Episode 7 - A heart's melody...

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Love moves. It moves the world. It moves mountains. And it moves hearts into believing that anything is possible. As long as the heart allows the soul to hear the melody that forms in the rhythm of the beloved one's heartbeat.

Özgür stood on the terrace of his apartment and felt an odd sensation. He felt mildly not impressed by the woman who wrapped her hands around his neck and attempted to kiss him. That feeling was as new to him as the thought forming in his mind that he hoped for that woman to be... someone else. He also began to wonder why exactly he brought Yeşim home... and why it no longer felt right.

Instead of concentrating on the task at hand, his thoughts were miles away. Though it was not the distance that bothered him. It was the person around whom his thoughts revolved. It was Ezgi, his new employee. Ezgi, his next-door neighbor. Ezgi, the woman he pretended not to have any feelings for.

He felt Yeşim get closer and closer. She all but melted against him. He did not know whether he should accept her advances or turn his head to the side. Thankfully, Tesla resolved that problem for him. He heard Tesla bark and saw him run past him and Yeşim toward Ezgi's apartment. A thought ran through his mind. Actually, two thoughts. One, he hoped Ezgi returned home from her date with the loathsome Serdar. And two, he hoped she did not see what Tesla just interrupted. Nevertheless, the mood of the moment was gone and so was his interest in continuing the evening with Yeşim. He dismissed her as politely as he could and went to check on things more important to him.

With Tesla in tow, Özgür went to check if Ezgi returned. He was not ashamed to use Tesla as an excuse. At least not to Ezgi. If Ezgi saw him alone on her side of the terrace, she would have figured out that he was checking up on her. But since he came with Tesla, he would be able to say that he just came after him to bring him back to his side of the terrace. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the lights were on in her apartment. The balcony door was open and the window curtains danced gently in the evening breezes of Istanbul. Ah, he thought, Ezgi returned home. The dinner was not a long one after all.

But it was Cansu that walked onto the terrace. She looked around then went back inside. Özgür hugged Tesla a bit tighter and made his way back to his side of the terrace. Ezgi was not home. She was not back. Obviously, her dinner with Serdar did not end yet. Unable to sit still, and worse, unable to think about anything else except Ezgi, Özgür tried to take his mind off what troubled him. He turned on his music and played with Tesla. He was glad to have his dog back home. Glad too that Tesla not only saved him from the awkward situation with Yeşim, but also from feeling sorry for himself right now. What he wasn't aware of though was that the louder he played his music, the more heartbreak and overthinking he caused to the very woman he tried to get his mind off.

Way too early for him the next morning, Özgür got up, made coffee, and went outside to his terrace. He had to admit he did not feel any better than the night before. He looked toward Ezgi's apartment, and silently hoped he might have seen her right about now. It was not like him to think about a woman for so long. It definitely wasn't like him to wonder whether any woman liked him or not. If she did, good for her and better for him. If not, he never wasted his time. Not even half of a split second. Except, Ezgi was not just "any woman".

So, he went back inside and decided it would be best for him altogether if he got on with his other daily routines rather than spend any more time thinking about Ezgi. As he began jumping rope, Tesla ran past him the same way he did the evening before. Cansu must have gotten up, Özgür thought, and went on with his exercise. But it was not Cansu that made Tesla so happy that he rushed past his owner. Neither the night before or now.

Tesla heard Ezgi, ran toward her apartment, and waited patiently for her to greet him.
Quite opposite to the way Yeşim had reacted to Tesla, Ezgi smiled when she heard him bark. She went out onto the terrace and scolded him in a sincere way for rushing toward her the night before. She was happy he did but was afraid that Özgür saw her. She needn't have worried. Özgür was not aware that she saw him. But he was sure glad that his four-legged companion went to the other side of the terrace. The night before and now.

Özgür went to look for Tesla and called out for him. He found him, sweetly caressed by Ezgi. He called Tesla to come toward him. Tesla, being the smart dog that he was, could not believe the conversation that was carried out between his master and his lovable and sweet neighbor. How was it that he knew the truth, saw the truth, and recognized their feelings and intentions, but neither Özgür or Ezgi did? Tesla just could not understand it. He also could not understand why they chose to go along with the lies they were telling each other rather than own up to how they felt. But since he was just a dog, he could not convince them to tell the truth. Not yet, at least.

Since the tension following their conversation on the terrace had not eased one bit, their elevator ride on their way to work was just as awkward. Perhaps even a bit more, especially for Özgür. And if not awkward, it was definitely uncomfortable. As they walked into the elevator, Özgür misjudged his indifference to Ezgi. Or rather, to the scent of her shampoo. One whiff of her scent, and he suddenly heard all the alarms ringing in his heart. How was a man supposed to stay indifferent to a woman that drove him half-mad if he was already mad about her? Ahh, Özgür, ahh. The half of a split second it took him to turn his head and look at her when he recognized her scent almost gave him a whiplash.

He knew he needed to do something. So, he did. Only it made it look like he'd seen a ghost. With the fear of being discovered in his eyes, he moved to the other side of the elevator and refused to look her way. Ezgi looked at him and chose not to comment on her boss's behavior. After all, he was her boss, and she was wise enough not to comment on the fact that she knew exactly why he moved away.

Walking into "La Gabbia", Ezgi could not have felt more at home thanks to Emre. Though they have not known each other for long, he was sure growing on her. He was reserved but always kind and sincere. She had to admit he surprised her with the big and bold sombrero hat he wore. He took his work seriously and definitely put his own personal spice and spin on it. With his special touch and expertise in mixing just the right kind of cocktails and drinks, Ezgi knew she could trust him to work his magic behind the bar. Just as she could trust Ozan with the magic he created in the kitchen. That was why she came up with the brilliant idea of a Latin-inspired cooking class under the keen eye of Ozan Chef himself.

Even Özgür had to admit that Ezgi impressed him when it came to her work at the restaurant. Ezgi may have just begun her employment there but she dove right into it. She knew what to plan and how to make sure it worked out the way it was meant to. Though Gizem all but bit her nails all the way up to her elbows out of jealousy, she could not dismiss the fact that Ezgi really did have more expertise and experience than she did... and she hated that. Which was exactly what Emre saw, especially when Gizem tried to imply to Ezgi that Özgür offered Ezgi's job to her first but she declined it. Emre not only saw right through Gizem, he took every opportunity to put a thorn in Gizem's side, all the while smiling about it.

While Ozan prepared many variations of appetizers that would fit perfectly for the Latin-inspired evening, the restaurant received a surprise visit from Yeşim and Irem. Everyone was surprised to see them, but no one as much as Gizem, who began to sense she may soon have even more competition with regards to Özgür. Once again, Emre spared no time making sure she felt his one-of-a-kind support. He told Gizem not to worry. After all, she would still have the same exact chance to win over Özgür as before... since he paid no attention to her even before he met Ezgi and Yeşim.

As for Yeşim and Irem, they spared no time in marking their territory. Yeşim mentioned the Latin evening and "innocently" asked Özgür if she could come. Her indirect tactic worked. Özgür replied that she could come if she wished to; he wanted to be polite. But he almost suffered his second whiplash of the day when he heard Ezgi telling Yeşim that she would invite Serdar. Özgür did not care to hear Serdar's name, and his temper flared when he heard that Ezgi thought of inviting him. Yeşim smiled, not only because Ezgi mentioned her brother's name, but because she realized Ezgi thought more of Serdar than of Özgür. And this played well in her favor.

Since Ezgi was the kind of a woman who went through life with a sincere heart rather than using ruthless tactics, she was not accustomed to how direct other women could really be. She despised Yeşim but could not believe how obvious and insincere Irem was. She saw right through Irem the moment they met. Not only did Irem ask if she could come to the Latin event Ezgi was planning, but asked to speak with Ozan. Ezgi's jaw dropped when she heard Irem speaking with Ozan in a pretentious and patronizing manner. She all but dropped buckets of sugar at his feet when she passed the paperwork from Deniz to him. That raised a very loud alarm in Ezgi's mind. She knew Deniz. Her best friend would never let Irem bring those papers to Ozan. She must have either been tricked or challenged to have agreed to it. Neither option would have been what Deniz wanted or intended to do.

Ozan did not know that. He just assumed Deniz gave him yet another hint that she was not interested in him. He returned to the kitchen but could not find a place to calm down. He was glad when Özgür followed him. He needed to vent, but more than anything, he needed a shoulder to lean on. Where did he go wrong? Why did she reject him? Was he that bad of a man for her to think so poorly of him? Though he asked Özgür those questions, he was not looking for an answer from him. Özgür lived his life by the logic of his mind, while Ozan was guided by the voice of his heart. He knew he would not like what Özgür would have said. Resigned, Ozan sighed, and advised his best friend that he would give up on Deniz, since no woman deserved to be thought of the way he thought of her now.

Just as he suspected, Özgür replied in his perfectly logical and witty way. He laughed. He also informed Ozan that he was more than done for in his love for Deniz. He was a lost cause. Özgür also told Ozan that he was too romantic for his own good. Any other man would have already given up pursuing Deniz... but not Ozan. Özgür simply could not keep his amusement inside. But all kidding aside, he knew Ozan was hurt and would look for answers from Deniz. Aware that such conversations were not meant for phone calls, Özgür told Ozan he should wait and speak with the object of his affection in person. Ozan agreed then began to worry about how he would be able to do that since Deniz did not want to see him.

Unaware of just how vile Yeşim and Irem truly were, and also unaware of their conversation about the restaurant, about Ozan, and about her, Ezgi politely smiled at both women on their way out. She could not wait for them to leave. She noticed the way Yeşim clung to Özgür when she bid him goodbye. While Özgür did not see it that way but definitely noticed the way Irem took the signed legal paperwork from Ozan. She purposefully and intentionally put her hand over Ozan's. It not only became obvious to Özgür what Irem wanted to accomplish, it was plainly a possessive move. That did not set well with Özgür, especially since he knew that Irem was Deniz's rival at work. And from the looks of it, Irem had no scruples about going after someone who was clearly interested in Deniz.

After Yeşim and Irem left, Ezgi lit back up, though not only because of the light she carried in her. She lit up because she did not have to look at Yeşim any moment longer. She was not aware that Özgür felt the same way. On the contrary, she did not want to spend a moment even thinking about him. So much so that she was happy to admit to Özgür that she made the decision to invite Serdar to the Latin evening on her own. After all, since he resigned from the position of her relationship coach, she did not feel obligated to run anything past him first. Then she added that she could not wait for the real fun to begin, because she would for sure have real fun with Serdar.

Özgür smiled and responded that he could not wait for that either. Deep down inside though, he thanked his lucky stars that Ezgi could not hear his thoughts or read his mind. If she could, she would have found out what he really thought about the idea of her having any sort of fun with the poor excuse of a man that Serdar was to him. Though Ezgi could not hear Özgür's thoughts, there was someone else that certainly did. Ozan stood by the bar and could not believe how obvious his boss and the newly-hired events coordinator were when it came to hiding their feelings. Maybe Özgür was great when it came to offering relationship advice to everyone who asked for it, but he was oblivious to feelings that mattered in his own life. Ozan could even hear Özgür's confidence crash down the moment Ezgi walked away, clearly victorious in the argument they just had.

Özgür looked the same way after Ezgi left the restaurant at the end of the day. Ozan was aware of the reason why she left a bit early. He was also aware of what he needed to do. Convince Özgür to go to the gym with him. Özgür chuckled to himself because he was well aware of the last time Ozan visited a gym, in their nearly ancient olden days. Özgür had no intention of going to the gym, and quite frankly was not in the mood for it. But since Ozan begged him for it, and even mentioned Özgür's rather deflated muscles in recent times, he could not refuse and was soon glad he did not.

The moment they walked into the gym, Özgür saw the object of his frustration. He laughed not only because he saw Ezgi with her friends, but because he should have seen it coming. He knew he would keep this in mind the next time Ozan would ask him about going to the gym. As expected, neither Deniz, Ezgi, or Cansu appeared happy to see them. But Levent showed up just in the nick of time and acted as a smooth talker intermediary between the two groups. Indeed, he had much to say, most of it to Özgür, and most of it about keeping a perfectly balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Even though Özgür was reluctant to come to the gym at first, he had to admit he began to enjoy the company of his newly-acquired friends. It was definitely more entertaining to complete his workout routine if it meant laughing at Ozan's puppy-love attempts to woo over Deniz, or chuckling at Levent's quite amusing exercise suggestions, or stealing innocent and indirect glances at Ezgi. If anyone ever asked him, however, he would not admit that a woman ever made him look at her the way Ozan looked at Deniz. Or the way he saw her. Just to see Ozan pause and become semi-coherent whenever his eyes came upon Deniz made Özgür realize that a love life was not for him. Definitely, not for him. And definitely not with someone like Ezgi.

Why? Because she was not his type. Because she chose to pursue someone like Serdar who was Özgür's polar opposite. And finally, because she was completely oblivious to his charm, charisma, and... feelings. It was as if she was immune to his appeal, allure, and personality. Özgür never wasted his time on someone who was not interested in him. And yet, he was unable to remain indifferent to Ezgi. Nor was he able to convince himself that she meant nothing to him. He realized just how true that was when she asked him to teach her how to dance Tango. Why? Because she wanted to learn how to dance to impress Serdar. He swore silently. It would sooner snow in July than for him to agree to that kind of a deal.

Just as unpredictable as weather could be, so could the future be the same. How could Özgür have predicted that his own sense of stubborness would get the better of him? A mere few hours after leaving the gym, Özgür stood barefoot on his terrace holding Ezgi in his strong arms, leading her as they took their first steps to the vivid rhythm of the Tango. He chose not to address the fact that something happened to him when he saw her dance with a tablet on her side of the terrace. He did not see her clumsy moves while she attempted to follow the steps. He saw her... move... and move with a slow and sensuous motion that left his heart half-paced and barely beating.

A man could get used to watching a woman he admired dance to the beat of her heart. That thought ran through him and shocked him unexpectedly. There was no way he would help her with the dance lessons if she already moved the way she did. There was no way he would lend a helping hand to her if it meant she would end up in Serdar's arms. Except, he did. Neither male ego nor indifference were able to overpower the sudden streak of jealousy that came over him when Ezgi received a call from Deniz telling her about the Tango teacher she was able to find. Serdar or no Serdar, there was no way Özgür would let anyone else teach Ezgi the deeply passionate art of the Tango.

So, just like that, Özgür stood on the terrace with Ezgi in his arms, surrounded by the gentle light of the stars and the moon. He let the first tunes of the Tango music fill the night air then took the first steps with Ezgi in his arms. He was gentle but strong. Delicate but firm. Innocent but direct. To be sure he did not lose sight of the reason why he was teaching her the art of Tango, Özgür made it a point to teach her the theory and the reasons behind the meaning and the heart of the Tango. It wasn't just a dance of love. Quite the contrary. It was a dance of passion, defiance, and the pain of love. It wasn't enough to dance to it with one's feet. One had to feel its raw emotions with one's heart. A dance step was just a step, but a dance step taken with passion in it made all the difference.

How could a man who evaded feelings like Özgür possibly explain passion? He did so with the meaning expressed in his words, with the sound of his voice, and with the strength of his body. Being strong enough to lead in life was one thing. Being strong on the dance floor had another meaning. One not only had to learn the way a partner's body moved, one had to then learn how to make that partner react to movement in unison, with no words, no signals, and oftentimes with closed eyes.

As they practiced evening after evening, Özgür delved more and more into what Tango meant to those who loved it and danced to it. With full knowledge and a deep respect for how and where Tango originated, he explained to Ezgi that the passion of the dance was as important as the role of both partners. The man led his partner but also relied on the woman's strength to push back. There was a perfect symmetry between the give and the take, a balance that fueled the hearts of both partners in a Tango. The highs and the lows balanced perfectly with the raw and unapologetic passion. And it always had to be raw to be real. Something so passionate could never be pretended or faked. Otherwise the dance itself lost its meaning.

On the last evening of their practice, Özgür announced to Ezgi that she was ready. Ready to dance, and reluctantly said, ready to impress Serdar. What started as an excuse not to let anyone else teach her how to dance somehow morphed into yet another reason why he could not get her out of his mind. Boss or no boss. Employee or not. She was more to him than some work title limited her to. Ezgi... she had become special to him and he found it harder and harder to deny it.

Ezgi smiled when she heard that she was ready. Özgür was the perfect teacher. If she danced good enough for him, she danced good enough for anyone. But then she grew worried. What if she danced well because she relied on Özgür's strength to lead her? Özgür calmed her down. She was ready and it was as plain as that. She breathed a sigh of relief, and embraced him sincerely.

If she knew how that made Özgür feel. If she knew how his mind reacted when he felt her arms wrapped around his neck. If she knew how his body reacted to her touch. There was no way Yeşim could make him feel what he felt for Ezgi in that moment. He was reluctant to share a moment with Yeşim on his terrace just a few days ago, but now he didn't want this moment with Ezgi to end. It wasn't only the warmth of Ezgi's arms around him, it was also because of her shampoo. Its beautiful scent wafted across his nose each time they moved close together in the movements of the Tango. They ended their last practice and Ezgi released her hold around his neck. Özgür reluctantly let her go and watched as she crossed the terrace to her apartment. 

When they arrived at "La Gabbia'' the day of the Latin-inspired event, the place looked amazing. The transformation of the restaurant into "Latin Party Central" was well underway. Emre was more than ready. Even Gizem decided to play the part of the perfect hostess and dressed to match the theme of the event. As more people began to show up, everyone moved onto the garden area where Chef Ozan's culinary class was to take place. As expected, Yeşim and Irem made an appearance. And just as expected, they made Özgür and Ozan wait on their every word. If it were possible, Ezgi would have rolled her eyes all the way back to the last century, not only at these two girlfriends, but also at both men who just did not know how to say 'NO' to either one of them.

Ezgi anticipated that Yeşim would take a jab at her and was well prepared. When Ozan asked his kind-hearted new colleague if she was going to join them, Ezgi declined at first. She waited for Yeşim to make a comment about it and was not disappointed in the least when Yeşim mentioned that perhaps Ezgi was just not a good enough cook. Ezgi did not have to rush with her answer because she knew what to say. She dealt with the likes of Yeşim for a good part of her life. Not only did Ezgi counter Yeşim's attack like a pro by saying that she was a very skilled cook since birth, she also added that since Deniz was on her way, she preferred to wait for her friend so she would not feel left out.

Irem all but dug her nails into the defenseless soft taco when she heard Deniz's name. She also couldn't have not noticed the way Ozan's eyes lit up when he heard that Deniz would take part in his culinary class. And it was not only his eyes that lit up when Deniz came. Even Özgür had to admit that Ozan's whole face lit up like a firecracker when Deniz walked in. By the end of the class, two things were obvious to Özgür. One, Deniz was not as indifferent toward Ozan as she made out to be. And two, Ezgi was definitely a much better cook than Yeşim, especially since Ozan personally gave her two thumbs up.

After the culinary class ended, the party moved back inside. Emre spared no time and definitely spared no effort making sure that his one-of-a-kind mix of cocktails was a hit. And, boy, was it ever! The taste of the drinks was such a huge success that everyone asked for the ingredients. The minute Emre revealed them, Irem panicked for obvious reasons. This was NOT an evening she planned to miss, for any reason, but now she would have to. All because of Emre and his impeccable use of chilies in the cocktail mix which she was allergic to. Now thanks to Emre, the party went on without either Yeşim or Irem, much to Ezgi's relief but not only hers.

Since he was left alone and unbothered by Yeşim, Özgür was free to do what he did best. He observed everything and everyone and that meant everyone. He permitted himself a double-take of a gaze when Ezgi rejoined Deniz after changing into a more suitable outfit for the evening portion of the Latin-themed event. The perfectly fitted red gown she wore would be a perfect fit for the Tango dance she would no doubt enjoy. He felt a pang in his gut because he knew she would enjoy it with Serdar, not with him. But life was life, and he always rolled with it. Regardless of how much the punches hurt.

Speaking of punches, something else got Özgür's attention. Or rather, someone. He saw a familiar face come into the restaurant and join Deniz and Ezgi. Since he knew that the man who joined them did not strike Ezgi's interest, he wondered if the man showed up because of Deniz. Since two sets of eyes were always more keen observers than one, and definitely more fun when it came to spending time with Ozan, Özgür was more than glad when he noticed that Ozan joined him.

Özgür tried his best to keep from laughing. For a good natured and usually reserved Chef, Ozan turned into a defiant defender of unsuspecting Deniz's honor. Özgür decided it would be best not to comment on Ozan's sudden change, or the fact that Ozan kept repeating his name over and over in an effort to annoy him enough to finally walk toward Deniz and Ezgi. Though it was amusing to hear Ozan say his name in that stoically desperate tone of voice, Özgür deduced that it would have been easier to prevent punches rather than have Deniz beat Ozan over the head for coming to her rescue when she obviously did not need it.

As it turned out, Ozan's opponent was not only innocent of the crimes that Ozan assumed of him, he may have very well turned out to be the person he and Deniz needed the most in order to melt the growing ice sheet around Deniz's heart. In the most unexpected twist of Fate, Ozan turned out to be someone Deniz kept in her heart for as long she could remember. Who would have thought that the man Deniz almost wished out of existence was the first man she ever fell in love with? To be honest, even Özgür could not believe the way Deniz melted into a soft puddle of mush when she found out Ozan was her first love. And for sure, he didn't even have to look at Ozan to figure out what this new revelation did to his best friend. This day was definitely getting better and better in Özgür's mind. Just how much better, he was about to find out.

As the four of them stood by the cocktail table, Ozan and Deniz sighed happily when they saw how taken Özgür was with Ezgi. Deniz realized that Özgür had slowly turned into a lovestruck teenager who could not take his eyes off the object of his affection. Even Ozan could not believe the words that kept coming out of Özgür's lips. As if spellbound, the man who stood before them, the very one who was dubbed Istanbul's "Mr. Wrong", was the one whose words flowed like honey. Until Ezgi received a call. Özgür straightened up and the light left his eyes... but unnecessarily. Serdar did call Ezgi but to cancel their plans for the evening.

Özgür played it cool, but inside he celebrated with an inner Latin Flamenco dance. He was glad. He was happy. Then Deniz let it slip out about how impossible it was for Ezgi and Serdar to schedule a dinner that actually had any chance of happening. After all, neither dinner they scheduled happened. Though Ezgi tried to cover it up, Özgür realized that what he feared the most did not even happen. Ezgi did not have dinner with Serdar. That was by far the best news he heard. But then again, it also made him wonder why she would have lied to him about it.

The evening turned out to be a huge success. The place was packed and everyone was happy. And since everyone was happy, the restaurant was sure to make a hefty profit. And seeing how happy Ezgi was only made Özgür happier. The only thing that was missing was her hand in his hand, and them together out on the dance floor. Suddenly Ezgi told him that she was glad Serdar did not come. They had trained and practiced the Tango but she would have been so insecure about dancing that she would have opted out of dancing it with Serdar. Özgür looked at Ezgi in a way that not even Gizem was able to deny, and he knew he needed to lead her onto the dance floor. Audience or no audience. He saw in Ezgi's eyes what he felt for quite a while. She was not insecure. She was not shy. She was not defined by the failures of her past relationships. She was a woman of flesh and blood, and it was about time she realized how amazing she really was.

He offered her his hand, and whispered to her that she was good at dancing and that she had it in her to shine. The dance floor cleared out and it was only the two of them. Center stage. Middle of the dance floor. Surrounded by the beat of the Tango music and the dimmed light that wrapped itself around them. What happened next was undeniably one of the best moments of both of their lives. Ezgi trusted Özgür to lead her. Özgür trusted Ezgi to follow his lead. Neither of them swayed or missed a step. Neither of them loosened their grip once they held onto each other. Neither of them took their eyes off each other.

Eye to eye. Hand in hand. Step by step. No one would have believed that the pair on the dance floor practiced for a mere four days to come up with this passionate display of a sensuous Tango. Just as no one would have believed they did not feel anything for one another. Whether the dance partners were ready to admit to their feelings or not.

When the melody ended, Özgür barely registered that he would have to let go of Ezgi's hand. The routine they practiced may have ended but not what he heard in his heart. His feet stood firmly on the ground, but his body still vibrated from what it felt just a moment ago. He swallowed hard. He could barely catch his breath, but it had nothing to do with the Tango.

The moment they left the dance floor, Gizem pulled Ezgi aside and advised her that there was someone who had come to see her. Baffled by Gizem's words, Ezgi stepped outside. To her shock she saw Soner but was even more shocked to see what hid in his eyes. Anger, jealousy, possessiveness. The likes of which she chose not to welcome into her life. Soner left her and she was wise enough not to want him back. More than that fact, she was finally confident enough to stand before him and demand respect from him. Without him, she was everything she would not have been able to be if he was still in her life.

But Soner would not listen. He was deaf to her words and oblivious to the fact that she no longer needed him. He pulled at her arm and demanded that they talk. And that? That was the one mistake he never should have made. Özgür came out of the restaurant looking for Ezgi. He worried when he suddenly lost sight of her and when he found her fighting to free herself away from Soner, everything inside Özgür boiled. He never understood taking advantage of someone weaker and never tolerated it. And as sure as the blood rushing through his body, he rushed after Soner. One swing of his arm, and the cocky and pompous Soner fell to the ground like a measly poor excuse of a twig.

Ezgi clung to Özgür and he felt her shiver in his arms. If he wasn't the man that he was, Özgür would have picked Soner up just to throw another punch at him. The confident Ezgi that danced in his arms a moment ago was gone. There was no sign left of her. The Ezgi that shook in his arms was the same one that stood in the department store the last time he saw her speaking with Soner. Özgür realized in that moment that her confidence was not the problem. The type of men that took advantage of her was.

They left the restaurant. There was no way Özgür would have asked her to go back inside knowing that Soner might have still come after her. He took her home. Whether his apartment or hers. Whether the Latin event that took place at his restaurant ended or not. It did not matter. She mattered... and that was that.

As they sat on the terrace at home, Ezgi calmed down. The light returned to her eyes. The smile returned to her face. Her confidence began to return to her as well. He hoped that he could take partial credit for that and he was not mistaken. Just to see her smile calmed his temper too. She was still fragile and shaken up by what happened with Soner. She surprised Özgür by saying she was glad Soner cheated on her. After all, if he hadn't, they would not have met. They would not have ended up on the deserted island. They would not have danced at Özgür's sister's wedding. And she would not have found her dream job by Özgür's side. She took a deep breath, and whispered that it was good that he was in her life.

Özgür smiled. He heard the words that he hoped to hear from her. She said those words to him because he mattered to her as a man, not as her boss or as her neighbor. He finally allowed himself to feel the heart's melody he heard for quite a while. He leaned in. Closer and closer... and stopped an inch away from red lipstick lips. He asked why she lied to him about going to dinner with Serdar. She smiled. She sighed. She realized that lying about her feelings for him always made matters either worse or more complicated. So, she decided to be honest.

She smiled. She was about to admit what she felt for him and how much he mattered to her. She was ready. She was sure of her feelings. And she would have revealed it all, if it wasn't for Yeşim and Serdar showing up at the worst possible moment...

BAY YANLIŞOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora