6^ Connor's Mistake

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Nines doesn't want to wake up. His whole body is sore from a night of hardcore sex with Gavin. He has no doubt that Gavin probably feels the same.
     Alas, whether or not he wants to wake up, he has to. Nines groans softly as he forces himself to sit up. After a leisurely stretch, he feels much better. Nines looks down at Gavin and smiles at his sleeping submissive. He shakes Gavin's shoulder to wake him up.
     Gavin opens his eyes, stares at Nines, then closes them. "Please..." he begs. "I don't wanna get up... My body hurts so bad..."
     "So does mine, Gavin, but we have to work." Nines slides out of bed only to find that he's naked. It makes sense. The last thing he remembers is pounding Gavin into the bed before cumming and falling over, too tired to continue.
     "Ok, ok..." he forces himself up, stretching. But, he winces and groans in pain. Then, he falls down on the bed and groans. "Niiiiiness."
"Turn around, Gavin. Let me give you a massage." Nines watches Gavin turn around, and he straddles the man. "Where does it hurt?"
"Everywhere. Mainly, my ass. God, I'm sore as fuck, cause your dick is big as hell. I can still feel it," he complains, glancing back at Nines.
     Nines laughs aloud, leaning down to kiss Gavin's cheek. "I could get a smaller one, if you would prefer it."
     "No! No, please!" Gavin begs, reaching behind him to grab Nines' arm. "If anything, I would want you to get a bigger dick, but yours is just fine the way it is."
     "Don't worry, Gavin. I'll keep it. I like it as much as you do. So, now, I can jerk off under the desk when I see you," Nines teases, kissing Gavin's back. He runs his fingers over the various cuts and scratches that mark his back. "Are you sure it's ok for me to hurt you, like this?"
     "Yes! I like it, Nines. It's a kink, ok? I just... I dunno, I like it when you hurt me," he mutters. "And, I trust you. I know, you wouldn't hurt me unless I wanted you to."
     "If that's how you really feel, then alright. I enjoy hurting you, Gavin," he whispers, pressing himself against Gavin's body.
"Please, don't fuck me," Gavin begs, laughing nervously. "I just can't take it, right now. It would hurt too much."
"Of course, not, Gavin," Nines reassures him. He snakes his hands up and starts gently massaging Gavin's bruised body. Gavin groans softly. "I'll take good care of you. Also, I think the friction from fucking you might've given me a rash? I'm not sure, but it stings, and it's really red."
"Haha, are you serious? You got a rash from fucking me?" Gavin teases him.
"Can you blame me? I just got this thing. It's not used to fucking, yet. Give it a break, Gavin! You're so mean to my dick," Nines mock pouts.
"Ok, I'm sorry. Tell your dick that I'm sorry," Gavin murmurs, sighing softly.
"Of course. It accepts your apology." They both break out in laughter.
Nines gets up and grabs a bottle of lotion. He puts some on his hand and gently rubs it into Gavin's red ass cheeks. "Ooo," Nines hisses. "That's really red."
"Yeah, it stings like hell, but that lotion feels nice."
"I didn't realize that I spanked you so much, last night. It's kind of hot." He rubs lotion into Gavin's skin, moving down to his thighs. "I get so excited seeing my hand prints on you." Nines bends down and places kisses on Gavin steamed ass, feeling the heat that radiates from him.
"Next time we have unbridled, hardcore sex, like that, can we do it when we don't have work the next day?" Gavin asks dryly.
"Yes, definitely. Absolutely. That is a wonderful idea, Gavin. Unfortunately, I just had to fuck you, last night. I had to. There was no other choice. I mean, look at you! Look at this thing!" Nines places his hand on Gavin's butt and squeezes lightly. He would've spanked Gavin, but his poor submissive has had enough, for now. "You can't walk around with this ass, all day, and not expect me to want to fuck it into the ground. Like, you have so much ass, Gavin." Nines lays his head down on Gavin's butt and kisses his cheeks. "It's so soft and round. It's so perfect. And, it's all mine."
     "Ninessss," Gavin hisses, burying his red face into the bed. "You're embarrassing me!"
     "So, what? No one is here, besides us. Shut up, and let me worship this beautiful ass of yours."
     "We're gonna be late for work!" Gavin whines.
     "UUUUGH, fuck," Nines curses. "Your booty is so warm, Gavin. I don't want to leave. I want to stay here."
     "NINES!" Gavin whines loudly, frowning.
     "Ok, ok!" Nines laughs, reluctantly getting up. "I'll stop talking about how nice your little butt is." Nines stands and stretches, moving to the closet to get clothes on.
     "Great. Now, I'm self conscious of my own ass. Thanks, Nines," Gavin grumbles.
     Nines twists around, staring at Gavin with wide eyes. "I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Gavin!" he says quietly, pulling a pair of underwear on. "I just... I'm sorry."
     "Nines, don't apologize," Gavin murmurs, pressing his head into Nines' chest. "It's alright. I'm just not used to praise..."
     "As long as you're comfortable with what I say," Nines murmurs, kissing Gavin's head.
     "I love hearing you talk about me."
     "And, I love talking about you." Nines pulls away and goes back to getting dressed. He puts on a pair of black leggings and a tight shirt. "What do you think, Gavin?"
     Gavin looks over at Nines and walks over to him, smirking. "I think, you're trying to make me hard." He grabs Nines' butt and squeezes it, wrapping one arm around the Android and kissing him.
     "So, you like it? That's good." Nines turns around and kisses Gavin, leaving the room. "I feel.. strangely sad?" Nines questions as he grabs Gavin's keys.
     "Sad? What do you mean by that?" Gavin exits the room, glancing up at Nines as he pulls his shoes on.
     Nines looks down, working at his lip. "Well, I wasn't tired, last night. Well, I was tired, but I didn't want to sleep. So, I just streamed music in my head and listened to you sleep. It was nice, but it made me feel so... sad. I don't know." Nines shakes his head. "Whatever. It's fine. It doesn't really matter."
     Gavin stares at Nines. There's something in the Android's eyes that makes him feel like Nines isn't fine, but he doesn't push it. The last thing he wants to do is make Nines angry, because he'll be angry for days.
     So, he follows the Android to the car and lets him drive to work. The car ride is silent. Gavin can't help but glance over at him from time to time, wondering if he's ok. But, Nines' face is passive and emotionless.
     "Are you ok?" Gavin asks, breaking the tense silence between the two.
     "Of course. I'm fine."
     "You know, if you're starting to feel depressed, you can't-"
     "Where did you get depression from?" Nines glares at him. "Gavin, I'm fine. I don't have depression. I don't even think Androids can get depression!"
     "Really? Well, I never thought that I would fall in love with an Android, but look at me, now," Gavin continues. "I'm just worried about you!"
     "You worry for no reason," Nines scoffs. "I don't have depression. Me saying that I felt sad, last night, doesn't immediately give me depression. Depression is way more serious than just feeling sad, because I was listening to sad music," Nines explains, thoroughly debunking Gavin's worry.
     Gavin sighs. "Just... You'll be honest if you feel like that, right?"
     "Of course. But, I don't."
     Gavin goes silent. He places his hand on Nines' thigh and sighs softly.
     When Nines pulls into the parking lot, he turns the car off. Gavin leads him inside.
     Gavin looks over at Hank and Connor. They're laughing and talking, like they always are. Connor says something to Hank with a suggestive expression, and Hank smirks, firing back with his own suggestive comments.
     "You don't seem to get stressed when you see those two. You used to get so heated, when you saw them together. I wonder if that's because of me?" Nines murmurs in Gavin's ear.
     Gavin turns around. "Of course, it's because of you, tin can," he says, looking up at Nines. "Ever since I met you, things have just been better."
     "Hi, Nines!" Connor greets, coming over to us. "Uh... Hi, Gavin," he says a little more shyly, frowning.
     "Good morning, Connor." Nines nods. "How are you? How are things with Hank?"
     "Oh, I'm so glad you asked! I'm so in love with Hank!" Connor gushes. A light blush spreads across his face. "You know, it's hard to be me. A lot of people like me for being the 'famous deviant hunter,' but, I hate that title. I don't want to be known for hunting down my own people."
     "I can assure you, living with Gavin is way harder than anything you have to live with," Nines smirks, blinking slowly. He glances over to see that Gavin has already walked away.
     "No way! Hank is way worse!" Connor insists. "I mean, he's way better!"
     Nines laughs, grinning in amusement. "I'm sure everyone must want a piece of you."
     "You're not wrong, not really," Connor sighs heavily, and his voice cracks.
     "Are you ok, Connor? Did something happen?" Nines gently prods, immediately sensing his predecessor's distress.
     Connor glances around nervously, then grabs Nines' hand and drags him outside. Nines complies with the distressed Android. He watches Connor's LED spin yellow for a few seconds before paying attention to his face, waiting for Connor to speak. "You can't tell Hank!" he begins.
     Nines is confused, but he nods. "Ok. I won't tell Hank."
     Connor looks away guiltily, sighing softly.
     "I'm trying, ok?!" he snaps. "I just- I made a mistake, last night..."
     "What mistake did you make?" Nines asks patiently, remaining passive.
     "I was taking Sumo on a walk," he begins. "I was on my way home, when Sumo noticed someone that might've been hurt. I wanted to see if someone needed help, so I tied him to a post and made my way to the sound, and-" He cuts himself off. "Well, someone was there, but they weren't hurt. They weren't hurt, because they wanted to hurt me."
     Nines narrows his eyes. "What do you mean? What did he do? Are you ok? How did you get away? What did they look like?"
     "Hey, hey, don't bombard me with questions!" Connor whines, backing away. "Here. It's better if I show you." He holds his arm out for Nines, inviting him to probe Connor's memory.
     Nines glances from Connor's determined face, to his open arm, and he reaches out for him. Once he holds onto Connor, he accesses his predecessor's memory. He sees Connor cowering below a man as the man yells at him. The man looks drunk, but that doesn't justify what he did. He takes Connor's arm and slams the Android against the wall, causing Connor to yelp in pain. Nines can feel Connor's panic and confusion at being suddenly attacked, like this. The man begins to take Connor's clothes off, but he doesn't get very far before Connor begins fighting back. The man overpowers him and pushes him against the wall before stabbing Connor with a pole. Nines can feel Connor's pain as he struggles to get away. Eventually, he gets away and runs back to Sumo, taking the dog and leaving before the man comes back.
     Nines pulls away and holds Connor's arm above his head, before he reaches down and lifts Connor's shirt up. "You did treat this, right?" he asks, analyzing the half-assed way that Connor "treated" his wound. Nines sighs. "For fuck's sake. This is bullshit," he snarls, dragging Connor back inside.
     "It wasn't my fault!" Connor insists, following Nines.
     "I know. I'm not blaming you." Nines pushes Connor into the break room. "Stay," he orders, leaving to grab a first-aid kit. He soon comes back and pushes Connor down. Slowly, he takes Connor's shirt off.
     "W-Wait!" Connor stares up at Nines, flustered. "What if someone sees?"
     "We're not doing anything wrong, Connor. I'm not fucking you; I'm fixing you. Now, be quiet." Nines pulls Connor's shirt off, and examines his wound. "I'm disappointed in you, Connor. You could've done better with this! You know how to fix this!" Nines chastises him.
"I-I was in a rush! And, I didn't want Hank to know! I still don't!"
"Why don't you want Hank to know?"
"Know what?"
Nines and Connor look over to where Hank stands in the doorway.
"I know, this looks bad," Nines begins. "But, hear me out! Connor's damaged. He needs to be fixed." Nines bends down and pulls off Connor's bandages, analyzing the damage. "This is pretty bad. You're lucky, it's not worse."
Hank walks up to us and stares down at Connor's wound. "When did this happen?"
"It's Connor's story to tell," Nines mumbles, pulling at Connor's wires.
Connor reluctantly explains the story, pausing frequently to twitch and groan at Nines to be more careful. Nines ignores him. Eventually, Connor finishes his story, and Nines stuffs his wires back inside, satisfied that he's in proper working order. Nines wraps him back up and stands, blinking down at Connor.
"You should be fine."
"Thanks, Nines," Connor grumbles. He looks past Hank and freezes, eyes widening in shock.
Nines looks to where Connor is looking, and he understands why Connor's so shocked.
It's the man. He's here.

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