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-October 10th 1963-

Jayne:Well nice payback Willy.


After a few minutes we join Bill,Olivia and Cathy at a table and we all talk.As the night goes on everyone goes outside down the road to the band stand where a band plays songs.Willy reaches for my hand.

Willy:May I have this dance?.

Jayne:"Smiles".You may.

Willy and I dance as a song begins to play.

🎶Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans,Way back up in the woods among the evergreens,There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood,Where lived a country boy named Johnny B Goode,Who never ever learned to read or write so well,But he could play a guitar just like a-ringing a bell,Go go,Go Johnny go go,Go Johnny go go,Go Johnny go go,Go Johnny go go,Johnny B Goode,He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack,Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track,Oh the engineers would see him sitting in the shade,Strumming with the rhythm that the drivers made,The people passing by they would stop and say,"Oh my what that little country boy could play",Go go,Go Johnny go go,Go Johnny go go,Go Johnny go go,Go Johnny go go,Johnny B Goode,His mother told him "someday you will be a man,And you will be the leader of a big old band,Many people coming from miles around,To hear you play your music when the sun go down,Maybe someday your name will be in lights,Saying "Johnny B Goode tonight",Go go,Go Johnny go,Go go go Johnny go,Go go go Johnny go,Go go go Johnny go,Go Johnny B Goode🎶

At the end of the dance me and Willy stop for a quick breather then begin to dance again.This time as the music plays we start to dance away from the crowd.

🎶Fly me to the moon,Let me play among the stars,Let me see what spring is like,On a Jupiter and Mars,In other words hold my hand,In other words baby kiss me,Fill my heart with song,And let me sing for ever more,You are all I long for,All I worship and adore,In other words please be true,In other words I love you,Fill my heart with song,Let me sing for ever more,You are all I long for,All I worship and adore,In other words please be true,In other word...In other words,I love you🎶

The song ends and me and Willy just stare at each other.Willy leans in towards my head and as he does he kisses me.I melt into the kiss and we just stay like that for a while.Soon he pulls away and we are both still in shock about the kiss we have shared.Willy decides to walk me home.When we arrive Willy turns to me.

Willy:I uh haven't had a relationship since highschool so I'm rusty...But I was wondering we could maybe go out sometime?.

Jayne:"Smiles".Of course.


-October 28th 1963-

The past few weeks Willy has been buisy with work and we haven't gotten to go out.Willy was able to make some lunch arrangements for visiting the candy shop.As I finish my noon shop cleanup he walks in with a paper.

Willy:"Smiles".Hello Jayne.

I smile at him and I walk over hugging him.

Jayne:Hello Willy.

Willy:I don't have long I have a lot of paper work to do for some new machine's I ordered.

Jayne:As long as we Atleast get a minute together then it's fine with me.

Willy:"Nods".Look um I've made a decision."Hands her the paper".You deserve something out of helping me with the candy.

I look at the paper and I read "Ownership paper".I raise an eyebrow looking at Willy.

Willy:I want you to have this candy shop.

I hug Willy grinning at his offer and I pull back and sign the paper and hand it to him.

Willy:There is an apartment upstairs you can live in now.I know you've been wanting to move away from your mother's.

Jayne:You make me sound mean.

Willy:"Chuckles".You and I both know what I meant.

I smile at Willy and he kisses me as the Factory bell rings.

Willy:Well that's my sign of "Mr.Wonka I need help".

Jayne:Is it your soul that calls your name?."Smirks".


Jayne:Thank you.For giving me the shop.

Willy:"Turns to leave".My pleasure my dear Jayne."Leaves".

I smile and I close up the shop.I go upstairs to the apartment seeing its already washed but looks in used.I go to my mother's and go to my bedroom and pack my things.I take my 2 suit cases of clothes and a suit case with mementos and leave the house.I bring it to my new home and place my things in the room.Afterwards I reopen the shop for business.Later that day Nathan walk's in.

Nathan:Did you hear?.

Jayne:Hear what?.

Nathan:Mr.Wonka fired everyone.He closed the gates.

I gasp in shock at the news.

Nathan:My reaction exactly."Sighs".I have to go home and tell my wife that I have no job to provide for our son,My in laws and my parents anymore.Hellen will be so upset."Leaves".

I look at the factory after he leaves and I watch as the smoke from the factory leaves the building.I close the shop and I leave and over by the factory I see Willy and Bill talking.Willy see's me and walks over tears in his eyes as Bill follows behind him.

Willy:Slugworth sent spies into the factory.I had to shut it down before he ruined me....I must not see you or Bill or Olivia and Cathy.I must protect you in all this...I'm sorry Jayne."Puts a hand on her cheek".Never forget.No one is as sweet as you my dear Jayne.

Willy begins to walk away as I call out his name.I try to run to him but Bill holds me back.I cry into Bill's chest after Willy leaves into the factory.

Jayne:"Crying".I never got to tell him...That i loved him.

Bill:I think deep down he already knows little sister.

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