Chapter 6

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Rowan and Danny age 16

Small hands clutched onto freezing metal rails, single handedly trying to pull a heavy leg forward.  The action was hindered by a pain, a ludicrous stinging that couldn’t be measured accurately by numbers and it was all his bloody fault.  She shook her head at her cursing of him and knew it was a stupid idea getting into that car that night if she didn’t, the pain she felt right now wouldn’t be tormenting every cell in her body.  

Step by step that’s what the physiotherapy staff said, three months ago.  Over all it’s been six months since the accident, Danny was fine now back in school and making trouble as ever.  Rowan shook her head at the thought of him wondering what he’s doing now, whether he’s going tonight or not.  It’s been quite a long time since she saw him – the parental instincts of her mother had restricted Danny’s access to her over the past six months.  Rowan knew her Mother had her best interests at heart but it just didn’t settle or feel right being away from him even if he put her in this bastard situation. 

  She scoffed to herself, stepping carefully off the treadmill  but luckily she stepped into muscled arms who propped her up, relieving some of the tension off her back.   Rowans dark eyes gleamed up falling into pits of green,  green irises belonging to Alex the boy she’d secretly been admiring at school before all this happened.   When the letter from Danny came that day one detail caught her attention -  That tall haired guy Alex.  He said he missed your face at school.   The rest is history.     That’s where Rowan found herself, four months into a relationship with the self confessed man of her dreams.   The chizzled jaw and chin pull upward into an immaculate smile that shone onto her face; the green eyes sparkle into a brooding stare.  He’d always helped her out, been Rowans rock over her time in physiotherapy.   

“I’ll meet you there sweetheart? I forgot my tie!”  His laugh was melodic and powerful,  she was curious whether he’d stolen that laugh from an angel.  She watched in awe as the angel above her stroked a hand over his dark hair then her own; gently stroking his fingers through the auburn curls.  Ordinarily she’d be mad at him for ruining her newly formed waves but not today.  

She kissed him goodbye and after a few more painfully agonising minutes she stepped into a slick dress.  It laid comfortably round her chest dipping down into a slightly seductive U shape, the sheer material dropped fading from black into misty shades of evening flowing down to a pure white, resting on the floor.   She felt like a princess.  Her Ma and sisters all passionately agreed fussing over make-up and technicalities but the whirring of the machine beside her drowned it all out.   Rowan felt her pain dissipate; the liquid filling the wire disappears under her skin taking the stinging away from her back.  The swell in her heart increased at the thought of Alex waiting at the doors for her taking the pain away completely  - it’s time. 

“Ready Rowan?”  At the sound of her Mother’s voice Rowan shuffled forward walking independently into the black stretch limo parked gallantly outside her small house.    

The drive was short and more and more people gathered around in streets outside the familiar location.  The bubbling nervousness made Rowan feel weird, it laid heavy in her gut a strange weight like something was dreadfully wrong.  It was ridiculous to think that way, this was the best day of her life so far she mumbled thoughtfully.   The slight twinge of pain shot her back to the reality that she’d have to walk out of the car and into the streets packed with people. What is she fell?  No, he’s going to be there my rock propping me up like normal.  

The limousine door opened revealing masses of people, a blurred group of different faces all merged into one.  She peered around to find the familiar face of her boyfriend but came up short – she was alone stranded on an unfamiliar plain with nothing to rescue her.  People were smiling and clapping but why?  She was alone...feeling heart wrenching tears stab behind her eyes at the knowledge he’d not come for her.  He promised to meet her there, outside he’d said it himself.  

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