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➹♡~IT had been a month since that incident. Y/n had managed to get over Sir Nighteye's death and was now getting ready to meet Aoi at the nearby mall. Katsuki had decided to follow her since he was protective of her and she was still slightly injured.

Walking into the mall, y/n hopped around excitedly, looking for a certain purple haired girl.

Suddenly, crashes and rumbles echoed throughout the mall as the whole mall shook. The ceiling from the upper level fell, crashing into y/n and Katsuki. Being able to react fast enough, y/n and Katsuki managed to avoid getting hit by all the debris, however, a few pieces still hit y/n. A little blood trickling from y/n's forehead, she walked around the mall, saving people who were still alive and under debris or running away. After managing to save many people, y/n couldn't find anymore alive people and allowed Katsuki to pull her to the exit while exploding all the debris still falling.

Still frantically looking around for more survivors, y/n spotted a familiar purple haired girl under pieces of debris. Eyes widening, y/n wiggled out of Katsuki's grip and staggered to Aoi.

"OI BRAT WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOU'RE INJURED! YOU NEED TO LEAVE! LEAVE IT TO ME TO SAY PEOPLE! UGH YOU BRAT!" Katsuki yelled, rushing behind y/n as her hair floated up in blue and her eyes glowed blue. Just as Katsuki managed to catch up to y/n, y/n shot forward with her increase in her abilities. Y/n was crouchihg beside Aoi's side now.

"AOI! WE FINALLY GOT TO MEET YOU NEED TO PULL THROUGH!' y/n cried in between sobs.

Aoi stirred a little hearing her friend's voice.

" y-y/n. I always knew we were fated ever s- since I saw you... I guess, we were, just never fated to meet in real life..." Aoi managed, coughing up blood in between her words. Managing a small smile at the end of her sentence, Aoi's eyes shut, she stopped breathing.

Letting out a cry of agony, y/n felt dust fall onto her. Right when she looked up, she spotted a huge piece of debris falling straight onto her, only to be blown up by Katsuki.

"OI BRAT YOU CAN'T JUST RUN OFF LIKE THAT! YOU'D PROBABLY HAVE DIED IF I WASN'T HERE AND YOU CAN'T DIE. Y- youre too important to me..." Katsuki yelled, faltering off at the end. Carrying y/n up like a baby, he made a dash towards the exit to get y/n to safety as y/n grabbed at air, as if trying to grab onto Aoi's lifeless body.

Y/n was now sitting on her bed with Katsuki beside her, patting her back to comfort her

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Y/n was now sitting on her bed with Katsuki beside her, patting her back to comfort her. She was hugging on to the teddy she from Aoi. Tears fell from her eyes, staining the bear's white fur. She clutched on to the bear, the incident replaying in her mind.

That night, y/n lay on her bed with Katsuki, the teddy bear in her chest and her head in Katsuki's chest

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That night, y/n lay on her bed with Katsuki, the teddy bear in her chest and her head in Katsuki's chest.

As y/n couldn't fall asleep, she stood up from her position, careful not to wake up as she concluded she had insomnia. Sitting at the desk in the corner of the room, she stared at Katsuki's calm frame.

It was probably 2 p.m. at that time.

Doing nothing, many thoughts flashed through y/n's brain.

'Katsuki doesn't kick in his sleep anymore.'

'Why am I in this world?'

'Should I join Aoi?'



'No shit, no negative thoughts!'

'Think... Crack head thoughts... Funny thoughts.'

'Ummm, I could have saved Aoi if I had reached the mall soo-'



Y/n screamed in her head as a throbbing headache hit. Y/n ruffled up her hair in stress, clenchijg her dust and banging her head, trying to get rid of the throbbing headache as unhappy thoughts flashed through her mind.

"NO STOP IT JUST STOP IT!" y/n cried, hitting her head repeatedly with her fist, not even noticing that her hair was now floating in a dark shade of blackish-blue as every thing in the room floated up. The room was now lit up in a dark blue glow.

Katsuki groaned, waking up from the loud scream. He rubbed his eyes. As his eyes finally adjusted to his surroundings, he sat up to see the room lit up with things floating around. Looking down, he saw y/n, lying on the floor, curled up in a ball as she repeatedly hit her head with her fist.

"STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!" y/n yelled, not aware of Katsuki in front of her.

"O-oi! Damn brat! S-stop crying and stop hitting yourself!" Katsuki exclaimed, stuttering a little, not knowing how to deal with a stressed crying girl.

Hearing Katsuki's voice, y/n stopped hitting herself and opened her eyes. Just when she was going to hide under Katsuki's embrace, the headache came back, due to the lack of pain to overpower it.

Y/n screamed in agony as Katsuki immediately rushed to her side, not knowing what to do with his hands as he awkwardly petted y/n's back, slowly starting to hug her.

His voice turning gentle, the side he only showed to y/n, he said, "shhh, it's fine... It wasn't your fault... Go to sleep, it'll all be fine..."

Taking in Katsuki's comforting scent of caramel, y/n forced her eyes shut, trying her best to ignore the headache. Slowly but surely, the headache faded off as y/n finally drifted off to sleep. All the items floating fell.

Katsuki carried y/n to the bed, putting his arm around her tightly as he, too, drifted to sleep.


Y/n's eyes fluttered open.

She was in the place she had met Aoi at.

Suppresing tears that threathened, y/n sat up and walked out of the cottage Aoi and herself had imagined together.

Walking out of the place, y/n saw many new additions to the place.

'Did someone else come here...?' Y/n wondered.

Confused, she walked around. As y/n walked into a newly constructed library, she looked around, only to see a familiar mob of pastel purple hair.

There Aoi was sitting on one of the seats. Wearing her signature yellow shirt with a blue jumper as a pair of red round glasses sat at the bridge of her nose.

Aoi hadn't noticed y/n staring at her since she was too immersed in the book she was reading.

Y/n crumbled as she let out a cry of happiness. Running to Aoi who's head shot up from the sudden cry, y/n tackled Aoi of the chair.

"I'M SO SORRY I COULDN'T SAVE YOU! I-IF ONLY-" Y/n yelled, only to get cut off by Aoi.

Smiling, Aoi said, "shh, it's fine. I'm not going to go... Ever since I, well, died, I've been here. So everytime you fall asleep, I'll be here!"

As the two stayed in the same losition, lying on the floor, they got up after a few moments.

Y/n wiped her tears and snot on her sleeve, only for more tears to leak down.

As Aoi comforted y/n more, the two spent their time together, as best friends, for probably forever considered that y/n might go there if she ever died as well.


Her body clock waking her up, y/n was now in a happy mood, however, y/n still felt tired. Eye bags sat under y/n's eyes as she hugged Katsuki tight, stuffing her face into the crook of his neck as she shut her eyes once again, trying to fall asleep due to the little amount of sleep she had gotten.

[Word Count:1315]

𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙚 || bakugou katsuki ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt