Episode 11- Bay Aşık - Mr. Love...

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Ahh, Love. Aşk. Amore. Would love by any other name taste just as sweet? Would it take one's breath away yet at the same time allow one to spread their wings? Would it heal the wounds yet at the same time open one's heart? Yes, it would. The moment one believes in its strength.

Ezgi lit up like a full moon on a perfectly lit up night. If someone had told her that the despair she felt at the end of her birthday would turn into the most endearing birthday surprise ever, she would not believe them. After all, how many times does the man who breaks your heart turn out to be the very man who ends up mending it whole again? Because that's exactly what Özgür did. He mended her heart in the most delicate way. In the very spot overlooking the Bosphorus where she opened her heart to him.

Ezgi did not know what got to her more. The fact that she was back in Istanbul and life never felt better? The fact that her friends helped arrange the surprise for her and thought of Özgür's feelings too? Or the fact that she was back in Özgür's arms? From what it felt like, she was also back in his heart. She wasn't mistaken in this feeling.

Özgür smiled. He felt content. So much at peace that he realized the hurt he had gone through was meant to show him how much Ezgi mattered to him. He realized once again that what did not destroy him in his life made him stronger. Wiser. Much more perceptive to those close to him. Standing face-to-face with Ezgi filled him with so much hope for their future and he did not want to let go of that feeling. And he sure did not want to let go of her.

To make the evening even more special, Ozan brought out a box and told Ezgi it was her birthday present. Not from all of them... it was only from Özgür. Ezgi could not believe it but when Özgür nodded, she realized he really did think of something one-of-a-kind for her birthday. Something that money couldn't buy. Something that meant he cared. Ezgi was very excited to open the box but before she could, Deniz and Cansu brought out her birthday cake. She made a wish, blew out the candles, and they all took bites of the deliciously decadent chocolate cake.

As Ezgi began to take out the contents of the box, one by one, Özgür knew he had made a good decision to include several meaningful gifts rather than spending money on a ridiculously extravagant, flashy, meaningless necklace. That was not him and neither was it Ezgi. Özgür's heart filled with happiness when he saw Ezgi smile from ear-to-ear as she pulled out a lighter, a Swiss army knife, a cute-as-a-button toy goat Fitnat, an album full of Tango songs, a first aid kit, a magazine with the corrected title of "Bay Aşık - Mr. Love", and a plane ticket to Italy. It all made sense to both of them, beginning with the lighter Ezgi could now keep in her purse in place of the one she took from Soner. It all mattered to Özgür because seeing Ezgi so happy made him happy as well. To feel her heartbeat next to his as she embraced him felt almost as incredible as feeling her lips against his. And, boy, did his lips miss hers.

But the evening wasn't over just yet.

Lovestruck themselves, Ozan and Deniz serenaded Ezgi and each other. The love showed in their words, voices, and definitely in their eyes. So much so that Ozan gathered all the courage in his heart and asked Deniz if she would consider dating him. Officially, sincerely, and wholeheartedly. Everyone was surprised but immensely happy when Deniz agreed. Özgür had to admit that Ozan had found his own way to melt the hardened heart of his beloved attorney. They made a good match; a very fitting match.

Ezgi pointed out that Ozan asked Deniz in the sweetest and most official way. Since he did, now everyone would understand they were beloveds, as opposed to Özgür's unspoken intentions towards Ezgi. After all, Özgür hadn't asked her to be his beloved, had he? Özgür felt a bit offended. At least he played the part. Didn't he show Ezgi how much he cared? Hadn't he opened his heart and tried to fight for her love? Besides, he wasn't the type of a man to ask a woman to be his beloved. He showed it to her. Ezgi smiled and agreed that he definitely showed her that he cared.

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