Mermaids and Scorpians

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Craig looked up as Kyle Stan and Wendy sat in front of him,  Bebe sitting next to him as he narrowed his eyes. " What?  Worried you'll catch cooties? " Bebe teased,  causing Craig to scowl,  sticking his middle finger up.  He stood up, climbing over Bebe and walked to sit at the counter to hang out with his boyfriend.  " Good luck I guess" He shrugged at Stan,  and he figured that Craig and Tweek were finished helping for now. " So, we're helping you guys figure out if Clyde and Token are together?" Kyle asked as Wendy moved to sit next to Bebe. " Yea,  we made a bet and Wendy does not want to lose" Bebe chuckled nervously at the competative look on her girlfriends face. " If you guys help us,  we'll help you " Wendy promised. " Ok,  well,  where do we start? " Kyle asked. " Clyde and Token are hanging out right now according to their instagrams,  which we think is code for going on a date.  They should be in the....  Park right now. " Bebe said,  scrolling through the page and showing the most recent photo,  which was of Clyde stuck in a tree. " Lets go then,  theyre not gonna stay there forever" Wendy said hurriedly,  shooting up and climbing out of her seat. " Wendy wait up! " Bebe squeaked, jumping up and grabbing Kyles wrist,  pulling him with them. Kyle yelped as he nearly tripped,  smiling gratefully as his boyfriends  strong arm steadied him.  The girls hurried to the park across from the shop,  Bebe dragging Kyle,  Stan holding his free hand so that the three were in a chain chasing after Wendy. " BABE WAIT FOR US! " Bebe giggled,  making Wendy turn around. She laughed,  slowing down when she noticed how far behind they were. " Sorry guys" She apologised,  checking her phone. The four got to the park,  scanning around for Clyde and Token. Kyle frowned thoughtfully,  pointing up at a tree. " That looks like where Clyde was stuck in the instagram post" He noted,  Wendy nodding in agreement as she held her phone up to the tree. A faint snort of laughter made them turn their heads,  Wendy pulling everyone down behind a bush when they noticed Clyde giggling at something Token had said. " EVERYONE BE QUIET! " Wendy hissed,  making Stan frown. " No one was talk-" " SHHH! " She interrupted, the other three rolling their eyes. She bit her lip, sighing when she realised that they were too far away to hear their conversation. Suddenly,  Token seemed to freeze,  gaze fixed on his friend. His eyes softened,  smile widening as he watched him run a hand through his hair to fix it.  A light blush dusted over his cheeks,  making Wendy gasp.  She snapped a photo,  grinning proudly.  " Can we be done now? " Stan asked,  Wendy shaking her head and looking at him like he was an idiot.  " Of course not!  We need more solid proof than this! " She explained,  making Kyle groan as he shared a look with his boyfriend. " And how are we going to do that? " Kyle frowned,  looking at his watch. " Hmm..  We need to get closer to them. " Bebe hummed thoughtfully. " Yea..  Its risky though. How about we split up? " Wendy offered. " If we go in pairs it wont look suspicious if they see one of us". " Ok,  me and Wends will go stand behind that tree,  you two go to the wall over there" Bebe agreed,  pointing to the hiding places. Stan looked at Kyle,  shrugging in agreement. " Ok,  lets go babe" Kyle grinned,  excited to finally have some alone time with Stan. He pulled Stan out of the bush,  walking hurriedly towards the other side of the wall. " Baby why are you so exci- MMPFH! " Stan began,  before Kyle smashed their lips together once they were out of sight. The ginger pulled away,  smiling happily. " I love you" He said,  making Stan chuckle.  The black haired boy flipped them around,  placing his hand against the wall next to Kyles head as he leant closer to his face,  feeling his breath against his lips. " We were alone a couple hours ago,  is that really too long for you? " Stan teased in a low voice,  making Kyle blush,  nodding shamefully. " Youre so clingy...  Its adorable" Stan smirked,  kissing him softly. His phone buzzing in his pocket made him frown,  seperating from the boy.

Wendy : You guys hear anything from there?

He pouted, putting his phone back in his pocket.  " To be continued" He smiled at Kyle,  kissing his lips again quickly before peeking around the wall at Clyde and Token. Kyle was a little dissapointed,  but settled for lacing their fingers together.  He instantly felt better when Stans thumb started rubbing gentle circles into his hand,  reminding him that he was still thinking of him. " Suddenly Clyde gasped,  Token laughing at his reaction.  It looked like whatever Token had said was important.  " TOKEN OH MY GOD" Clyde yelled,  eyes wide like his mind had been blown.  The boys leant slightly closer,  holding their breath as they listened in anticipation.  If they could get a confession from either of them,  this would be the end,  and they could finally focus on their own investigation. Clyde opened his mouth to speak. " YOU'RE SO RIGHT! " He gasped,  Token smiling wider. " What about? " Stan mumbled under his breath. " LOBSTERS ARE LIKE MERMAIDS TO SCORPIANS! " Clyde finished,  making both of the boys facepalm,  Stan groaning loudly. They shot behind the wall,  hearts racing in their chests when Token turned around at the noise. " Come on man,  lets go" Token frowned, looking around suspiciously. This was going to be harder than they had thought.

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