No one ever did

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" AGH this is so fucking dumb! Let me just go ask them!" Kyle huffed, Wendy grabbing his arm and firmly yanking him back to their hiding spot. The four had met up again, and were now crouched behind a wall, listening and occasionally peeking up to see if Token and Clyde had moved at all. " Don't fucking touch my boyfriend" Stan hissed, checking Kyles arm to see if he was hurt. He blushed slightly, apologizing to Wendy for snapping as Kyle giggled at how protective he was. " Hey, that cloud kinda looks like a heart." The four heard Clyde say, making their eyes light up as they popped their heads slightly over the wall. " Well I mean, anatomically speaking I guess. Hearts do look like weird blobby potatoes." Token agreed, making Clyde frown in confusion. " No, that one look" He shook his head, pointing up at the sky. " Oh, I mean.. Sort of. If you squint really hard." Token said as he tried to see the heart shape. " Token I-" Clyde began, before Stan's foot slipped on the gravel, making a scratching sound. The four gasped loudly, ducking and hoping that the noise was covered by everyone else in the park. " Oh boy Clyde you look so handsome" Token frowned, his tone blank and bored. Bebe squeaked, jumping out of cover, her face dropping when she saw Token staring back at her, not at all surprised. " Knew it" Token rolled his eyes. " Token you uh.. you really think I'm handsome?" Clyde blushed. " No dude I just wanted those guys to stop spying on us " Token said. " Oh by the way the rest of you can come out too." Wendy, Stan and Kyle stood up, shamefully blushing as they avoided eye contact. " Stan and Kyle? I knew the girls have been trying to figure out if I'm gay but you guys too now?" Token said disappointedly. " Uh.. Token?" Stan winced, pointing towards Clyde, who was looking at his friend, eyes filled with tears. " You don't think I'm handsome? Am I ugly?" Clyde asked, before bursting into tears. " No no! Clyde you're beautiful! Clyde I didn't mean- " Token spluttered, making Wendy and Bebe share a look. " But you said-" " I just didn't want them to know that I like you!" Token said without thinking, suddenly clapping a hand over his mouth. " You what?" Clyde asked, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. " I uh.. Fuck." Token sighed, looking away as his face turned red. " What the hell? Why didn't you say something?" Clyde frowned, crossing his arms. " I uh.. You're straight." Token rubbed his neck nervously. " Oh really? Would a straight person do this?" Clyde rolled his eyes, kissing Token, making everyone's eyes shoot open. " B..but you flirt with girls all the time. And you always say no homo and stuff!" Token stuttered. " Token I flirted with a slice of pizza yesterday. Doesn't mean I wanna date it." Clyde raised an eyebrow smirking. He was enjoying being the smart one for once way too much. Token shook his head, snapping himself out of it. " I honestly don't know with you and food sometimes" Token chuckled teasingly. " Well ok bad example maybe I do want to date pizza." Clyde joked, making Token punch his arm lightly. " You guys got enough evidence now?" Kyle frowned at the girls, who nodded happily. " Lets leave these two to it, bye guys, congrats." Stan waved sympathetically to the boys, sorry for disturbing their day out. " See ya stalkers" Token laughed, making Kyle groan in embarrasment as they left. " So youre gonna help us now right?" He begged. " Yep, a deals a deal!" Wendy smiled, making Kyle sigh in relief. " So where do you wanna st- Hey watch it asshole!" Wendy huffed as someone bumped into her. " Sorry" The person rolled their eyes sarcastically. " Oh damn are you okay?" Stan asked, noticing that the guy had dropped whatever papers he had been holding thanks to the collision. He knelt down, helping to pick them up. The man looked up with a scowl on his face, but his eyes widened when he saw that it was Stan in front of him. " Here you go" Stan said politely, handing him the papers. The man stood, staring at Stan like a deer in headlights. " Uh.. sir?" Stan asked, waving a hand in front of his face. Kyle groaned, annoyed at how long they were taking. " Hey wait.. dont I know you from somewhere?" Kyle asked thoughtfully, snapping the man out of his trance as he snatched the papers back aggressively. " No. I have a familiar face." He frowned. " I could have sworn that-" Kyle began, before he was interrupted. " LOOK I DONT KNOW YOU OK SO JUST FUCKING DROP IT ALREADY" The man snarled, making Kyle clench his fists. Stan stood up, holding his boyfriend back cautiously, a pissed but confused look on his face as he watched the man. " HEY WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BEING SO-" Kyle yelled. " KYLE LEAVE IT!" Wendy butted in. Kyle looked at Stan for reassurance. " Yea man, hes not worth it." Stan agreed, making Kyle sigh as he unclenched his fists. " Tsk" The man rolled his eyes, brushing his black hair out of his eyes as he shook his head, walking away. Of course they wouldn't remember him, he thought to himself. No one ever did.

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