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-No Ones P.O.V-May 29th 1971-

   As Jayne places the boxes at the gate Willy Wonka watches from the window of his office.He frowns as he watches her do that with the Chocolate he has made.With the special wrappers he had created for her.

Willy:Did she not like it?.

   His employee Mr.Wilikson looks at Willy and answers.

Wilikinson:You haven't seen her in 8 years Mr.Wonka.Perhaps she's mad at you reaching out to her so publicly.

Willy:Perhaps...Mr.Wilikinson please arrange that the boxes be brought in...And I'd like to talk to Jayne later this evening so please let me know when the coast is clear.

Wilkinson:Yes Mr.Wonka I'll see to it.

-Jayne's P.O.V-

   Later that evening the entire upstairs apartment has been torn down and a roof has been made for the shop.As I sit down at my shop table I look thru my bills.The shop foor opens and a man walks in wearing a cloak over his head.

Jayne:May I help you?.

   I grab my letters and I turn around placing them onto another table as I hear the man speak in a Irish accent.

???:Any Wonka Bars?.

   I turn around to face the man who's face is still covered by his cloaks hood.

Jayne:I'm afraid I don't sell them here.But down the road at Bill's shop you can find some there.

???:"Nods".Do you have anything else here?.

Jayne:I have Slugworths Candy bars and other candies to choose from.Nothing of Wonka's...I do have some lollipops.

???:I'll take that then.

   I grab a lollipop seeing its Cotton Candy flavored and I hand it to the man.He takes it from me and is about to grab his wallet when I stop him.

Jayne:Lollipops are free to first time costumers.

   The man nods at me and he opens the lollipop and begins eating it.I grab my bills and I begin to get back to work as the man speaks again.

???:Why don't you sell Wonka Bars?.

Jayne:Budget Cuts...Have had to make a few these past few weeks.

???:That must be tough these days.

Jayne:Yes it is."Sighs".Do you need anything else sir?.

   That's when I hear a voice I haven't in a long time.

Willy:Well a nice to see you would be fine.

   I turn around to see the cloaked man take off his hood and reveal Willy.



Jayne:Its been 8 years Willy and you decide to see me now?.

Willy:I saw you drop the Chocolate bars at the gate this morning...I came to ask why.

Jayne:Well I already told you...Now I have a shop to close up...But before you leave I have something for you.

   I go to my guest room and I grab the Chocolate box.I bring it to the shop area and I hand it to him.

Jayne:It was in the office.

Willy:The chocolate box from the day we met.

Jayne:Yeah your pink paper flower is in it too...Now if you'll excuse me i am extraordinarily buisy.


Jayne:Don't!...Just don't...You left us!.

Willy:I'm sorry.

Jayne:Everyone in town already knew the both of us were best friends.No contact wouldn't have protected us anyway.You left Bill,Olivia,Catherine and Me!.You know Cathy asks about you all the time cause you werent there to tell her about you!.Do you know how hard it is to say "Maybe you will" when she says she wishes to see you?...Do you know how hard it is to tell her childhood stories of you?.


Jayne:I haven't been truly happy in 8 years...I forgot the feeling cause you made me forget...I've made the sacrifice of keeping this shop running for you and that costed the apartment.Then yesterday while me and Snickers were having a sleep over she opened a Wonka Bar to see that poem...I am furious you had done that by the way.

Willy:The past 8 years have been hard on me too Jayne...I am sorry for embarrassing you but i am not sorry I left because I thought I was protecting you and Bill and his family.

Jayne:"Nods glaring".I called out to you and you never came back.

Willy:I didnt because I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to leave...I had to protect you and I had to protect the factory.

Jayne:I would've helped Willy."Cries".We all would have helped!...But you didn't wait to listen...We have needed you since the moment you left.I needed you since the moment you left...And now over the Chocolate you come see me?.You should have come see me years ago!.I can't believe you came here just because I dropped off the Chocolate.

Willy:I came here in person to apologize if I had embarrassed you...I have missed you Jayne.I have missed everyone.I only have left the factory a few times since first shutting it down and each time I thought about seeing you but I had to protect you.Not just from Slugworth but crazed fans.There has never been a day that had went by I didn't think about you guys.Every time I created a candy I thought "I wonder if they'd like it?".And all day today all i thought about was you and our good memories...Even the stupid moments.I even thought about that darn smile you always gave me or those jokes you'd make about my outfits.Or the times you'd scare the socks off me.Those moments are ones I cherish...And I'm sorry I have hurt you...

   At that moment Willy places his hood back on and is about to open the door to leave.

Jayne:Damn it Willy!.I love you!.

   Without warning Willy runs back to me his hood flying off his head and he kisses me.The cotton candy taste of his fully eaten lollipop on my lips.I pull back from the kiss.

Jayne:I never got to say that 8 years ago.There has never been a moment in the past 8 years I haven't stopped loving you.Everytime a guy would ask me out all I would think of us you and I'd turn them down...

Willy:I have loved you every moment and every day for so many years Jayne Watson.

Jayne:I have too...Willy you really hurt me by your leaving.

Willy:It's hurt me everyday leaving you."Puts his hand on her left cheek".But if I had known we would be reunited like we have now and it meant protecting you like i felt I have for all these years i would not hesitate to do it again."Looks at clock".I have to go now my time is almost up...But I promise you in we will see again.Perhaps October or sooner.


Willy:You'll understand soon."Smiles".

Jayne:Your up to something.

Willy:Aren't I always?.


   Willy kisses me quickly and then he places his cloaks hood back on and he leaves the shop to his factory without a word from either of us.

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