16 - Strangers

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Diaval and Alesana left the tower behind. There were many questions she wanted to ask the young man, but something kept her from doing so. Despite his good care, she didn't completely trust him. He seemed to be hiding something, although she didn't know what caused that feeling. Often, he avoided eye contact or stared absentmindedly into the distance. 

It didn't take long before Alesana realized that the man wouldn't make an effort to erase her doubts. Up to now, he was a closed book, although he was helpful. Apparently, it was not in his nature to share information, but that didn't mean that he would bluntly ignore her questions. She could always try to see what she could shake loose. "Where do you live? Are there human villages in the Moren?"

"I don't have a permanent residence. I go where I'm sent."

His words called up a gloominess that touched her heart. "Are you her servant?"

It sounded like a hard life when you were always sent from pillar to post; when you didn't have the freedom to make your own decisions. She didn't wish a life like that for anyone.

"I serve the lands we live in. Maleficent steers me in the right direction, like a commander watching over her troops."

"Then why are you protecting me?" she asked quietly. Her words weren't meant as a reproach, she was only trying to understand why he cared about her, trying to find a reason to trust him. "I don't belong to these lands, right?"

The blush on Diaval's cheeks surprised her. What was that supposed to mean? Did this red glow announce a lie? 

"You are a visitor in these lands. Strangers are highly unusual around here, and unwanted in many cases, so if anyone needs protection it's you."

"Most creatures I encountered during my journey didn't even turn their heads when I walked by." Despite all the stories Alesana heard about the Moren, she couldn't imagine real dangers were awaiting her. This place was so beautiful it seemed impossible that creatures with dark hearts were growing up around here. 

The young man looked at her from the side. His raven-black irises seemed to reflect her doubts. 

"Do you remember the white bats?"

Unconscious, her fingers stroked her upper arms which were still bandaged. Of course she still remembered those monsters! How could she forget? 

"Their presence in the Moren is as exceptional as yours."

Confused, she turned her face towards him. 

"I'm sorry," he spoke softly. "I don't know why you were attacked, but I don't believe it's a coincidence."

A shiver crept down her spine, leaving goosebumps that even spread towards her toes. 

Why would there be bats after her? Had someone sent them? Was someone trying to prevent her from finding her father? At least it would mean that he was still alive, right? 

"Raven..." Suddenly, she thought of the loyal bird. "Did they capture him?" She couldn't imagine that he had abandoned her. Panic squeezed her throat. Every breath she sucked in, convinced her that something horrible had happened to Raven. Maybe another swarm of bats caught him so that she was distracted from her search!

"Calm down," Diaval soothed. For a moment, his fingers closed around her wrist, but they disappeared once she focused on him. "I will find him."

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