Chapter Seven Bully Ace

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Greta open her school locket Casey said

'I will punch that ass hole' Greta laugh Greta said

'Casey he isn't worth it' Casey looked at Greta shock Casey said

'He is bully' Greta grab her science book Greta said

'I know but violence won't get us anywhere in life' Casey sighs Greta gave Casey pat on her shoulder Casey said

'Yeah but that's what friends are for'

Casey looked sad Casey is like a sister to Greta since childhood Casey stood up for Greta when she was getting bullied by Ac threating to give him her lunch. Casey was like cat protecting her kitten that is Greta. Greta nod Greta and Casey went into class room Greta sat by Ace pull the chair Greta fell on the floor Casey said

'Greta' Casey help Greta from the floor Greta said

'I am okay' Ace laugh Ace said

'Aw are you going to cry' Greta notice her friend she looked angry Greta said

'Casey don't' Casey looked at her she sigh Greta sat on the chair and doing her school work, Greta hear


Greta saw note being hand by her friend Greta open

'I will kick his ass'

Greta write

'No Casey' Greta pass

Greta handed note to her friend

'Want to go our tree to eat lunch'


Lunch bell rings Greta and Casey sat on the ground nearby the tree Greta break cookie and handed when Ace grab the cookie Greta said

'Hey that's my friend'

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