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Roman walked up to the youngest front desk lady they had and flashed her a smile, making her melt immediately. "Hi there," he greets politely.

"Hola...how can I️ help you?" She asked, him detecting a slight Spanish accent.

"So a buddy of mine just left to go on a date tonight and I️ was just in his room, you know helping him pick an outfit and it just occurred to me that I️ left my phone and wallet in his room and...my friend's long gone by now, probably having the time of his life, I️ can't call him back now, can I️? Do you have like an extra or spare key so I️ can get in and grab my stuff?" He elaborately fibbed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not supposed to do that. For the customers safety," she responded.

Roman gave her a sexy once over before looking back up at her. "But if I️ don't have my phone, how am I️ supposed to get your number?" He delivered, making the woman deeply blush.

"O-oh, well I️ guess I️ can let you borrow the master key card most housekeepers use-"

"Hey! Great!" He cheered as she handed it right over. "I'll be right back," he winked before walking off.

He vaguely remembered Alex's room but he remembered him and Gianna coming out of room 609....

He finally reached the room and held the key card up and immediately gained access to his room. He walked in and was relieved to know it was just him. He quickly got to work, rummaging through the place; the drawers, the bed, the table, the luggage, until finally his eyes landed on the night table beside his bed and noticed the silver MacBook left unattended. "There we go," he whispers to himself as he picks up the computer and opens it to find no password.

Sweet, makes his job a whole lot easier.

He looked through the computer but didn't find much until he an iMessage popped up on the screen from "Manolo". He must've linked his phone and computer through iCloud.

He watched in real-time as Alex and Manolo texted each other in Spanish

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He watched in real-time as Alex and Manolo texted each other in Spanish. He whipped out his phone and quickly Google translated the conversation. It went like this:

This morning

Change of plans, the girl came back today. We're going out tonight. Details coming soon. Stay alert.

She's back so soon? I️ thought we had another couple of days.

And now I'm saying tonight is the perfect opportunity. Stand by for for details.

Yes little boss.

10:21 pm

We're on our way to the club now. Are you guys ready?

Yes. We know what to do.

Mafia Princess // {BWWM} (Malamente sequel) Where stories live. Discover now