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➹♡~WALKING into the cafe she worked in, y/n put on the apron and went to the counter, getting ready to start working.

As she wrote down the names of the two customers that just came in on the paper cup, she paused. Y/n stared at the familiar name. 'Oikawa'

Y/n's head shot up.

"OIKAWA?!" She screeched.

"Aw shit another fan girl." The spiky haired boy behind the guy named oikawa said.

"The name sounds so familia- HUHHHH- OIKAWA THE FIRSTTT." she squealed, finally remembering the name


"Iwa-chan~" Oikawa pouted.

"I like this cafe we're coming here more often." 'Iwa-chan' declared.

"IWAIZUMI HAJIME?! IS THAT YOUUU? THE REALLY REALLY KEWL ACE?" y/n squealed once again, this time eyes sparkling.

"Wait so you recognize me and not him?" Iwaizumi asked.

"nO. I recognize him! He's oikawa the first."

Hearing that, iwaizumi burst out laughing as he bid farewell to y/n and dragged the so early unhappy oikawa to a seat.

Next, y/n's favourite red haired customer walked in.

"Y/n-chan, I'd like the usual thank you. "

"Oki dokie. Nagisa isn't with you today?" Y/n asked, seeing that the blue-haired boy wasn't standing beside karma. Shrugging, karma continued to chat with y/n seeing as there was no customers coming in at that moment.

UNTIL. A pomeranian stormed into the cafe.

"I need to talk to you." Katsuki said, slamming on to the counter for some reason.

"Y/n-chan~ do you know this guy? Should I drive him away?" Karma said, red eyes wide open as he stared at katsuki with his head tilted to one side.

"Nah, I know tis dood. He's the angry pomeranian I've been telling you about." Y/n replied before Karma attacked. Wiggling his eyebrows, karma nodded, backing away.

"I'll talk to you after my shift. It ends in a few minutes. Go sit there and do your thing I guess. Actually- don't, I want my customers to be alive." Y/n said to katsuki, ending her sentence with a smile. Grunting, he headed of to sit at a corner to wait for her.

As katsuki and y/n were walking down a short cut which was eerily quiet, he opened his mouth to say something

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As katsuki and y/n were walking down a short cut which was eerily quiet, he opened his mouth to say something.

"I- I've been having feelings for y-" He started, only to be cut off by a quirk pulling y/n away.

Now, y/n was standing in between four adults, one of them holding his hand which happened to be a knife at y/n's neck.

Katsuki charged at them without a question. But he was clearly holding back for the sake of y/n. Seeing him get hurt because he didn't want her to get hurt, a rush of anger overcame her. Her hair started floating again, this time, a red glow surrounded it. The man holding her hostage noticed it and tried to press his hand(kniFe) into her neck, only for his hand to twist abruptly, causing the knife to fall to the ground far away. The four man suddenly flew apart, crashing into dumpsters and buildings, each causing an indent in the things they fell in. Those who were still conscious rushed away in fear while those who were unconscious stayed limp in the spot. Y/n's hair stopped glowing as the red glow from her eyes dimmed. Eyelids drooping, y/n fell to the ground. Katsuki immediately rushed to her side to check if she was okay. However, he eventually found himself admiring her unconscious state.

𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙚 || bakugou katsuki ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant