☆ Chapter Twenty-Six: The Body Parts that Must Not be Named

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      "You look like you're going to a funeral."

      "Well, maybe I am."

      Midge gave her a disapproving look, "You're not Dostoevsky, you don't need to be bleak about the human condition all the time."

      "That reminds me — you should reference more Russian literature in your acts. If the drunken beatniks at The Gaslight can understand you, then I'm sure the snobs of the Catskills will too." Valerie seamlessly deflected. Her friend's unhappy glower persisted, and she huffed. "Is this a new rule you forgot to tell me? We can't wear black on the same nights?"

      Side-by-side, they rattled in the backseat of Noah's melon green Buick Skylark, the night sky flickering past them silently through the windows. A few hours ago, before the rush hour of traffic on the I-87 North slammed the getaways out of the city, both comics had been (furiously) informed by Susie about a booked performance for the pair back in the Catskills. The Concord Hotel was untouched by Harry Drake's influence, therefore readily available for the taking. Neither Midge or Valerie had ever performed in a non-club before, and scarcely had they been paid, so this gig provided a good opportunity for them to get out of their comfort zones. 

      In an effort to avoid overcrowded and bemusing bus schedules, the pair of comedians were lucky enough to tag along on Noah and Astrid's journey. As promised earlier in the summer, the young Weissman couple were joining their family at Steiner's, away from their one-bedroom apartment in Poughkeepsie. Valerie had met up with the group outside of the Bronx, her tiny suitcase repacked and an longing ache for the city already forming in her chest. 

      Since they were performing on the same night — albeit separate routines — for the first time in awhile, Valerie thought it'd be poetic to wear something black. Due to her love of traditions, Midge possessed the habit of donning black cocktail dresses for her shows. With the nullified wedding ring on her left hand and the signature curls, it meshed well with the housewife-turned-entertainer persona of Mrs. Maisel. Valerie didn't plan out her outfits that strategically, but she always made an effort to wear something nice. Tonight though, she opted for a black dress. 

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