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-August 23rd 1971-

   As I get my Shop ready for closing Cathy and Charlie enter the shop.

Jayne:Charlie.Its been a long time since I last saw you."Smiles".

Charlie:I had work.I just finished my work day with Cathy's help.

Jayne:"Smiles".2 hands work faster.

The 2 smile at me and sit down at a table.

Charlie:Cathy said you had something to tell me?.

Jayne:Yes but you must swear to keep it to yourself.

Charlie:Cross my heart.

   Me and Cathy tell him about how we know Willy and I tell him about my childhood and how I helped make the first Wonka candies.I answer Charlie's questions and we talk till 5pm.Charlie then gets up to leave.

Charlie:I can't believe all this.This is amazing.Why didn't you tell me?.

Jayne:I was going thru a sad time in my life and only a few months ago did I break free from it.You see if i didn't wake up from the fog then I wouldn't be telling you our story.

Cathy:She's right Charlie...We trust you enough to tell you this now.We wanted to wait a while because of everything going on.Right now things are starting to die down although everyone raides the candy shops still.

Charlie:"Smiles".I'm glad you told me.Mr.Wonka seems like a great guy.

Jayne:He is.

Cathy:Of course you would say that.You have a romance in bloom.

Jayne:Cathy...You are too much like your father."Chuckles".

Cathy:But I'm my mother's twin."Smiles".

Charlie:You are the perfect mix.

Cathy:Uncle Willy once said that to Aunt Jayne.


Jayne:Okay enough with the silent teasing me you two.

   The 2 laugh and Charlie bids his goodbyes and leaves.

Cathy:I sure do hope he wins the ticket.

Jayne:Yeah...Me too...So Charlie eh?."Smirks".

   Cathy raises an eyebrow at me which makes me chuckle and soon she leaves.Later that night there is a knock at my door and I open it to see Willy in his cloak.I let him enter the shop and I lock the door and close the curtains so no one looks in.

Willy:It's been to long since we last saw each other.I'm afraid this may be the last time before October.

Jayne:"Smiles".We have until October to see eachother again anyway and that's not far away.

Willy:"Smiles".Time flies as the old saying goes.

   I chuckle and off Willy some hot chocolate which he accepts and i make some for the both of us.We go to the office and we sit in chairs as we drink our Hot Coco.

Willy:So how has your day went?.

Jayne:It was fine.There is a boy here in town that hangs out with our niece.He is someone I've known since he was a baby.His father used to bring him in here 8 years ago.Anyway the 2 came in here and he happens to be a big fan of you and I decided to tell our story to him with help of Cathy.The look on his face made us so happy.The boy is very loving and kind.He often reminds me of you at times.But there are certain characeristics of your he doesn't have.


Jayne:Your almost constant quotes."Smiles".

Willy:"Smirks".Who can be me if we are all different?.

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