Episode 2 - No harm done...

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What is the one presumption every "Mr. Wrong" makes? That he is always right. And he believes this to be true 100%. Why? Because in the process of
becoming that kind of a man he learned how life worked. And he learned how to make life work to his advantage. This generally works in his favor - until the day he meets the one woman strong and bold enough to challenge him on every possible level...

Özgür paused for a moment. He was sitting on his terrace with a woman who irritated him from the moment they met. And yet, it was becoming apparent that she may be the only woman who fit his criteria of someone he would have been able to bring to his sister's wedding. Was it his most logical option? Probably not, but he was running out of options. And for a man who preferred to have all the answers, that did not feel good.

So, he decided to ask her for a favor since she asked him for help herself. No harm done, right? He realized in an instant just how wrong he was to assume she would agree to his terms. She declined his offer, and that threw him off track. He had never met a woman who would not have agreed to act as his beloved. The problem was, he was not looking for a beloved, only for a one evening stand-in. And, of course, instead of trying to figure out a logical explanation as to why she declined his offer, he presumed that she was afraid she would end up falling for him.

Though she may have been naive in the past, she began to realize how to stand up for herself and her heart. And she would not admit to Özgür that he was the first man she was not afraid to do that to. She may not be his type, he said that more than once, but that did not mean he would automatically be her type. Just because he walked and talked like a man. HA! He had another thing coming if he fooled himself that she would fall at his feet and become a pawn in his pretend game of chess.

She got up and threw Tesla's ball at him. Heck, she would have thrown Tesla at him if she would have found the strength to pick the dog up. Pride or no pride, she did not need his help. If "Mr. Right" was out there waiting for her, she would find a way to get him herself. She stormed off, furious at herself but also at him too. But what she failed to see was the bigger and deeper reason why he asked her for help. And more importantly, why a free-spirited man like Özgür was asking for help in the first place...

As the morning came, so did a nightmare to both Ëzgi and Özgür. Ëzgi's nightmare came to her in the form of all the men she ever had feelings for - and what made it even worse, her dream included none other than Özgür himself. Though she woke up, her nightmare continued when she spoke with her mother. Her mother was impressed with her love interest, even if her step-father couldn't hide his amusement when he found out about Dr. Serdar's profession. But as much as Ëzgi's mother was impressed, it was all overshadowed by the fact that her tapeworm of an ex-boyfriend announced to the world that he was engaged, and soon to be married.

With truly no other option left for her, Ezgi made her way back to Özgür's apartment. In her attempt to be cautious, she ended up overhearing Özgür's conversation with his own mother. It somehow made her smile to know that she wasn't the only one with a mother pushing for a stable relationship. She could only imagine how nightmarish it must have made him feel.

As Özgür continued to speak with his mother, Ëzgi contemplated whether it was a good idea to come and ask him for help again. After all, she asked for his help yet she turned him down when he asked for help himself. From what little she knew of him, he was not the type of a man who asked twice. "No" was a "No", and it remained that way. She wasn't sure if asking him again was even worth it, but then she heard him say her name - to his mother.

If she wasn't mistaken, the very confident "Mr. Wrong" just admitted to his own mother that he was bringing her to Ebru's wedding. Which... could only mean one thing. He changed his mind about helping her. She was aware that throwing her arms around his neck would show him how desperate she was, so she opted for a more civilized way of thanking him. She accepted his stretched out hand, and they shook hands as a sign of accepting the terms of their agreement.

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