A short Story

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                  Back in Highschool

Bakugou walks out of the bathroom a towel around his waist and his hair down and wet, Kirishima glances over and chuckles at Bakugous wet and down hair, he looked like when a Pomeranian got a bath. Bakugou'a growled and glared at Kirishima while taking the towel around his neck and start to dry his hair off making it poof up Kirishima laid on the floor and started to die laughing Bakugou threw the towel at him without grumble while walking over to his closet and starting to get dressed the towel hit Kirishima in the faces making him laugh more.

"Shut up before I blast you away!" Bakugou growled when he finished getting dressed and crouched over my Kirishima, Kiri sat you and took the the towel and started to twist it, Bakugou raised an eyebrow just before Kirishima snapped him with the towel, "WHAt ThE HElL SHitTy HaIR!!" Bakugou growled snatching the towel from Kiri then chasing Kiri out of the dorm and down the hall with the towel.

Sleepless, Breathless, and Gay?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt