Chapter Two: Ride home

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(Y/N) POV:

That morning I woke up to the same old routine. Shower, get ready, eat, leave. Now my routine included running as fast as I could past the convinience store.

I ran all the way to the school and slid the door to the office open with a bang. Everyone turned to look immediately but once they saw it was me, they continued with their days. Is this a normal thing around here?

"Always the dramatic, huh (Y/N)?" Taiyou spun in his chair to face my desk once I sat down.

"Shut it Taiyou, it's just taking extreme measures." I started writing and organizing my teaching plans for today.

"So running past the convinience store like a wild pack of wolves is chasing you is extreme measures?" He lifted an eyebrow slightly.

"How the hell you know that? Did you camera bug me?"

"Nah, I watched out of my beautiful car's window. You should get a car, saves you the walk." Taiyou was always trying to find a way to bring up his prized car.

"No thanks, I can barely handle myself walking, much less driving. I'm fine walking for now." I put up one hand.

"If you say so." There was silence between us for a while. "Why'd you run?" Taiyou could barely hold in his questions.

"Friday night convinience store. Plus an incident yesterday at practice. Normal things that happen to everyone." I tried to wave away any concerns from him.

"Normal things my ass (Y/N). Hell, if I ran into a cute guy or girl like that I'd be at that store 24/7! My drunk self is a gift." He put one hand in front of him and bowed like a prince.

"I know you would, you don't have a sense of self embarrassment." I smiled at him sarcastically.

"I know that was meant as an insult but I'm taking it as a compliment. I do not have a sense of self embarrassment and I'm proud of it!" He spoke a little louder than accepted and everyone turned to look at him.

"Taiyou, everyone is looking at you now."

"Yeah what's your point?"

I stood up, "I have to actually teach now so bye bye."

"No fun (Y/N), and I have to go teach my art class so see ya." He walked out before I did and we went in opposite directions.

After the day was done, practice time came. I went to the gym and Ukai was already there with Ittetsu. I tried to go unnoticed but that wasn't the case.

"Oh look, it's the runner." Ukai walked up to me once he set everyone with drills.

"Runner?" I looked at him confused.

"In a full sprint to work this morning."

"How do you know about that? How does everyone appearantly know about that!?"

"You do know who's shop you ran past, right?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Yours I assume." I tried to act like I didn't know and like it wasn't intentional.

Alcohol is a bitch (Keishin Ukai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now