Chapter Thirteen Peter Pan Never Fails'

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Greta cries Greta said

'Oh my goodness it's you'

Greta hugged Peter Pan (Henry) James said

'I am sorry that I doubt you' Peter Pan(Henry) gave pat on James telling him

it's alright Greta knew she sing that song when Henry was new born baby she first connect with her brother Emma said

'What should we do?

PeterPan (Henry) looked at his mom Peter Pan (Henry) hugged his mom Greta said

'I don't know mom'

Regina looked at Greta James said

'We need to find a spell to get Henry back to his own body'

James looked Peter Pan(Henry) and Emma hugging Regina said'Let'sgo to my store I think I might have spell for that but it will take time you three go home' James and Regina went inside the car Greta said

'Let's go home'

Peter Pan (Henry) and Greta Emma came home Greta and Peter Pan (Henry) went inside Henry's bedroom Greta saw all of the butter knifes Greta sat on her brother'sbed Peter Pan (Henry) said

'Sis mom and I going to Regina I contact dad'

Greta nod Greta said

'Henry wait'

Peter Pan (Henry) turns, Greta hug her brother Peter Pan (Henry) hug herGreta step backwards Greta said

'See you'

Peter Pan (Henry) and Emma left Greta put all the butter knifes back into the draw Greta notice paper, she read Greta gasp it is picture of her bully Greta said

'I can't believe that Henry is peter pan'

Greta open her brother diary she saw all paper ripe out except one Peter Pan Never Fails'

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