The Truth Part 2

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,,No we wont die like that!" Scotland suddenly said, grabbed Ireland and they both dodged TR, who wanted to tackle them. The two looked at each other and nodded to each other. Everything was black and they couldnt see anything.

Well except a pissed off animatronics that glared at them with glowing eyes. The two backed away and started to run down the hallway, but stopped when they saw FI at the end of the hallway. Both stopped and backed away, but TR came out of the office and approached both of them. Ireland hide behind Scotland and cried scared tears. This is the end....


The two opened their eyes again and saw FI unconcious on the floor since a treasure box from the Pepsi Cove fell onto him. FI groaned while Soviet tried to hide a chuckle, but his eyes turned normal so it was obvious. JE huffed and helped his idiot then.

,,Oops." Soviet said and tried to look guilty. The wolf animatronic then turned to the nightguards, but the two already ran past him. He sighed relieved. He is the only one knowing they are innocent beside Confederate. Not the other 3 though.........

TR glared darkly at Soviet, who now looked nervous and got scratched across the faceplate by TR.

,,You will pay later for that!" TR snapped at him, but stopped and his expression became less angry as he saw parts of Soviets outer shell falling off, revealing wires and such. Well more outer shell falling off actually. 

The two looked to each other, before the curse fully kicked in and they turned even more robotic, less concious. It always happens when they get very emotional, especially when they get angry. Soviet for feeling hurt and angry and TR for being angry, but also feeling very guilt for hurting the one he cares about most. Well atleast more than the other 2 idiots and the ghost.

The other two came too and all 4 walked after the two humans, who hadnt really used the time to get somewhere safely. Both were still in the main room, but they didnt know where to go. Then Scotland got an idea. He had seen the camera rooms so often so....

But they didnt had anymore time as the animtronics approached---

Until suddenly a pair of hands grabbed them amd pulled them into the Parts and Services room. Scotland and Ireland got shoved into the corner and the person pushed the table infront of the room.

Scotland felt dizzy, but looked up at the shadowy figure suspiciously. That until his eyes widened in shock

,,UK?" He whispered and said person turned around towards them. UK sighed and glanced at the banging door.

,,I can expl--" He was interrupted by Scotland grabbing and pinning him against the wall, ready to punch him.

,,DID YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM U--" He was stopped by UKs hand covering his mouth. Only that did he saw how close they were and he blushed. UK chuckled amused at that and once he saw that the other had frozen he let go of him.

,,No its not me and you need to calm down darling." He pushed Scotland away a bit and straightened his uniform.

Ireland looked confused between the two and how they acted towards each other.

Scotland sighed, but didnt left the other out of his sight. ,,Then why are you here?"

,,Because I knew that that will happen. I just didnt thought so bad."

Scotland froze again and then a fire was lightened. A fire of anger.

,,YOU KNEW?! Why did you gave me this godforsaken job!" 

UK looked at him with a calm expression and looked away. ,,I knew you were able to do that. I thought they would be more in control, but the curse does this...."

,,Curse?" Ireland asked confused and UK nodded. ,,These robots....they are alive like you already suspected.

,,But how are they alive?" Ireland asked more. UK shook his head.

,,I dont k--" ,,Your lying." UK looked up surprised and gazed into the hard gaze of Scotland, who glared even more at him. UK looked a bit more nervous.

,,Last time it just were manipulated robots, but.....that isnt true. These things are filled with a soul....of dead people."

Scotland and Ireland gasped in shock and looked to each other. Scotland grabbed UK tightly and slammed him against the door.

,,WHY do you know that? From WHERE?"

UK coughed quite a bit since that knocked the wind out of his lungs. He looked to the two and sighed, looking down.


,,I was the Nightguard before the former pizzeria..."

Ireland looked shocked at UK. Scotland frowned deeply, but then he remembered:

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,,Thats where these animatronics came from....." Scotland mumbled.

UK nodded quickly. ,,I wanted to find out about what caused this. So I took over and opened this restaurant." 

Scotland glared and let him go so UK fell down to the floor with a yelp. ,,Prove it! Tell us what happened in the former restaurant!"

UK stand up and looked to both, before sighing. ,, was a few years ago....when I needed money as a single father...." So he started.

The animatronics heard what was going on and by now took control over themselves again.

,,They are talking about our home pizzeria...." JE frowned and FI did too.

,,We dont wanna talk about what happened there!" TR snapped at them until they looked to Soviet, who was leaning against the wall, tears streaming down his face.

,,We need to face our past and dont deny it." He looked to the others with a hard gaze. 

,,Even when that had caused us to lose our children.........."

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