Day6 Reaction To: You being a professional gaming streamer

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Mans is all for it. He loves gaming as much as you do, if not more. He watches your streams secretly anytime you go live. Even if he's busy working. Even at times where he's not busy, he joins you in your games and laughs whenever you tell him too go away during your games as he watches them. At this point, you two stream together. Every one of you and his fans know each other. Many of his fans are actually fans of your Twitch stream account as well. Some of your fans became fans of your boyfriend and his music. Overall very supportive and wants to use your streamer money for food. JK, he uses it to pay taxes like an adult.


He has mixed feelings. He supports you all the way for your chosen career path but has his rules. You usually stream at night and since he's always working, you usually have the house to yourself and can be free to scream and rage. However, on times where he's home, he politely asks you to quiet down the screams a little since the house is not sound proof and he wants to get sleep. You always tell your stream beforehand and they understand. He never walks in while you stream but you could occasionally hear him in the background as a viewer every once in a while.

Young K

Very supportive about your streaming career. However, you two use to have a schedule since, at the time, you two shared his PC and you could only stream on the weekends since he had to produce music all throughout the weekdays. But when you eventually got the funds to build your own PC, everything was fine. He's pop up in your webcam unintentionally every once in a while and you'd brag how you have that handsome man as a boyfriend for a good 5 minutes while you played. He watched the replays of your streams when he has time and promotes you on his Instagram lives sometimes.


Wonpil likes gaming so he totally would support you 110%. Honestly, he's just like the others. But there was no problem with you streaming. He just didn't understand a lot of those gamer terms you'd throw around in your room. He didn't mind, he just didn't know. He wouldn't really watch your streams but he'd definitely ask about them after you finished. Possibly, he'd also try the games you played on your stream. But he's definitely probably going to ask you how they work.


Like Jae, he's all for it. He's a gamer like you and occasionally joins your streams and plays with or against you. Your streaming channel was almost renamed to include the both of you one time but he got too busy to stream with you a few times. Even your donations asked were he was at times. You two had conflicts at times since your room was two rooms away from Dowoon's yet to be soundproof practice room, but you two would always understand each other and make a schedule. 

a/n: Is this enough to make up for a delayed update? I sacrificed homework time to make this in like 20 minutes. I hope you enjoyed this one! It's a little rushed and I apologize. I love you all for supporting and reading my story! 130+ views is the most I've gotten out of all the stories I made and I can't thank you enough.

If you enjoyed this, please vote. It'll really help me and I'm totally not stealing this from the MC YTbers

Next chapter is a Young K one-shot :o

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