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Gianna sat at a dining table across from Manny, and next to Alex who insisted on sitting next to her. She looked fresh and clean after showering and changing, washing the makeup from her face and having her straight hair revert back to its natural curls, that she let hang loose to air dry. She wore a large sweatshirt that she assumed was Alex's and socks on her feet. She avoided eye contact with anyone, scared to death to look at anyone wrong and give off any wrong impression.

"What's wrong princesa?" Manny spoke as she glumly ate her food. "You're in a bad mood."

"Papá..." Alex looked up at him in a warning tone.

"Callate," he hissed at his son as Gianna looked up at them both.

"You...kidnapped me," she hissed, as if it was obvious. "Obviously I'm terrified."

But Manny didn't change his expression. "Have I️...hurt you?" He asked. "Have I️ not fed you?" He pointed down at her plate. "Provided you with clothes, water, a nice roof over your head?" He started to sound increasingly agitated. "You're still breathing? Right?!" He slammed his fist in the table, making her jump in fright. "Right?!" He repeated. "That's more than what your father gave me when I️ was sent to prison," he snarled. "So eat you spoiled brat or else I'll feed you the same shit we feed the pigs," he threatens.

Gianna looks over at Alex with frightened disbelief, hoping he would stand up or say something but he didn't, avoiding her eyes. She carefully ate, hoping the food wasn't poisoned.

It wasn't.

"My dad told me you were dead," she spoke after a while. "How are you still alive?" She curiously asked him.

Manny looks up at her with an indescribable expression on his face, as if reminiscing the last twenty years. "Oh he tried to kill me once while I️ was in prison," he tells her in a dark tone, sending shivers down her spine. "Your father had Italian police under his thumb. He sent them after me and got me extradited back to the US. After a year, he sent a mercenary to take me out. We had a little Snow White moment and he let me go when I️ offered to pay him more than your dad," he explains to her. "But I️ never paid him. I️ just killed him," he says wickedly, making her gasp. "Then I️ went into hiding for twenty years, waiting for the right time to get my revenge."

"What do I️ have to do with this?" She asks him.

"Well actually," he corrects her, "I️ was aiming for your brother. You know, killing the only son he has and all that," he speaks. "But turns out you were a much easier target."

Great. Even when it comes to being kidnapped, she was still number two.

"Are you gonna kill me?" She whispered now, looking down at the ground.

"No," Manny says, making her almost breathe out a sigh of relief. "What I️ have planned for you is much worse," he admits, making her and Alex's head snap up to face him. "I️'m gonna have an auction on the dark web and sell you to the highest bidder."

"WHAT?!" She and Alex yell simultaneously.

"So your fate," he points at her panicked state, "won't be up to me," he says. "It'll be up to whatever sick fuck decides to buy you," he taunts as he gets up. "What do you think will happen to you once you leave me hmm?" He stands behind her chair, his hands coming down her shoulder, making her jump. "Will you be sold into human trafficking?" He whispered in one ear. "Where they'll use and abuse you till you they break your spirit and your legs if you dare try to escape," he says tauntingly, making he cry once more.

"Papá...." Alex whispered harshly as a warning.

"Or will someone with a nasty fetish kill you and have sex with your dead corpse before chopping you up and hiding your remains-"

Mafia Princess // {BWWM} (Malamente sequel) Where stories live. Discover now