A Spy

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Robin strolled in front of the gang as we began to walk to the great north road. He walked in silence. Something was on his mind. I could just feel it. Maybe it had something to do with my lost locket. We continued walking until we got to the hill that overlooked the road. Much stood by me as the gang surrounded Robin.

"A messenger from the king is supposed to be on this road," Robin stated, turning to the group. "His title is Favian of Kent and he's a spy for the sheriff."

Will questioned, "When is he supposed to pass through, Robin?"

"Later this morning," Robin answered. "Everybody get into position."

The gang then commenced spreading out. Much, Djaq and I found a pile of leaves and buried ourselves in them. Djaq instructed me to be quiet. I lay in silence, daydreaming, trying to take my mind off of the stillness that surrounded me. I dreamed about my father and thought about how he must have missed me so. He was probably jumping to conclusions about me getting lost. I had been gone for a couple of days and that had worried me. What was happening in the real world?

Sitting in the leaves felt like an eternity. I was bored out of my mind. Occasionally I would glance at Much who had his eyes open, ready for anything that would come. I could also see that he was thinking deeply about something as well. Maybe he was thinking of another place my lost locket could be. I was almost asleep when Robin spoke. He quietly came down from the hill on which he was perched. From the sound of his footsteps, I knew, somehow, that he was angry.

"He's been rerouted," Robin shouted, perking everyone up from their hiding places. I sat and looked at his red face. "Somebody has told him about us."

"What?" Much questioned, alarmed. "Why would anyone do that?"

"I don't know," Robin shook his head. "I think it'd be best if everyone went back to camp."

"Why?" Allan asked, clearly concerned.

Robin looked to the ground, "I need to talk to Marian."


As the gang sat at camp, we were all worried. The gang had never seen him like this and it had them very worried. Allan sat twiddling his thumbs as I watched Much pace back and forth. Djaq and Will sat in the back of the hideaway chatting to each other while Little John practiced his fighting skills, pretending to fight with an unseen foe.

Much was beginning to annoy me. I frowned and this caught his attention. "Much, if your so worried about him, you should go after him."

He shook his head. "I can't. He told me to stay here."

"I'm sure it'll be okay." I smiled at him, wanting him to get the answers he needed. "Just go."

He nodded and kissed my hand, "I'll be back, Julie."


I anxiously sat on my cot, awaiting Much's return. I imagined hundreds of alternative conversations between the Hero and Much. To me, Much was always getting yelled at by Robin in these imaginations and I always wanted to stand up for him. Somehow, Little John must have known what I was thinking when he sat across from me on Much's cot. He gave me a weak smile.

I returned his smile, trying to mask my concern for Much.

"I know you're troubled," He told me. "You needn't be."

"I don't know why Robin would do this." I stammered. "He seems angry at everyone. Is it because of my lost locket?"

Little John looked down at the ground and shook his head. "I don't think that's it. I'm sure he has a lot on his mind. Marian usually helps him clear it."

"I see."

"Where did Much go off to?" John asked. "Last I seen him, he was with you."

"He went to find Rob-" I started before I was interrupted by Much who rushed into the covered camp.

Much was obviously nervous about something. He stopped when he was in the center of the hideout. I hopped off of my bed and the gang rushed around him.

Djaq inquired, "What's wrong?"

Much put his hand on his hips, trying to regain his breath. "One of you is a spy!"

Allan jumped up, "What?"

"Somebody is a traitor?" Will asked, trying to put together his thoughts. "I can't believe this!."

Little John frowned in fury. "Who is it?!" His voice was loud, unlike the gentle giant sound I was used to. He scanned the gang, trying to see if somebody would break.

I was astonished. Nowhere in the legends had it revealed that a member of the merry men was a spy for the sheriff. I was in disbelief. Why would anybody do this to Robin and the gang? I glimpsed around the group, abruptly not trusting anybody, not even Much.

I was silent as I observed the gang blame each other. Much was the loudest of the group and he openly accused Allan. Allan, meanwhile, sat mute as the gang went about trying to outshine each other with claims. I had never seen them do anything like this before.

"Stop!" I heard a voice roar, who was coming closer. It was Robin. I turned to him as he stepped into camp.

"It isn't true is it, Robin?" Djaq questioned with sadness fixed in her eyes.

Robin frowned, trying to hide the unhappy truth from her. Clearly, he wasn't very good at hiding his real emotions. "I'm afraid it is. I just don't' know who it is."

Much piped up, "Master, Robin, it's not me. You know me, I would give my life for you."

Djaq seconded him, with the rest of the gang following suit. Robin had a predicament. Who was it? 

(This chapter is highly based upon the Robin Hood episode Ducking and Diving. The quotes used are my own and I have changed the plot of that episode to fit this story.) 

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