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" So Karen,  you up for pizza tonight? " Kyle asked from his boyfriends back. " PIZZA! " Karen replied enthusiastically,  making the pair smile.  " I'll take that as a yea" Stan said happily,  as Kyle nuzzled into his neck. Stan silently made the descision to take the pair to his own place,  since Kyle was still living with his parents, and they were likely home by now.  Stan had moved away from Randy and Shelly as soon as he had the oppurtunity,  and had found himself a cozy little cottage,  where he and his friends had shared many happy memories. As the house came into sight,  he smirked at the small girl holding his hand.  " Hey Karen..  Race ya! " He smiled,  breaking into a jog and laughing when Kyle yelped and tightened his grip around his neck. Karen easily outran Stan,  who was weighed down by Kyle and admittedly not trying very hard. " Kyle rolled his eyes smiling,  as Stan set him down in front of the door.  " I win! " Karen said proudly,  smiling widely and showing off her dimples in the process. " Well done Karen, I think SOMEONE deserves an extra slice of pizza! " Kyle praised,  ruffling her already messy hair as Stan unlocked the door. " No fair I want extra pizza" Stan fake pouted,  making Kyle giggle. " You're such a dork dude" he said,  kissing his cheek and dragging him inside. Karen lept onto Stans sofa, followed by the two boys. "Guys can I paint your nails?  You would look sooo pretty! " Karen suddenly asked,  making Stan and Kyle share a nervous look. " Well uh..  We dont have any nail polish. " Stan said,  feeling pleased with himself. " Why not?  Ken and Leo do. " Flashbacks of princess Kenny and Marjorine crossed Stan and Kyles minds.  " Never mind,  I brought some of Leo's with me. " She said happily,  pulling out a bottle of pale pink varnish.  Stan gulped audibly.  " Why did you..  Doesnt matter,  we should do Kyles first though" Stan said slyly,  smirking at Kyle. Kyle looked at them wide eyed,  faking a glare at his boyfriend when he noticed the smirk. " Yey!  Makeover! " Karen said excitedly,  bouncing in her seat. Kyle smiled genuinely at the girl,  not caring how he was going to look, as long as she  was happy. Kyle sat in Stans lap,  holding out a freckled hand to Karen.  She took it,  inspecting it closely. " Hey you have those things that Kenny has" She said absentmindedly stroking the freckles.
She opened the bottle,  the strong smell filling the air,  and began to carefully paint. " Wow Karen you're really good at this " Kyle said surprised,  watching as she delicately filled in his nails with pink. " I've had A LOT of practice" She giggled. " Stan remember that one time when I p-" "- no I dont know what you're talking about" Stan inturrupted her,  blushing  hard. " Staaannn?  " Kyle said,  raising an eyebrow.  " When she did what? " Karen giggled,  before saying " I painted his nails black when he was being a goth kid,  I still do Firkles nails sometimes" Kyle bit his lip,  smiling at his boyfriend behind him. " Dude really? " Stan shrugged in response,  before quickly changing the topic. " I need to order the pizza soon if we ever wanna eat,  what you guys want? " Kyle hummed thoughtfully. " Ooh! Can we get garlic bread? " Karen said excitedly. " Sure but we need to actually order pizza too" Stan laughed " Me and Kyle normally get a spinach pizza because Kyle is Jewish and I dont really like eating meat anyways,  but I figure you wont like that right? " Stan asked,  surprised when Karen didn't grimace at the word spinach like Ike would have. " Dude no way I love spinach!  Leo grows it in our garden and its soooo good." Karen gushed,  her stomach growling at the thought. " Then its settled,  spinach pizza and garlic bread. Anything else? " " No thank you Stan! " Karen said smiling widely. Stan grinned,  knowing that Butters had taught her manners rather than Kenny.  He dialed in the number to Shakeys pizza,  and walked into his kitchen,  leaving Karen and Kyle alone. " So,  now that Stans gonneee...  Boy talk! " Karen said excitedly,  motioning for Kyle to give her his other hand to paint.  Kyle rolled his eyes smiling at the girl,  and gave her his other hand.  " So are you and Stan like..  Boyfriends? " Karen whispered,  giggling childishly.  Kyle blushed lightly. " Uh..  Yea we..  We are.. " He said shyly,  laughing at himself for acting like a school girl.  " Do you lovvveeee himmmm? " She pryed.  " Yea..  Yea I do.. Like..  A lot. " Kyle admitted,  smiling happily as Stan walked back into the room.  " So Karen,  any boys in your life? " Kyle fired back. " Uh..  Not exactly... " She began " Buuut..  I kinda like this girl Tricia" She blushed,  grinning up at the ginger. " Wait,  Tricia Tucker,  Craigs sister? " Stan joined the conversation.  " Yea,  shes nice when you get to know her..  OOh,  which reminds me,  I think your little bro has a crush dude" Karen said evilly.  " WHAT? " Kyle said,  his ginger curls bobbing as he jolted in shock. " Hey keep still" Karen responded,  dragging his hand back to her.  " Yea you know that little goth dude..  Firkle i think his name is..  I saw them hanging out holding hands the other day. " She gossiped.  " Dude he smokes!  I dont want Ike smoking! " Kyle said nervously,  fear crossing his face. " Relax babe it wont do him anymore harm than kick the baby did" Stan grinned,  making Kyle open his mouth to retort,  but before he could Karen changed the subject.  " So guys,  do you think Ken did it yet? " The boys shared a look of confusion.  Did Karen know what Kenny was planning?  " Did you guys really think that Kenny wouldn't tell me?  It was practically my idea! " Karen said,  before releasing her grip on Kyles hand and screwing the bottle shut.  " Ta daa! " Kyle observed his nails,  stretching out his long slender fingers.  They looked surprisingly good, and the blush that dusted over Stans cheeks signified that he agreed. " Wow..  Good job Karen" Kyle praised. " Thank you" She said proudly accepting the compliment. " So...  Kenny? " She began.  " Oh right" Stan said,  shaking his head to stop himself from staring at his beautiful boyfriend. " I can't wait for Leo to be my brother for real" She said happily. " And at their wedding Kenny said I can be a bridesmaid! " Stan and Kyle laughed at her enthusiasm. " Remember though Karry,  Butters could say no" Stan said realistically,  trying not to get her hopes up.  " Are you kidding?  Who would turn down my big bro" Karen said confidently. The door bell rang,  making Stan and Karen jump up excitedly and sprint to collect the pizza.  Kyle chuckled at the childlike behavior of his boyfriend, leaving to set up the table. " Pizza pizza pizza! " Karen and Stan chanted excitedly,  smiling widely and opening the door.  Stans mouth dropped when he saw a pudgy boy holding their order.  " That'll be £7.50" The boy said,  before meeting Stans wide eyes. " Cartman?  Why the fu..  heck are you delivering pizzas? "Stan asked curiously,  censoring his language in front of the little girl. " I uh..  Uh well.. " Cartman said,  nervously,  his face turning red.  Karen rolled her eyes and handed Cartman the money from Stans hand,  taking the order over to Kyle. " I thought you were 'Too smart to take a minimum wage job'" Stan quoted,  rolling his eyes. " Yea well...  Shut up! " Cartman retorted angrily. " Stan,  foods gonna get cold! " Kyle shouted from the kitchen. " Figures the fucking Jew would be here" Cartman laughed mockingly to hide his embarrassment.  " I swear to god you guys are like boyfriends or something" Stan blushed hard,  and on cue Kyle came up behind him,  snaking his arms around his waist.  " Come on babe..  Stop chatting up the delivery guy and come eat" Kyle whined into Stans ear,  gently biting it it. Stan froze, making Kyle look at him confused and Cartman burst into a laughing fit.  " You..  Two..  Oh my god...  This is hilarious..  Oh my god... " Cartman said between laughs,  making Kyle blush a dark crimson when he realised who he was.  " FATASS?!  WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?! " He shouted,  flustered. " Pizza.. oh my god..  This is way better..  And you have a kid..  Oh my god..  Fucking jewfag" Eric said,  trying to contain his laughter and wiping tears from his eyes. Stan angrily shut the door on him,  before meeting Kyles eyes.  The two stared at each other,  the negative emotions melting away as they burst into laughter. " Dude what even just happened" Kyle giggled,  holding Stans hand and dragging him to the table. Karen was waiting patiently for the two,  licking her lips at the delicious smell of freshly baked dough and garlic filling the air. The boys hungrily opened the packages,  sharing out the food and digging in greedily. " Oh my mmmfm god best pizza everrrr" Karen groaned through a mouth stuffed full of food.  She swallowed before saying " Sorry,  no talking with your mouth full I know,  but the food is just soooo good"    Kyle hummed in agreement,  taking a large bite out of his own slice. After the three had devoured the entire three pizzas and two sticks of garlic bread, they layed back in their chairs,  bellys full. " I dont think I can ever eat again" Stan groaned,  before stuffing some leftover pizza crust into his mouth. " Me neither" Kyle said,  flopping his head onto Stans lap. " You wanna watch a movie while we wait for our stomachs to process what just happened" Stan laughed weakly,  earning two groans of agreement from Karen and Kyle. They stumbled lazily into the living room,  sinking into Stans couch. Kyle turned on netflix and gave Karen the remote,  snuggling into his boyfriends lap with the intention of falling into a food coma. " Maybe its the food baby talking Stan,  but I really,  REALLY love you dude,  like,  heart might explode love you. " Kyle mumbled into his chest. " Well I really really love you too bro" Stan replied smiling,  hugging his sleepy boyfriend closer. Stan wasn't paying attention to the tv,  as he listened to Kyles breathing slow as he gradually fell asleep. He watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath,  entranced by the adorableness. He had fallen deep for his super best friend,  and he was fully aware. Suddenly,  Stan felt his phone vibrate in his pocket,  snapping him out of his thoughts. He turned it on,  reading the text.

McWhoreDick : So..  You and Kyle wanna be my best men at our wedding?  😊

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