Chapter 4

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Rowan & Danny age 16. 

Dear Mr Byrne,

Rowan will not be able to attend school tomorrow, the 13th of July as she has a dental appointment.  

Hazel Kennedy.

Dear Mrs O’Connor,

Daniel will not be able to attend school tomorrow, the 13th of July due to a Doctor’s appointment.

Ailish O’Donoghue.

“They’re never going to believe this. As if my Ma would ever say ‘due to’ she’s not that posh”

Scrambling to her feet Rowan jumped up from the cool grass reaching forward to grab the, in her opinion poorly written letter from Danny’s hand.  He’s always been a trouble maker but this is just takes the biscuit. 

“Red don’t be bloody borin’ they will. Teachers are thick as shit. Remember to bring a change of clothes! We don’t wanna be wandering around in our uniforms, we’ll get shot!” She watches with an uncertain expression but the weedy boy with Harry Potter glasses smiles widely waving the letter at her face. 

“Come on, you know you want to!”

Rowan sighed heavily, she knew that this was another one of his on a whim ideas but if the past is any indicator it’ll be fun so she smiles taking the letter from him, shoving it into her pocket.

“Fine, if we get in trouble I’m blaming you. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“We’re in this together Red! Yeah, ten O’clock by the bridge! Remember to post the letter! See yis Red!” 

She glared at him but nodded, his smile slowly turning her less than impressed expression into a grin and with a roll of her eyes she walked to the small house just a few doors away from Danny’s.        From the cobbled garden path she could hear her sisters arguing over something, she was sure the whole street could hear their arguments.  But being deafened by their bickering were the least of her worries, she had tonnes on homework to do and skipping school tomorrow would just give her less time to do everything in, so naturally as soon as the door opened she sat scribbling in various books and wondering why they needed to learn half of this stuff.  

Hours passed and it was tomorrow before Rowan knew it, she was surrounded by papers and books. Her vision was clouded by something yellow, she soon realized that she’s fallen asleep against leaving cert papers.  Rowan looked around after getting dressed and glanced at the time;


It was nearly ten.  She quickly dragged a brush through her hair making sure she was a tad presentable before leaving the house, even if it was to walk straight into trouble.  But before she could reach the door a voice stopped her, she groaned realizing that someone was in the house. Why did she agree to this? It looked like she had no choice in the matter and no more of a choice but to find another way out otherwise being in trouble with the school would be the least of her worries. 

Launching out the bedroom window was definitely the worst idea she’d ever had and the stinging on her knee proved that just right.  But Danny was obviously waiting so she ran awkwardly, her ginger hair blurring her vision on the way.

“Jesus Red, I thought you’d bottled it! What happened to your knee? No never mind come on we’re going for a swim then I've got a surprise!”  His eyes light up like street lamps in the dark, she found it amazing how trouble excited him so much, how at the mere mention of doing something he shouldn't made him smile. She didn't dwell on it for long though.  What was this surprise he had?  No doubt it’s something that would get them into more trouble. But if you can’t beat them, join em!

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