4 - Protective Wings

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Diaval was impressed by the courage of the young woman who headed into the Moren all alone. The same could be said about Maleficent. He could see it in the way she looked at the girl, almost as if she was watching a younger version of herself.

Oddly enough, he also had a strange feeling in his stomach when his eyes followed her. He felt a strong urge to protect her, for his animal instinct told him that the young woman was in danger of which she wasn't aware at all.

. . .

"You want to go with her, don't you?" Maleficent asked him one day. He was just done preparing a stew, but his thoughts had indeed been with the girl.

Diaval didn't know if it was wise to give an honest answer. He owed Maleficent his life, and he had no idea how she would respond if he left her to keep an eye on another woman. Maleficent needed him, even when she didn't want to admit it. She liked to be alone, but she feared loneliness. 

Maleficent didn't need an answer: she had already jumped to conclusions and knew she was right. "Why does she intrigue you?"

"She intrigues you too," he shot back.

A hint of a smile was visible on her face. "For different reasons, I dare to state. She reminds me of my younger years, but I can't imagine the same goes for you. She doesn't exactly look like a raven."

Diaval felt his cheeks glow, and before he knew it, he had transformed into a raven. It didn't happen a lot that his brain decided that he rather wanted to be a bird, and Maleficent raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Walking over to the kettle, she filled a bowl with stew while shoving a bowl with peanuts towards him, in which he started to peck eagerly, hoping his sudden transformation wouldn't give her a reason to elaborate on the subject.

"I think it's a good idea if you keep an eye on her," Maleficent said to his surprise. Her words startled him and he choked on a peanut. A scraping sound escaped his beak; eventually, the peanut glided down his throat. "I'm also curious to see if she will find her father. I can't imagine, to be frank. It tickles my curiosity to see how long she will keep searching."

Diaval didn't answer. Right now, he wouldn't be able even if he wanted to. Pecking a few more peanuts from the bowl, he jumped up and flapped his wings until he landed on Maleficent's shoulder. Her cold fingers caressed his plumage, and he turned his head to look at her. With an earnest but small smile, she nodded.

"Report to me."

Diaval croaked, then he flew out and quickly gained height. Not long after, he grazed the treetops, hoping to pick up Alesana's trail.

As night fell, he hadn't found her yet. He searched for a sheltered place close to the rock wall and transformed back to his human form, in which he felt safer. This way, he wouldn't end up as some foxes' meal. Hopefully, he would have more luck tomorrow.

The fear that he was too late and that she'd already found death kept gnawing at him all night long so that he was barely rested when the sun rose above the treetops the next morning. Also, Diaval wasn't quite sure what he would do once he'd find her. Would he hide as an inconspicuous bird in the branches while keeping an eye on her surroundings? Or would he show himself immediately to her, so she wouldn't get the impression that someone was stalking her? He had no idea how she would respond to the fact that he was actually an enchanted bird. Maybe she didn't want anything to do with him at all. After all, people weren't exactly a big fan of magic.

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