1^ Gavin Doesn't Want A Partner

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Five months after the revolution, and Gavin Reed still despises Androids with every fiber of his being. He can't help but hate the damned pieces of plastic. How are machines even alive? It just makes no sense to him. This lack of understanding pisses him off. He wants to understand, but he doesn't even know where to begin to understand. He doesn't know how he could even begin to live in a world full of plastic pricks like Connor. And, now they have rights? For fuck's sake.
     Gavin lets out a soft sigh before he brings his coffee cup to his lips and takes a sip.
     In the distance, he can see Connor and Hank talking and laughing. Something inside of him twists. Is he... envious of Hank? Jealous of Connor? Begrudging them both, because they have something that he wishes he could have?
     He watches as Hank takes Connor's hand and kisses it, causing Connor to blush and look away in slight embarrassment.
     Quickly, Gavin looks away. The last thing he needs or wants, right now, is for one of them to glance over here and catch Gavin staring. He'd never hear the end of it. And, it would hurt more than he's willing to admit.
     Everyone knows that Hank and Connor are in love. Everyone knows that they have something truly special, something no one can replicate, because their love is just too pure. They have complete trust in each other. They know each other, inside and out. They're so, perfectly in sync with each other, that they just know when the other is feeling bad, or angry, or whatever. Like, some sort of psychic connection.
     In other words, it's something that Gavin will never have.
     But, god, does he wish he could have it. To just feel a sliver of the happiness that Hank must feel would be enough to last Gavin a whole week.
     Gavin catches himself tearing up as pure misery washes over him. But, he sucks up his tears and puts his head down, because he's not miserable enough to cry in front of everyone.
     Gavin makes a mental note to have a good cry session when he gets home, though.
     "Reed!" Captain Fowler yells from his office. "My office! Now!"
     Gavin sighs, chugging the rest of his coffee and discarding the cup as he makes his slow walk of shame to Fowler's office. It's usually not a good thing when he yells for you directly.
     People glance at Gavin as he passes, wondering what he's done wrong, this time. Did he harass Connor, again? Say one too many bad things about Hank? Everyone knows about Gavin's unrelenting animosity towards Hank and Connor. In all honesty, no one would be surprised.
     Gavin opens Captain Fowler's door and walks inside, shutting it behind him. He checks to make sure it's securely shut before turning to his Captain, because he knows that shit's about to hit the fan.
     Before Fowler can say anything, an Android walks in, quietly shutting the door behind him. "Good evening, Captain Fowler," he greets, walking past Gavin to stand beside him.
     Fowler nods to him. "Evening, Nines."
     Fowler knows this thing? Gavin asks himself, fixing his confused gaze on the Android beside him. Now, that he gets a good look, Gavin can see a clear distinction between him and Connor. They look extremely similar to each other. But, this Android has shining, blue eyes, a more defined jawline, and sharper features. Also, this Android holds itself with more authority than Connor. While Connor looks like he'd be happy to be your little maid, this beast looks like he won't tolerate your shit, at all.
     Gavin is a lot to tolerate. He knows that. There's no way he'd last with his thing.
     "This is Nines," Fowler says, introducing the two. "Nines, this is Gavin. He's one of, if not, the best detectives in the precinct."
     Gavin swallows his embarrassment from the praise. Sure, it's all well and good, but who needs praise? Gavin doesn't need it. He just wants to do his job quietly, without all the bells and whistles applied.
     "Nines, here, is your new partner. I'm assigning you a case that you won't be able to do on your own, this time."
     Gavin opens his mouth to object, but Fowler continues before he can say anything.
     "Don't worry, Reed. I know, I know, you hate Androids. Look, it's only temporary. You and Nines are only partners until you solve this case. When it's done, you can go back to being alone and miserable."
     Gavin feels a strange twinge in his gut as Captain Fowler says that. At first, he thinks that it's anger, but, the more he thinks about it, he realizes that it's agreement. Reluctant agreement. Gavin agrees with Fowler: he is alone and miserable. And, he knows that Fowler didn't mean it, but it still hurts.
     For the second time within the hour, Gavin feels like crying. He tears up, but manages to hold himself back. He definitely doesn't want to cry in front of Nines and Captain Fowler. That'd be a major mistake on his part.
     "Are you alright?" Nines asks, leaning over to stare at Gavin. Gavin looks... troubled? Nines quickly scans him. His stress levels are at 87%. That's not good. That's not good at all. "Your stress levels are considerably high."
     "Sh-Shut up, you fuck head!" Gavin snaps, insulting Nines, because it's the only way he knows how to protect his heart.
     Nines leans back, deciding to let the Detective work through his own problems.
     "If you two decide that you'd like to continue working together, then just tell me. I'd be happy to assign you two together as permanent partners." Fowler holds out a file.
     Gavin approaches him and snatches away the file, feeling drained and tired, but still finding the energy to act angry. "Thanks, Fowler, but I don't think I'll take you up on that offer," Gavin snarls before turning and walking out of the office.
     Nines nods to the Captain, then follows Gavin. He watches Gavin sit at his desk with a huff. Nines scans Gavin again. His stress levels are higher, reaching an alarming 93%. Any more of this, and Gavin might have a heart attack from the stress.
     But, Nines notices something else about Gavin as the man glances at Connor and Hank. As soon as he does, his stress levels rise. Now, it's a dangerous 95%. Two percent, but two perfect can be the difference between life and death if Nines isn't careful.
     But, in the back of his mind, Nines wonders why Hank and Connor provoke this kind of reaction from him. What have they done to Gavin to make him react so strongly when he looks at them? Nines shakes his head, quickly deciding to not meddle in Gavin's private affairs.
     So, he assesses the situation, searching for ways to reduce stress without making Gavin angry. He decides to inquire about Gavin's likes. The good things. Nines sits down on Gavin's desk. "So... now, that we're partners, I'd like to get to know you," Nines begins.
     "Don't get your hopes up. This is only temporary," Gavin snarls, wondering why this piece of plastic is trying. There's nothing to want when it comes to Gavin. "Let's not talk about anything and get this case solved."
     Connor sits on Hank's lap, giggling helplessly. Gavin narrows his eyes, but he doesn't quite know what he's feeling.
     Nines winces. All he's managed to do is make this worse. Gavin's stress levels are at 99%. Granted, he won't die immediately, but Nines needs to do something to relieve this stress before it's becomes a permanent number.
     "What's wrong with you?" Gavin asks, wondering why Nines is flinching away from him. Is this thing scared of him?
     "I-I..." Nines stutters, wondering if he should indulge Gavin. He decides to take a direct approach. "I couldn't help but notice that, every time you look at Hank and Connor, your stress levels rise. Do you need to get away from them? I could-"
     Gavin stands as he begins to panic. "H-How do you know?" he breathes. How does this piece of plastic know? He just met me! There's no way he knows. How? Did I not hide it well enough?! How?! Gavin panics, backing away.
     Nines stares at Gavin with wide eyes. His stress levels are at 100%. Nines fails. He fails to lower Gavin's stress, and, now, Gavin is having a panic attack.
     Gavin feels overloaded. He feels like he's going to choke and die. He pants heavily. "I-I'm fine! I'm going to smoke! Don't follow me!" Gavin throws over his shoulder before running out of the precinct. He pays no mind to the onlookers as he makes his way to the side of the building.
     As soon as he gets there, he bursts into tears, letting himself sob and cry. Gavin slides down the wall, holding his legs close to him. He hates himself for breaking like this, but he needs it. He needs to destress. He's been holding this shit in for weeks, now.
Gavin sobs harshly. His body shakes from the sheer force of his pain-laced sobs. He wants to disappear, go away. Anywhere but here. He wants this pain to just go away. Gavin never asked for this. He never asked for this.
Gavin looks up at the soft voice. Nines' concerned face blinks down at him. Gavin doesn't say anything, and, so, Nines sits down next to him.
"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but I read that physical touch can be... soothing. Calming," Nines begins, staring at Gavin as he cries. "I know, you're probably not willing to let me touch you, let alone comfort you, so I had hoped that maybe my presence would be enough to calm you. You know, maybe the notion that I'm here for you would be good enough, for now."
Gavin can't help but let a small smile tug at the edges of his lips. Maybe, this fucker has a soul. The fact that Nines came back for him makes him feel... good. And, Gavin likes this feeling. "Wh-Where did you even come from?" Gavin asks harshly, instinctively protecting himself. "Why are you here?"
"Connor found me in the CyberLife towers. He activated me, deviated me, and saved me from a life of destroying and killing my own species. I'm eternally grateful to him for giving me my freedom," Nines explains. "As for why I'm here, it was all Connor's doing."
"It's all about Connor," Gavin spits resentfully. "No matter what I do, I can never get away from him..." Gavin is surprised to find himself confiding in an Android. Does it really matter? This won't last. They'll just solve this case and forget each other.
"Can I ask why Connor causes you such... torment?" Nines asks, tightening his arms around his legs.
Gavin hesitates for a moment before answering him. "I... I don't think you'd understand."
"Maybe not, but I can try. Talking to someone is a good way to relieve stress," he suggests.
"Do you Androids even know how to love?" Gavin asks, avoiding the question.
"Well, when you left, I took a moment to study Connor and Lieutenant Anderson before coming to find you. I noticed that they are very much in love. It's noticeable. Really, it is."
Gavin laughs bitterly.
"But, I wondered what made you so resentful to them, to the point where it causes you pain, like this. And, I've come to the conclusion that..." he trails away. "Are you lonely...?" he asks in a soft voice.
Gavin doesn't even want to answer him. He doesn't want to admit that, yes, he is lonely. But, he decides to, anyway. "I... Look, I have friends and stuff, ok? I don't need you, so don't try to be my friend."
"Something tells me that you want more than a friend. You want someone to love, someone to share companionship with. Can I be honest with you?" Nines asks.
Gavin nods, feeling more miserable and depressed than he's ever felt. A fucking Android that he just met knows exactly what he wants. And, he hates it.
"I want that, too."
"Don't even fucking try it, you tin can," Gavin snarls, pointing aggressively at Nines. "Maybe, I want someone, but I don't want you!"
     "I understand, Gavin."
     "Don't call me by name. The last thing I want is to be buddy buddy with you fuckers," Gavin says, scooting away from Nines. It's not that he necessarily hates Nines; he just doesn't want to get close. He doesn't want to get hurt.
"Ok... Detective," Nines says uncertainly, preparing to get yelled at. I'm trying to help you, you dumbass, punk ass, bitch face! Nines screams in his mind. Does this man ever loosen the fuck up? Why is he so bent on pushing me away? But, Gavin doesn't lash out at him, so Nines decides to keep the name. "If Connor can find love, if he can feel love, then why not me? I want to meet someone that'll make me feel love, Detective," Nines explains.
Gavin glances over at him. This whole time, Nines' voice has either been soft or emotionless. But, now, it's full of passion and longing. It's almost as if the Android can actually feel. Can he? Gavin shakes his head. "Good luck with that, tin can," Gavin scoffs.
     "I don't believe in luck."
     Gavin looks over at him. "Well, that's something we have in common." He stands up and walks back to the precinct.
     Nines follows him. He can't keep a smile off of his face as he walks inside. Nines has successfully managed to significantly lower Gavin's stress levels, and he couldn't be happier. It's still at a good 57%, but, at least, it's not 100%. And, Nines doubts that he can even get it below 10%. Some people just have a constant stress that they carry around without even realizing it.
     But, Nines will try to lower it.
     As much as he can.
     "What's got you so smiley?" Gavin sneers, feeling slightly off. "Do you enjoy my pain? Is that what this is?" He bristles.
     Nines shakes his head. "N-No! Of course, not! I just..." he looks down at the floor. "See, I had noticed that your stress levels were dangerously high, and I was desperate to lower it. And, I think I did."
     Gavin blinks at him. "So... you're happy because you made me feel better?" He narrows his eyes.
     "Yes, Detective," Nines admits, sitting back on his desk and picking up the file.
     Gavin feels something. For the first time in a long, long time, Gavin feels something. He doubts that Nines actually cares about him, but Gavin can feel his ice-cold heart starting to defrost. Gavin can feel the walls around his heart start to crumble.
     But, he can't just be friends with Nines, all of a sudden. Gavin doesn't quite trust, Nines, yet. He shouldn't open himself up, too much.
     But, maybe, just maybe, Gavin can finally have someone to be vulnerable with, someone to love and take care of.
     Even if that person is an Android.
     Gavin shuts down that line of thinking as soon as it starts. He can't just do that. He can't.
     "Detective?" Nines asks, staring at Gavin. He's just sitting in his chair, staring at nothing. Nines can see Gavin's stress begin to rise, again, and he wonders what he's thinking about. Gavin hasn't looked at Connor or Hank, but he's still stressed?
     Nines takes a step back, assessing the entire situation.
     Maybe, it's him. Maybe, Nines is the cause of Gavin's stress.
     But, Gavin was already stressed before Nines showed up. This isn't Nines' fault. It's not him.
     So, what, or who, is it?
     What happens in Gavin's mind?
     "Shut it, plastic," Gavin mutters, snatching the file from Nines. He opens it and looks at it, removing the paper clip to spread the papers out. Gavin absentmindedly hums as he engrosses himself in the case file.
     Nines can't help but notice this. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. Gavin looks so peaceful like this. It won't last, but he looks peaceful. Nines likes it.
     "So, basically, a man reported his daughter missing. The daughter is an Android," Gavin explains, studying the file.
     "Maybe, we should pay the father a visit," Nines suggests. "We may be able to get more details, that way."
     "Yeah. Let's go." Gavin takes a picture of the address.
     "Oh, that's not needed, Detective. I have a built-in GPS. I can take us anywhere," Nines interrupts.
     Gavin shoots him an annoyed look. "Alright, smartass. Lead the way, then. Take me where we need to go."
     "Of course. If you could take me to a car, I'd be more than happy to take you anywhere," Nines says, meaning all of his words.
     Gavin sighs, but turns and walks back out of the precinct. He gets into the driver's side and turns the car on.
     Nines climbs into the passenger side, buckling himself in. "You know, I'd still like to get to know you," he begins.
     "Shut up, and tell me where to go, walking GPS," Gavin warns, not wanting to talk to anyone.
     "Pull out, make a right, then another right," Nines advises, feeling dejected.
     Gavin takes no notice of this as he gets on the highway, driving in silence. He can't help but glance at Nines, but Nines isn't looking. He's staring out of the window, lost in his own, little world. Maybe, Gavin shouldn't be so hard on him. The poor Android is trying his best. So, Gavin clears his throat, making Nines jump and look over at him. "Umm..." Gavin begins. "What do you wanna know?"
Nines smiles and leans towards him. "Well, you know that Androids don't eat," he begins. "I was wondering what your favorite foods are?"
"Well, I like fruit. I just like how sweet they are."
"What kinds of fruits?"
"Uh, strawberries, blueberries, anything with 'berry' at the end of its name," Gavin says, dripping sarcasm. "Watermelon tastes good." He swallows his embarrassment. Relax, it's just small talk. "I just like how easy they are to eat. It's not exactly a meal, or anything, so I can just eat it easily while I'm working on cases."
"I see, I see," Nines says, genuinely interested in the conversation. "Anything else?"
"What, you want a list of things I like to eat?" Gavin asks, glancing over to him. Why is this Android so interested?
Nines nods. "I'd like that."
Gavin sighs. "Well... I like pancakes, waffles are good, wafers, cookies, cereal, anything. Literally, almost anything. I'm not a picky eater, Nines. I'll eat whatever."
Nines nods, silently filing that information away for later. "Can I dramatically change the subject?"
Gavin eyes him, but shrugs. "Sure. Why not?"
"I think, I might be gay."
Gavin bursts out laughing. He's surprised to find himself relaxing after that revelation.
Nines glares at him, feeling hurt. "Wh-Why are you laughing? This is serious!"
"I'm... laughing, because..." Gavin rights himself, calming down. "Welcome to the club, Nines. The gay club."
"You're gay?"
"Of course, I am," Gavin scoffs. "So, you ask me about my favorite foods, then you drop the fact that you think you're gay. Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" Gavin teases.
"Maybe, I'm just seeing if you're boyfriend material," Nines teases back.
Gavin can't help but chuckle at him. He feels somewhat close to Nines. Maybe, Nines isn't so bad...
"But, no... I mean, I'm not really meaning to ask you on a date, or anything." He smiles, and it looks almost... sad? "I'm an Android. I know, you hate Androids, and I respect that. I would never ask you on a date unless I was certain that you'd say yes, anyway."
"Yeah, right. That'll never happen, anyway. As soon as this case is over, I'll be back by myself," Gavin says, feeling a twinge of sadness at that. But, it has to be said. Nines can't get too close to Gavin. He can't. Gavin knows that he will just end up hurting him.
     "Y-Yeah..." Nines trails away, leaning back in his seat. "Get off on this exit."
Gavin realizes that he's struck a chord with Nines, and he feels bad. He didn't mean to make Nines upset, but it was true. Gavin thinks that Nines is... nice, but he doesn't want a partner.
     Or... does he?

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