Sins of the Past - Part 2

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Hi there! I hope all of you are doing well. Just a reminder for all the lovely readers - I understand that the topics such as these can trigger unsavory memories or emotions you do not want to experience, so if at any point you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to stop reading this story. I won't want anyone of you to get hurt. 

Onto the story now.


"You are not going for your run today?" Harry said, taking in the unusual sight of his daughter at the breakfast table. It was still a bit dark outside, with the night cover giving way to the morning. In the early morning hours, it was usually Harry alone by himself, so the sight of his daughter slumped against the marble table was bizarre.

"I don't have the literal strength to move" Stacy whined, her head buried between her elbows.

"Straighten up Stace, it's not like you to miss your run. You don't even skip it during the rains."

"It's nothing dad," She said looking up, only to receive a deadpan look from Harry. With a sigh, she continued "Mom isn't talking to me again, she insists I tell her everything that happened and I don't want to."

A slight smile crossed Harry's lips as he took in the annoyed look Stacy had carried from her teenage years to adulthood. Some things never changed, no matter how old the children get. "Nora will calm down soon enough, she has her reasons to be angry with you doesn't she?".Pushing back the wooden chair, he sat down across her. The black mug in front of Stacy was still steaming, full of the black liquid Stacy liked to call her elixir. He knew for a fact it wasn't.

"She won't this time dad and if you knew what I have done, you wouldn't either." Pulling the mug between her palms, she lifted her eyes to Harry. It had always been this way, she and Nora would fight and Harry would mediate between the two grenades tethering on the edge of the explosion. He was the balance that kept the two of them together, never letting either fall too far.

"We worry about you Stace. No matter what you have done, you will always be our daughter, your mistakes won't change that. I don't want to push you, but you can't keep it in forever, you will have to face whatever you have done someday and we want to be there to support you when you do so."

Reaching across the narrow table, he took the sloshing mug from her hands and placed it on the wooden coaster. Avoiding the disgruntled look she threw him for taking away her coffee, he pushed the coaster farther down the table, out of her reach."Run till you feel better and remember that nothing you do will make us hate you. Unconditional love is a pre-requirement of being a parent, you will see that when you have one of your own."

"You trust me too much, you don't even know what horrible things I have done, I destroyed someone dad. I am a terrible person." She cried out, the dam had broken. Sometimes what it took to break a person was not the harsh ax but a gentle nudge, this was her breaking point. Stacy felt the cracks widening, till they shattered. No tears came out this time, it was a constant flow of grief coursing through her veins, filling her body with every passing second. It won't be long before she would start wailing.

She didn't know if it was her guilt over what she had done that had pushed her this far, or was it the feeling that she will inevitably disappoint and hurt those she loved due to her past. She could feel Harry patting her head, trying to calm her down as first of her sobs racked her body. A part of her was glad that Nora was asleep and another part wished Nora would her completing the cocoon of warmth she never wanted to leave.


Stacy, however, did leave the comfort of her father's presence and instantly regretted it when she saw Matthew sprawled across the sofa in the reception area of her office. The half-smirk on his face hadn't changed, how did this man not get tired of his cocky expression was beyond her. "To what do I owe this pleasure Mr. Matthew?" she asked, annoyance seeping in.

"I wanted to see you" he replied, standing up and stepping in closer to her.

She blinked. "I don't think that we have the kind of relationship where you would drop by my office because you missed me."

"I never said I missed you, Ms. Lewis, I said I wanted to see you. However if you missed me you could have simply called me, I am sure it's not very hard to find my number for you." His smirk widened, infuriating her further.

"I don't see you as someone worthy enough for me to waste my efforts and resources in tracking you down." She shot back, blood rushing to her cheeks.

"I don't know what you are playing at here Mr. Matthew, but if you want more details about what was said at the engagement party, I assure you that Greg will be a better resource than me. He is your brother, after all, I am sure he won't mind divulging all my secrets to you." Bitterness laced her words. She wouldn't bother keeping up her appearances, not today and not in front of this man. She was tired from all the crying she had done in the last few days and was itching for a fight to get rid of the weakness that had spread through her. 

Matthew's eyes widened. The brightly lit room doing nothing to hide his surprise before he recovered his composure. Stacy felt her own smirk form, the split-second reaction was enough for her to know that she had gotten under his skin.

"It will be better to talk in your office, Ms. Lewis"

"As I said, I don't want to talk to you, Mr. Matthew. It would be better if you leave."

"I want to apologize on behalf of my brother. He shouldn't have said what he said on such a public occasion, let alone on the in his own engagement party." He apologized. The traces of smirk gone from his face, his black eyes looking straight at her. His mouth was set in a straight line and Stacy felt the amusement wash away from him.

Stacy stared back at him with wariness, searching his face for any trace of insincerity. All she could see was his straight expression, devoid of any emotion. She hadn't been expecting an apology, she had expected him to needle her, to push her to talk about it, or throw underhanded remarks her way. She had been preparing herself for another battle, him but not to accept the words he was doling out.

"I don't want apologies from you. In fact, I don't want them from anyone, not even Greg. The damage is done and there is no turning back now." Stacy said. Her words were sincere, it didn't matter who apologized, the rumors won't stop. She shifted from feet to feet under his gaze, clenching her fists, as she tried to avoid the uncomfortable air that had surrounded them. Sincerity, she decided, didn't look well on Matthew, she would rather deal with the version of him she had met at the party.

"I have never wanted to knock my brother out than I did that night. I would feel better if you accepted my apology, Ms. Lewis, since this is the only thing I can do, besides of course dropping by whenever you miss me."

And just like that moment passed as he recovered the smirk which seemed to have a permanent place on his face. Stacy felt her own wariness turn to the annoyance she felt around him. She was ready for the battle. 


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do let me know what you thought of it in the comments. I will see you guys next week. Bye!

~ TheSarcasticBrunette

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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