Chapter One Another Sister

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Mrs.Fong's house

Washington D.C.

1400 hours

December 10

Ben's P.O.V.

"How about you two go for a walk while I talk to Ms.Shang." I said to Erica and Elizabeth as we walked up the driveway. She gave me a quizzical look but nodded leading Elizabeth away.

I took a deep breath, stepped on to the porch, and rang the door bell. A woman who looked about 50 opened the door. She had blond hair, light skin, and brown eyes. She looked at me. "Yes?" she asked.

"Hello. You must be Mrs.Fong. My name is Benjamin Ripley." I said. As I said Ripley her face flashed with comprehension.

"Come on in." she said leading me inside to a room with 2 couches. She sat down and gestured for me to sit. Then she said, "Emma. Come down Honey." Then turning to me she said, "So you have come for your sisters. Let me tell you how we came to adopt them. So your mother was best friends with Catherine at the MI6 academy. But I was also in her ring of friends. So your mother, Catherine, and I would go on missions together. Then we all went seperate ways. I left the MI6 after I married. Several years later when we met I told her that we wanted children but we didn't have any. SO she gave me Elizabeth and later Emma. I took care of both of them. They can stay with you. But please can you bring them back to visit?" She asked finishing her story.

 I nodded as a bueatiful girl about 4 years came down. She had Hazel colored hair like my mother's,, Sea green eyes like me, and light skin."Yes mommy?" she enquired.

"Emma, meet your older brother who is a spy." Mrs.Fong said. The little girl then ran over and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. 

I looked at Mrs.Fong as Emma sat on my lap, "Thank you Mrs.Fong but I must leave. Do you want to tell Elizabeth?" I asked.

She smiled nd nodded. I thanked her once more and then said Good Bye leaving with Emma skipping at my side. Erica looked at me curiously as I told Elizabeth that Mrs.Fong wanted to talk to her. 

As Elizabeth went inside she came towards me. "Would you care to explain?" she asked as I smirked. Before I could reply Elizabeth came back outside and hugged me.

"So you are my brother." she said as Erica looked at me confused. As we waited for a taxi I explained about my family line, the note, researching about Elizabeth, and finally coming here. 

She nodded in understanding as we got into the taxi. The ride back was silent with Erica in the front seat, Elizabeth in the seat behind her, and me with Emma in my lap behind the driver. 5 mins before we arrived Emma fell asleep. When we arrived I picked up Emma in my arms as we got out. I was about to pay when Erica did it for me. I nodded at her gratefully as the taxi sped off. Then we made our way back inside. Since it had been cold we had been wearing jackets which we now preceded to take off. 

I turned to Elizabeth. "Why don't you go play with your friends? We will talk later." I said. She nodded and left. I turned to Erica and sighed. "Now for the hard and surprising part." She grinned at me as we headed towards Alexander's office. En route Emma woke up. To my surprise Erica helped her wash up and then we continued. Erica turned to me and wisphered, "She is cute." I grinned at her as we knocked on Alexander's door. "Come in." said a chirpy voice. I recognized it as Catherine's as I sighed and entered with Erica and Emma. When Alexander and Catherine saw us they hugged us and then Alexander looked at Emma picking her up and asked, "Who is this?"

"Ben's sister. He wanted to ask if she could stay with you." said Erica before I could speak.

Catherine nodded. "Of course. She can stay on Campus with us. But what about when we go on missions?" she asked.

I smiled relived. "She can go back to Mrs.Fong's house where she was staying. Though Catherine you might know her as Amelia." I said.

Catherine looked at me trying to hide her surprise. "Amelia?" she asked.

I grinned. "Yes the one you and my mother used to go on missions with."

She shook her head. "How did you find out?" she asked.

"She told me. Emma also knows about us being CIA." I informed her. She nodded and we looked at Emma who was sitting in Alexander's lap giggling as Alexander tickled her. Erica watched with amusment in her eyes. 

Then Alexander finally put her on the floor. Then she seemed to be looking at Alexander and Catherine for the first time, "Who are you?" she asked.

"Your Parents." I replied without thinking. Catherine and Alexander smiled at the compliment. Emma hugged them. "So can I go with Ben now?" she asked. Alexander and Catherine nodded as she took both my and Erica's hands leading us outside. Erica looked at me her eyes twinkling. "She is something isn't she?" she said. I grinned as Emma looked at us finally realizing that she didn't know where to go. 

"I want to see the guns mommy told me about." she said. I looked at Erica  who was grinning. I picked Emma up and we headed towards my dorm room. We all put on our jackets and then we headed towards the shooting range. When we got there Erica looked at me. "I didn't bring my gun since we had left the campus." she said. Instead of replying I took a gun from a concealed shoulder holster and threw it to her along with a magazine. Then I took a gun for myself, from a concealed waist holster. As Erica practiced I showed Emma how to use a pistol. To my and Erica's surprise she hit a bull-eye. I lookedat Erica mischeviously and said, "Erica Hale 2.0 is here." We both burst out laughing as Emma fired two more bull-eyes. A little while later as we were about to head back inside 2 men dropped down from a nearby tree. They attacked me and I realized that they were adept fighters. I attacked them with a combination of powerful punches and kicks sprawling them unconscious. Then a man in a suit who I had never seen before ran over.

Erica's P.O.V.

As we were heading back 2 men tried to ambush Ben. He attacked with several powerful punches and kicks knocking them unconscious. Then a man in a suit who I had never seen before ran up to us. He showed Ben something from his wallet, probably and ID which I couldn't see since I was helping Emma disarm the gun, and gave him something before leaving. As Ben read it his expression darkened. He burned it before walking over to us and accepting the disarmed gun Emma handed him. I looked around for the men and noticed they had run off. He turned to me. "Can you take care of Emma for awhile? I need to do something." he said. I nodded as he sprinted off. I led Emma back inside hopping nothing bad was happening.

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