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"Do you think Chiron knows?" Patroclus asks for a third time today. Patroclus has always been different, in the way that he cares what people think. He is very sensitive, which is something I admire about him; he keeps me human. Most people would get tired of someone asking them the same question incessantly, but I will do whatever I can to comfort Patroclus when needed.
"Does Chiron knowing bother you?" I ask.
He ponders this, his brown eyes full of thought.
"No." He says finally, sighing.
"Chiron is wise and honest, I do not think judgement is something he speaks unless it is absolutely necessary." Patroclus nods.
We are laying on the creek bank. I watch Patroclus' lean body glisten in the sunlight. The water from the swim we did minutes earlier leave his skin like shimmering diamonds. When he catches me starring I blush.
"Achilles I think you are the only person in the world who will ever look at me like that." Patroclus says
"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask. Patroclus looks at me a long moment before replying.
"Achilles, you are beautiful, and millions of people in the world have and will look at you as I do. I am just different." He says, not sadly just passively.  Patroclus can be stupid sometimes.
"Patroclus, people will look at you as I do, I am sure of it. And I don't care how many people look at me with desire because I only have eyes for you." Patroclus nods slowly, unsure. I lean up and kiss him. We melt into each other and when we break apart I look at him sternly.
"I do not like when you talk bad about yourself Patroclus. In my eyes you are faultless." Patroclus smiles softly and leans up to kiss me. When we break away we put a foreheads together, our noses brushing ever so slightly. It is in these moments where I forget the future I was made for.

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