Chapter Seventeen Emergency

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'Iknow but I am not going to loss you like on Neverland' Gretahugs her mom telling her she will have her phone, Greta walked out of her house,Greta went on bus she went to Kings Parkand Botanic Garden Greta went to MountEliza Lookout Greta walk on Hacketts path Greta gasp, she cries Greta said'Casey'Gretabend on her knees Greta cries, Gretaturn on her friend's phone Greta saw video of Felix stubbing her Greta said'No'Gretacall 000, it is emergency telephone number Greta watches as her friend went onambulance Greta saw Peter Pan and her mom Greta huggedher mom, and then hugged Peter Pan (Henry) her brother Greta went tohospital Greta watching her friend breathing Greta said'OhCasey I didn't mean for this to happened'

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