People fight for their lives....I eat a chocolate

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We decided to go back outside and tell the other three about Lucy's grandfather. Edward was grief-stricken. He was blinking back tears as he mumbled stuff I couldn't decipher.

Once we reached the porch, we saw Lucy wide awake. The other guy had healed her pretty quickly. She was pacing back and forth with her head down.

"Well? Anything?" she said expectantly, keeping her hands on her waist.

I motioned Edward to go ahead. He let out a shuddering sigh and told her everything. As soon as he told her about Santa's death, Lucy was crying in hysterics. She fell into Edward's arms, as he tried his best to blink back tears and console her. Simon  had a tear sliding down his cheek. The other guy's face was blank but sad. 

After a while, Lucy managed to calm down. She wiped her tears and got up.
"W-where is h-he? I-I n-need to s-see him." she said, fighting a sob.

"Inside. Come, I'll take you" I muttered. Taking her to Santa- I mean her grandfather was the only thing I could do in the idle time. One thing. She was shaking all over and I was sure she would fall over.

She just nodded. So I held her shoulders and tried to guide her to the corridor inside. Upon seeing him, Lucy cried and collapsed (literally collapsed) on Santa's side. I felt bad for her. This meant no more Christmas! (Stupid Rick! This is serious! FOCUS)

I let her be for a while and looked around. The place was pretty big. Everything was wrecked, almost like a hurricane had been here. The walls behind Santa's body were painted red, but it definitely wasn't oil paint. It was almost like blood.
"Hey, guys? Is this-"

"OH NO! It's missing!" Lucy exclaimed.

I hurried back there. Edward, Simon and the other-dude hurried inside too. Lucy looked at the nameless-dude with an expression that clearly screamed fear.
"The locket! It's gone!"

Then the boy spoke for the first time since forever,
"Are you sure? It's not here?" His voice was deep and husky.

"No Adam, I checked everywhere," Lucy said rather anxiously.
"It's not here. Hold on, the cupboards!"
She stood up wiping her tears and started looking for it in a cupboard behind us.

"This. Is. Really. Bad." Adam muttered as he and Edward both rummaged the cupboards.

"I hate to interrupt, but seriously? Your grandfather is dead and you're worried about a locket?!" I blurted before I could process my words.

"Dumbass, it wasn't a normal locket, it was a magic locket and grandfather protected it with his life around anybody" Lucy snapped.

"What, Santa Claus used to summon his flying reindeers by that? Aw too bad. No Christmas. I really think we should concentrate on the dead guy more than a locket."

She shot me an angry look.
"My grandfather isn't Santa Claus! And that locket... Well I don't know what it does but-"

"SO, it's not a big deal! If it was then Santa would've told you, wouldn't he? We'll just buy another locket and no one will ever know! I know a shop nearby which sells stuff which are exact copies of the originals, Magnus does it like magic."

"Wait another one! That's an excellent idea! We've got to go to Madam Pruice. She had a locket just like this one. Surely she would know what it is."

"Adam, have I ever told you that you're a genius? One tiny problem though, how do we get there?"

"You can teleport us, Lucy."

"First heal then teleport, you seriously want to kill me Edward?"

The Rick Chronicles. Part1: ArmageddonWhere stories live. Discover now