The Proposal- Part 1

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Hey, guys! I will be updating every Tuesday so please don't forget to add the book to your library. I have divided the chapters into two parts, as these chapters are quite lengthy, averaging around 2800 words per chapter. Do let me know if you enjoy this style or if you would rather have me post the entire chapter in a single part. Please - Read, Comment, Vote, and Enjoy!!


Matthew sat beside Greg's weak form, stretching his legs in front of him, leaning back and unresponsive to every comment thrown his way. He refused to pick up the gauntlets of conversations thrown at him, partly because the people surrounding him didn't interest him and partly for showing his unwillingness at attending the event he was being forced to take part in. He scanned the crowd, his eyes passing over known faces. Some of them, he knew closely and many of them he knew by reference, but he knew them. Letting his gaze stay on even one of them could open gates of conversations he didn't want. 

His mother nudged him from his side. He gave her a look, which, had it been translated to words would have earned him a smack but his mother either couldn't decipher it or ignored it and continued with her glare. Sitting at one of the main tables, he had never been so annoyed at being privileged.

Matthew looked at the occupants of the table, each one of them pitching in, laughing at a common joke and commending Alicia. He absently nodded to whatever the doe-eyed girl sitting beside him was saying, she had been fluttering her lashes at him throughout the evening, leaning in a little while talking, giving out shy smiles. His eyes lingered at the arched doorway leading outside. Stacy had slipped out of it a few minutes ago. 

Pushing his chair back with a screech, he got up, startling the girl and excusing himself from the suffocating liveliness of the table. Alicia who was currently apologizing to Nora Lewis, Stacy's mother, for Greg's stunt, broke away from her conversation to look at him with a questioning glance. Ignoring her look, he made his away outside.

Stacy was very much the topic of conversation. The chatter which had dulled down during Greg's speech had livened up. Now, all centered around Stacy. He had found the blonde intriguing. From the rumors that had been circulating the room that night, he knew enough about her. 

The grapevine was strong in the close-knit medical community and those who drifted away from it were not welcomed back with open arms. Stacy was the rumored black sheep of Lewis family, who had come crawling back when she couldn't hold it out on her own in the city. He had expected to meet a meek woman, instead, he had met Stacy with her gold spun hair and razor smile.

The garden looked washed out under the pale moonlight, only brightened by pink and lavender bursts of hydrangeas. Matthew rubbing his hand on his forehead looked around for Stacy. Why? He didn't know. He wondered what Greg had been talking about. The details of their break up were something that no one had ever inquired into, neither had Greg nor Stacy divulged any information about it. They had always acted as distant friends after it. It had been an unwelcomed surprise when Greg had spoken out tonight.

Shaking his aching head free of the thoughts, Matthew reigned in his inner journalist who was dying to figure out the details. He couldn't let himself get carried away with it. His cellphone vibrated in the breast pocket of his dark blue suit jacket. Pulling it out, he looked at the brightly lit screen. It was Alicia. Giving a once over to the shadowed landscape, he turned back. He didn't have time to worry about someone else, he had his own problems.

"Can you drop us off?" Alicia asked holding up a stumbling Greg against her. Her dark eyes wide and pleading. Matthew let out a tired sigh. He could never say no to those eyes.

"Sure, I need to drop off Mom and Dad as well" he replied. He didn't want to deal with all of them together, it was too draining but one look at Alicia and he knew that he had no choice.

"Did Helen and Francis not drive here?" she asked, furrowing her brows. Alicia didn't look too thrilled at the aspect of driving with them.

Ignoring the question, Matthew took hold of Greg from her, releasing her from the heavyweight of Greg's intoxicated body. "Why did you let him drink so much?"

"I didn't. You know he never listens to me."

Matthew knew his brother. He knew how Greg treated Alicia as well. Clenching his hand, he resisted the urge to drop Greg on the ground, as he led him to his car. Shoving Greg in beside an already seated Helen, he helped Alicia, get into the backseat. Francis had already taken a seat in the front.

"It was a great party Alicia," Francis said, cutting through the tense silence and citrus scent of the dangling car-freshener.

"I am sorry about Greg's speech", Alicia replied softly.

"Lewis's girl must have done something for Greg to speak out like that. He never would have said anything otherwise. I am just glad he dumped that girl and decided to settle with you, you are much better than her" Helen chimed in.

Matthew's fingers tightened around the steering wheel. Looking ahead, he could see that they were almost to his parent's house. The moon was brighter than it had been before, lending a glow to the dimly lit road. Turning left, Matthew parked outside the house he had grown up in. The gated house, with its ivory porch, seemed larger than he remembered.

"We will see you both tomorrow," Francis said, turning in his seat towards Alicia and a sleeping Greg before getting out of the car, without so much of a glance at Matthew. 

Helen leaned over Greg, kissing Alicia on her cheek before stepping out of the car, struggling with her dress. Once she was out, with all the bits of her lacy dress intact, she tapped in the passenger window, gesturing for Matthew to roll it down. 

"You will come for lunch tomorrow, right?" she said, her eyes peering into him.

"No," Matthew stated.

"Please, we will be discussing the wedding the plans" she insisted.

"No, mom. I have no interest in doing that. If you will please let me leave, I have an early morning tomorrow."

 With a dejected sigh, Helen stepped back. Starting the engine, Matthew backed away. He would never go inside that house again.


Alicia stood in front of the door fishing for house keys in her bag. Matthew smiled, she was never organized. With her hair pulled back from her face, Matthew could see the features he had memorized over the years. The dim light, doing nothing to hide them from him.

"You shouldn't be so harsh on Helen, she is only trying to include you," Alicia said, her fingers finding the heart-shaped keychain.

"I am not being harsh, I don't want to be involved" Matthew replied. The door swung, leading the way inside. Alicia hummed.

"Do you want to come in for a coffee?"

"No, can you handle Greg?"

"It would be like old times, you always used to demand coffee in exchange for dropping me off" Alicia protested, her hand brushing against Matthew as she took charge of Greg.

"It can never be like it was before," Matthew said, his voice low, glancing at Greg. Alicia's eyes following him.

"Things don't have to change because of Greg. I am still your friend you know" Alicia's hand hovering over Matthew's, her fingers barely touching his sleeves, before pulling back to her side. She was used to tugging on Matthew's sleeves, it was the easiest way to annoy him and make him give in. 

Matthew catching her action, stepped back."It is not because of Greg. Anyways, have a good night. I will see you whenever I see you." Matthew said, turning around, waving his car keys in goodbye.


I hope you all enjoyed reading it, move on to the next chapter to read ahead. Also, let me know how you are liking it.

See you in the next part!



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