A new job

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He wiped the tears from his tearful face. Another failed job interview. He sighed shakily as he walked back home to his apartment, his steps slow and almost like he is drunk. The third one this week and he didnt managed to get any further with getting a job that could help providing them with food and rent. What a failure and a waste of the little money that they had to survive......

Scotland sniffed and wiped his face with his sleeve once again, glaring at the ground, but in reality he just was mad at himself. Only slowly and weakly he climbed up the stairs, knowing the disappointed glances that he will get from his other apartment buddies.

They counted on me and I failed them yet again................ He thought to himself.

He tried shaking off these kind of thoughts, but they always reappeared, especially since it had happened already once.


Ireland, Northern Ireland and England were waiting excited as Scotland entered the apartment. They were so joyful till this moment as they expected UK to tell them he got the job. Their problems would be solved and they could start to life more relaxed and freely. Ireland had opened his mouth to ask, but their smiles faded as they saw Scotland.

The oldest of them was soaked wet from the rain, his expensive suit, they saved money for months to buy that suit, was winkled and wet as well. Scotlands expression was one of defeat and deep sadness. Ireland closed his mouth again and the others all looked to each other.

Scotland looked to them sadly and wanted to say something, but he saw the flicker of disappointment in their eyes and decided to stay silent and looked away ashamed. They sacrificed so much to get him these job interviews and he failed them and made their life even worse.

So he just closed his eyes and walked past them all, not saying a word.

The only thing that could be heard after that was the slamming of a door.

Flashback End

He wouldnt be able to handle these looks again. He had cried all night long, thinking he was such a failure. But eventually he had to put himself together and start again. He was their only hope as the others had very bad jobs, but unlike Scotland they dont have a chance of getting a better one. So he looked at himself in the mirror and had started again.

And here he was now..................

He stumbled with getting his keys. His hands were shaking. He wasnt sure if it was from the cold weather and rain outside or his oncoming emotional breakdown.

Probably both...... He quietly told to himself as another tear rolled down his cheeks, the only slight warm feeling he had right now. He opened the door and was only met with a happy Northern Ireland. He sighed and knew he couldnt look him in the face. He only pat his head and went to his room, not seeing the sad look Northern Ireland had as he looked after him.

Scotland went to his room, well more like his and Englands room since they cant provide more room. He took off his suit and folded it so he could use it later again. Could....... He shook his head to get rid of such thoughts and changed into comfy clothes. His gaze went to his old desk. He sighed as he remebered when he used to sit on this desk, solving tasks till 3am and his roommates screaming at him to go to sleep. He let out a sad chuckle. He slowly walked to the desk, almost afraid to loose himself in old and painful memories. He let his hand move across the surface till he looked at the only photoframe that was on the desk.

It was painful to remember how he lost his dream job and with that the only stable incoming they had. After that everything had went downhill.

He walked away from the desk and out of the room. Thankfully all of his roommates decided to leave him alone and not ask him, knowing he was barely holding himself together. He walked into the tiny kitchen, smiling faintly at England as he had already prepared coffee for him. He looked into the fridge and his gaze darkened again. No food again.....

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