Ending The Frustration

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Fortuna Major." I spoke and the fat lady let the door pull open. I entered the common room yawning, only to be paused by a group awaiting in the red couches by the fireplace.

"Where you been?" Ron asked. He was in his red and white striped pyjamas. Beside him, Hermoine sat, still in uniform and Harry still in what I'd found him earlier.


"Are those Harry's slacks?" Hermoine asked, standing and pitching in.

"What?" I looked down at myself and then them.

"Yeah, and whats with the glasses?" Ron asked.

"Whats with the questions?" I budged. I pulled off the glasses and the shirt on top of the grey shirt I wore under.


"You all know I have business with Dumbledore and I am not liable to answer any questions." I spat.

"You stole my clothes and my face for a reason, I'd like to know why." Harry finally chimed in, walking around the couches to face me right where I stood.

"Hmm. You know what. Fine." I placed hands on my waist, "I took your face and went to catch a drift of the oncoming death eaters. Nothing serious, all work. Boring." I looked at all three.

"You look blasted." Ron answered.

"Interaction was involved." I crossed my arms feeling a crack sound in my back. A soft grumble came from my throat and I cleared it off.

"You're messy." Hermoine pointed. I looked at my figure, covered in dust.

"Its not bad." I shrugged.

"You look like they buried you under cement." Ron shook his head.

"I just need to get changed." I looked between all three. Harry walked closer.

"Why are you scouring the area? There are aurors searching and protecting the grounds, why do you have separate rounds?" Harry asked with raised brows.

"I dont question what Dumbledore asks of me." I answered, firmly. He looked at me still with a bit of annoyance ticking in those brows of his. The man was adorable but a sticky pain in the ass when he wanted to be.

"Dumbledore asked you to get blown to bloody hell?" Ron barged through.

"No, he actually told me to stay clear. I messed up. Not his fault, is it?" I shrugged.

Hermoine and Ron looked at each other.

"If mum knew-"

"Honestly, Ron, are you going to tell mum about this now? Haven't we enough on our plate with all the Phelgm and Death Eaters?" I groaned.

"Ginny, you could die." Hermoine spoke worriedly.

"It'd be for a cause needed to be worked through right now. I'ddo anything to protect a man who did not only give me another chance to be alright but is probably the only wizard who can win us this war." Somehow those words were heavy on my heart as I matched Harry's questioning gaze. His eyes turned wide and then solemn. He seemed to clenching his teeth and his knuckles whitened beside him.

"You are fifteen." Ron took my shoulder.

"And what did you all do last year?" I cocked a brow at him. He let go of my shoulder, "I remember something along the lines of Dumbledore's Army? Is that right?" I played a fool and Ron rolled his eyes.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now