. Julia would be held until Robin came or if he didn't come, my fair maiden would be slain. I trembled at the thought.

"Allan, give me the painting!" Robin shouted. He put down his arrow, "We are not going to negotiate this."

"Robin," Allan spoke with a calm voice, "I can help you. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Our leader didn't meet his spy's gaze, he just looked at the ground in disappointment. "Everything we do has consequences. We can't choose them, Allan. You have to live with what you've done."

"It is killing me inside." Allan gave Robin the small painting. "What do I tell the sheriff?"

"Tell him whatever you want. If you really care about Julia, make sure she's safe." Robin turned towards us. "Much and John come with me to the town."


I was in stride with Robin as Little John trailed behind us. Anxious to get to the castle quickly, I walked speedily. "Slow down, Much," Robin told me as I waited to listen to him. "We need to talk about what we're going to do. We need to be smart about this."

I nodded, "I know. I just don't want her to be hurt, Robin."

"I know that you like her Much but, we can't let your feelings get in the way of our rescue. We need to be cautious." Robin smiled.

"You do the same when Marian is in danger." I chuckled. "What is our plan, by the way?"

As we walked into the main gates, it was apparent that the castle was on lock down. The gates to the square were shut and two, stupid looking knights guarded it by standing with swords in hand. Robin put his hand on his chin as we stood in the darkened eves of shops with hoods, obscuring who we were. "John, do you know how we can get our hands onto a ladder? We need one since we can't just stroll into the courtyard."

"I can talk to Beth." Beth was someone we gave food to when we delivered it on Thursdays. She was a sweet old woman who was taking care of her grandchildren. "I'll be back," John said as he disappeared into a shop. Robin and I were soon by ourselves.

"Why do you think it's on lockdown?" I questioned, "It's not like Julie is going to escape."

"I'm sure Allan told Guy I wasn't coming so, they planned ahead." Robin said, with his eyes fixated on the knights. "There must be some way to get past those two."

"You know, master, I am great at distractions." I quipped. Maybe I would be able to use one of my greatest skills here.

"Let's wait for John," Robin told me and I nodded.


Ten minutes later, John came back. He hastily walked over to Robin with a smirk, "We've got one whenever you're ready, Robin." He motioned towards a shop where Beth was standing in the doorway. She came hurrying out, gushing as she did so. Embracing Robin, he laughed and hugged her back. Beth was almost like a grandmother to him.

"Okay, Much," Robin grinned, spinning to me, "You can distract, and Little John and I will go into the castle, does that work?"

"Wait!" I thought, I wanted to be the one to rescue Julia. "Can John distract while I come with you?"

Knowing what I was up to, Robin chuckled, "Yes, come on."

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