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*It's been a 10 years since chapter 12

(Y/N) POV:

"Mommy!" A voice called.

I looked up from my book to see my two year old daughter, (D/N), run into the living room. I pulled her up onto my lap and look at the entrance to the room. Leaning against the doorway was my loving husband, smiling.

"Hey Keishin, pass me the book off the table." I pointed to a children's book on the table in front of me.

He walked up to me and handed me the book, then sat down next to us on the couch. I opened up the book and started reading to her.

At some point (D/N) had fallen asleep and I carried her to her crib. Once I had placed her down and made sure she was asleep, I walked back to the living room. I laid down with my head on Keishin's lap.

"Tired?" He asked as he stroked my hair.

"Very. Ever since I showed (D/N) that book, all she wants me to do is read it to her." I sighed.

"She inherited your love of books. I think it's cute." He laughed a little as he said this.

I sat up and leaned towards him, "And she'll be a volleyball setter like her dad when she's older."

"That's the plan. If she doesn't like it, I won't force it. I hope she ends up loving it."

I gave him a peck on the cheek and turned on the TV. I put on (favorite movie).

"I'm going to make you some breakfast, enjoy your time while (D/N) sleeps." He got up and headed to the kitchen.

About fifteen minutes later he came from the kitchen with a plate of eggs and bacon. He handed me the plate and sat next to me.

I finished eating and heard (D/N) run into the living room again. She ran up to the couch and Keishin pulled her up. She sat on his lap and started playing with his headband.

I giggled and turned the TV off. I took (D/N) from Keishin who was struggling to fix his headband while she kept tugging on it. I held (D/N) in place with one arm and helped Keishin with the other.

"There." I told him as the headband was back in place.

"There." Repeated (D/N).

She pointed to the book that was back on the table. Keishin stood and picked her up from my arms again.

"Mommy needs time to read to herself. Let's play in our room okay?" He took her to our room and bought me some alone time.

I picked up my book to read and finished the book in about two hours. I was half way done with it but I was so entranced that I ended up reading it all. It was then I realized that I couldn't hear the usual yelling from our room while they played.

I got up and walked to the room. I looked and saw them both asleep on the bed with toys all over the floor.

"Like father like daughter." I whispered to myself.

I picked up (D/N) and set her in her crib because she was still sleepy. Then I started picking up the toys on the floor and placing them in the bin.

When I was done I laid down next to Keishin and placed a hand on his chest. I let my eyes close and fell asleep.

Shortly after I woke up again. I wasn't the only one awake though. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Done with your nap princess?" Keishin sat next to me and whispered in my ear.

I nodded and smiled at him. He pulled me into a hug from behind and buried his face in my hair.

"Isn't Taiyou supposed to babysit tomorrow?" I could feel the warmth as he spoke into my hair.

"He cancelled so I'm doing it. He has a date with his boyfriend and said it's important because he's popping the question."

"Then we should let them be. He must be so nervous, I remember I was when I asked you."

"It all turned out perfectly though, I'm here with you now." I smiled as I remembered Keishin tripping over his words when he asked me to marry him.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way."Keishin pulled away and stood up.

I watched as he walked around the bed and held out both his hands. I took his hands and he pulled me to my feet then took me to the living room.

He sat on the couch then motioned me to sit next to him. We talked for a while and joked just like we always did.

(D/N) was done with her nap and came into the living room again. She sat in between Keishin and I.

"Cartoons please," She said in a loud voice.

I laughed and turned on the TV to a kids channel. We all sat there together watching TV, Keishin, (D/N) and I. My little family I had built for myself.

Who would've guessed that my first love would have stayed with me forever.

A/N: I'm sorry to say, all good things must come to an end. This is officially the end of Alcohol is a Bitch and I loved watching you all react and comment to my story. Thank you all for voting and reading!

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