Chapter Seven: Memories

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(Y/N) POV:
I woke up and changed into some casual clothes then walked to the kitchen. Taiyou and my mom were already awake and talking in the kitchen about god knows what.

"Morning." I poured a cup of juice.

"Morning, sleep well?" My mom asked.

"Well as possible with thoughts in my head." I pulled out my phone and sat in a stool tucked in the corner.

"You need a distraction from this. I was cleaning yesterday and found something you and Taiyou might want to look at." My mom started to walk to the living room and motioned for us to follow her.

She made us sit down on the couch and ran into her room. She returned dragging a big bin behind her. She explained that they were pictures of me as a kid and that we could look through them.

My mom took the lid off and I walked to sit on the floor next to it. Taiyou sat next to me and started digging, probably for my secrets. She went to get something to drink from the kitchen and left us alone.

He pulled out a picture, "Hey (Y/N), who's this?"

I took the picture of me standing next to a boy with a buzz cut and chocolate brown eyes. "That childhood friend I tell you about, that's him." I handed the picture back to him.

"Looks a little like coach don't you think? They have the same eyes and facial features." Taiyou was good at connecting faces.

"What you looking at?" My mom walked back into the room and stood behind Taiyou. "Ah that kid (Y/N) used to have a crush on."

"You knew!?" I exclaimed

"Even I knew and I never met him!" Taiyou responded.

"Honey, everyone knew. The whole town knew, it was obvious. I think the only one who didn't know was him himself." My mom sat on the other side of me.

"How!?" I was still in shock of my secret being exposed.

"You basically spent every free minute with him. You cried for days when you two drifted apart. He was your first love!" She stated it like I was the only one not aware of this, which I was.

"My only love." I corrected her.

"Wait back up a second, drifted?" Taiyou was the only one who didn't know what happened between this friend and I.

"We were both really close until we went to Karasuno. He joined the volleyball team and I spent all my time in the library reading. Total opposites I guess you could call us. We both talked less and less until eventually, we didn't speak to each other at all," I explained to Taiyou.

"Why don't you speak to him again? I'm pretty sure he'll like to hear from you again." Taiyou put the picture on the table behind him.

"I've always wanted to reconnect with him but his name was completely erased from my mind. Wait mom, do you remember his name?" I realized that it was erased from mine, but maybe not hers.

"Mhm" she nodded, "his name was Keishin Ukai."

"Wait Ukai? Isn't that-" Taiyou almost told my mom what I avoided telling her so I put my hand over his mouth.

"Keishin is his name. He was my childhood friend, that's why he felt familiar. If he recognized me then that means he remembers and I just disregarded it. That person I reminded him of, the one that hurt him back then, was me. And I just hurt him again." I rambled in a whisper to myself.

Taiyou licked my hand after overhearing what I whispered and I took it off. "Is this method of silencing genetic? You both do it!"

We all started laughing and when we calmed down a little my mom spoke again, "honestly (Y/N), I think you're over your childhood friend."

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head slightly.

"This new guy, the coach, you talked about him yesterday. It's been forever since you had a story about a guy. It might've been because you messed up but you seemed very very hurt at that. You've only known him for a month but he's already in your head like this, I think you have another love." She gave me a knowing look.

"I think you're right." I smiled at the floor.

"You have to tell him (Y/N)! Don't let this love also go unnoticed!" Taiyou encouraged me.

I chuckled a little "I will."

"Yay! We did it Haruko!" Taiyou reached over and high fived my mom.

"You two were working against me again?" I looked over to my mom.

"We would never," My mom said sarcastically.

"That's a lie," I responded.

Eventually we had to go home so Taiyou and I raced to the bus. He fell on his face once again a few steps before the bus and I beat him.

"Do you like kissing the floor or....?" I stood by the post.

"I just fall a lot for some reason. I would've beat you if I didn't fall." He stood up.

"Mhm mhm, keep telling yourself that." I laughed.

The bus came and we sat all the way in the back again just playing games on our phones. We made it back home and it was already very dark out.

I parted ways from Taiyou and went back to my apartment. I fell asleep easily and peacefully.

The next week school was on break and I spent my time cleaning up and organizing things I've been putting off. The week passed quickly and soon enough, Keishin came back from the training camp.I knew he would come back on Saturday because I had asked Ittetsu about it a few days back.

At around 4 pm, I got dressed and walked to his convenience store, standing outside.He was reading a magazine and smoking a cigarette with his legs on the counter so I wasn't noticed.

It hit me, I never felt frustration or annoyance towards him. I felt it towards myself. I knew I recognized him but unaware from what, I must've known in the back of my head because I enjoyed his teasing. I didn't like the idea so masked it as frustration.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and opened the door. He glanced up at me, and now I would find out how it would work out.

Alcohol is a bitch (Keishin Ukai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now