His Touch

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We lay on our backs in the grass. Chiron told us we could take a day off from our lessons because the weather was so beautiful. We are trying to decipher things from the clouds in the sky.
"That one looks like an owl." Patroclus says
"No, I think it looks like a frog." I say
"Well you are wrong Achilles." Patroclus sings. I turn to face him.
"How do you see an owl? Clearly the small clouds at the bottom are the frogs feet." I argue. He turns to face me.
"The small clouds are in the front and it's the owls eyes." He says eyes narrowing. I roll my own.
"Patroclus, you are wrong." I say pointing my finger at his chest.
"Achilles you are-" before he can finish his sentence I tackle him. We roll side to side and eventually I land on top of him. I sit on his stomach pinning his legs with my thighs and his arms with my hands. I smile.
"Patroclus it seems that you are in no position to argue with me." He narrows his eyes while I yawn at his misfortune.
"Achilles!" He whines. But all I do is begin to whistle.  We stay in this position for a couple minutes before I begin to get bored.
"Perhaps I could be persuaded to let you go if you changed your mind about what the cloud looks like Patroclus..."
He says almost silently "fine it looks like a frog."
"I'm sorry but it seems like I've gone partially deaf, would you mind saying that again?" He gives me the death glare.
"The cloud looks like a frog!" He shouts.
I smile, releasing the pressure off his arms and legs. With his new found power, he switches our position so he's laying on top of me. I could easily pull him off but I decide to give him a win.
He opens his mouth but I interrupt saying "my dearest Patroclus the cloud looks like an owl."
"You're no fun" he says frowning. I smile. He releases the pressure off of me and we lay how we were before, facing each other. His head is on top of my arm and his arm is under my ribs brushing my shoulder. I look into his deep brown eyes while he looks into my green ones. I trace my hand over his nose counting his freckles. I trace his jaw, it is more defined than how it was when we were younger. He does the same to me. I pull him closer until we are embracing one another, I can feel his breath on my cheek. I cradle his jaw with my hand feeling the warmth of his skin. He traces my spine and arms eventually cradling my neck. I shiver.
"I want to stay like this forever." He says softly. His words tickling my check. I smile. In response I kiss his forehead. He looks at me and presses our noses together. I close my eyes and we stay like this until Chiron calls us for dinner.

That night I am hyper aware of Patroclus' touch and hunger for it. I only wish I knew if he felt the same. He faces me before we drift off and we put our foreheads together. In this moment I do not desire fame or wealth or glory. I desire Patroclus. I desire his words his touch his smile his lips this and this and this. I desire Patroclus more than the world.
Sleep takes me in her arms with Patroclus' and I's foreheads still touching, our breaths synced together.

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