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➹♡~FINALLY, the next test. The hundred students who passed the first test would be rescuing members of the Help Us Company who would be trapped in a disaster zone. They were professionals who had trained to act as citizens in need of rescuing.

A few minutes before the test started, y/n stood in front of katsuki, she found herself staring at katsuki as if everything else around them had disappeared.

Suddenly snapping out of her trance, y/n said aloud, "shit man I think I've fallen for you-"

yes, y/n be fvcking straightforward with her dayum feelings sometimes-

"WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE NOISE." Katsuki yelled, only to see y/n shrugging it off.

In reality, katsuki had actually heard what the e/c eyed girl said. His ears were slightly tinted pink as he thought of it more.

"shit man I think I've fallen for you-"

Her voice, her words were played on repeat in his mind. He scolded himself mentally for not using that perfect moment to confess back. He had been to embarrassed and pretended not to hear what she said over the noise.

The test had started

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The test had started.

y/n ran around the place, looking for civillians to help as a few others were fighting Gang Ocra in the front. Spotting an old man lying underneath debris, y/n rushed to him, lifting up the debris with her quirk. Carrying him up without hesitation, y/n reassured him that he was going to be fine.

"Sir it's alright, you're going to be fine, I'll make sure you're okay." y/n said, a reassuring smile past on her face. y/n settled the man down at the first aid area, continuing to reassure the man. Before y/n left, the old man told her she did great and that he would be giving her extra points.

As y/n saved a few more people, she received many compliments and a few criticism from the more stern and strict civilians.

After the rescue part, y/n went to clean up some of her scratches and injuries she had gotten by accident. Wearing another set of clothes now, y/n found katsuki in the crowd in front of the board where the results would be announced. Y/n scanned through the results in anticipation. Surprised, y/n easily found her name somewhere on top of the list with pretty high points. Next, she scanned the list again to look for a certain someone's name, only to realise it wasn't there. Glancing towards her right where katsuki stood, she decided not to say anything to trigger him at that kind of situation.

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𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙚 || bakugou katsuki ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant