The Night Of Disasters -2

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Hey, here is part 2. I hope you all enjoy reading it. Please, Read, Vote, Comment, and Enjoy!!


Staring at her crisp reflection, Stacy let out a sigh. The night was turning out to be a disaster. She hadn't expected to be rattled by Matthew, she was a hard-pressed business woman and it took a lot to shake her, but for some reason Matthew had gotten under her skin. She hated it.

The golden lights hung over her head, making the smudged line seem worse than it actually looked. She was tired and wanted to go home, but she knew she couldn't, at least not until Greg and Alicia had given their official toasts. It would be rude and her absence would get the rumor mill churning again. She didn't want to give them anything more than what they already had. Dabbing the last bit of concealer under her eyes, she flipped the case shut and slid it into her clutch.

As Stacy entered, the dining area, Greg stood up from his seat, a spoon tinkling the expensive glass with a sharp sound. The crowd continued to chatter as Greg struck the glass again, a little too loudly, almost spilling the champagne. The tables around them quitened into a buzz, before going completely silent as they turned their gazes towards him. Greg stumbeled before steadying himself and holding up the glass. "To my darling Alicia" he started.

Stacy could tell he was a little drunk, he tended to stretch out his r's when he had too much to drink, a habit Stacy had picked out when they were dating. Not wanting to disturb the people listening to his speech in rapt attention, Stacy chose to stand by the wall, away from the seating area. Her eyes watched Greg as he announced his love for his fiancé.

Stacy decided that it was for the best. She had already known that she would never be able to love someone completely, she wouldn't have been able to give him a marriage, not after what she had done. Marriage didn't amount to fidelity, it was a social construct built to maintain order, it didn't imply undying love. She had seen firsthand how easy it was to destroy a marriage, hell, she had been the one to destroy Jonathan's marriage. She was better off on the sidelines, standing against the wall at the edge of marriage halls.

Stacy was jerked out from her thoughts, as she heard her name being called. She looked around for a second before relalizing it was Greg.

"Stacy.....where is Stacy?" he asked, mockingly searching for her as his eyes bounced from one head to another before finally landing on her. "Ah! There you are" he said pointing at her.

Eyes which had been trained on him, turned to her. Hungry for what was to come. They had wined and dined that night, but they had been expecting more, something to keep their conversations interesting, something to add spice to their sedentary life of black ties and parties. She was however too preoccupied to notice them, she was focused on Greg. What would it be, now? Dread creeped up her spine. Holding her breath, she stared at the shaking hand pointing at her.

"I want to thank Stacy, I wouldn't have arrived to this moment without her. You see, we were dating a year back, I was besotted with her, who wouldn't be? With that gorgeous face and amazing body, Stacy was my walking dream, well, until she told me what she did back in the city. Had you never told me about it Stace, I would have never left you and wouldn't have met Alicia, so thank you so much for being -" Greg stumbeled through words before being abruptly cut off by someone pulling him down. Sparing an apologetic glance, Alicia took over the toast.

Stacy, pressed against the wall so tightly the she might as well have been melded into it, stood still. Her nails digging into her palms, her eyes turned to the marbelled floor. She could hear her name being passed around, as Alicia tried to mend the situation. She could hear everything and yet she could hear nothing. She was transparent, the words rushed through her, hitting the beige wall behind her, shattering into shards. It was over. Everything was over. Her life that she had built in this town was gone now. Her eyes burned with tears and all she wanted to do was to move. Her legs refused to obey her and she held her body against the support, so as to not slide down to the ground. Wiping the tears which had now set their course down her face with the back of her hand, no longer caring about her recently fixed liner, she had already been bared to these people, her blackened soul exposed for them to sneer at, what would one more smudge matter.

Stacy had always known that her past would catch up to her, but she had hoped that she would be able to make a life for herself. She looked up at Greg, who was now slouching on the chair, his head swinging from one side to another. Even in his state, he seemed like a threat, a wild animal who could attack her any minute. Punishment. Greg was her punishment. He was the only person she had confessed her sins too, she had hoped to be free from her purgatory, but instead of pulling her up, he had further pushed her down into hell. 


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Do let me know if this method of breaking down the chapter into two arts works better than putting it all in a single chapter. I will be updating both the parts on the same day so that you all can read them in continuity, I just don't want each part to be too bulky. Anyways, do let me know what you think about it in the comments below. See you al next week.



- TheSarcasticBrunette

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