Chapter Five:War

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Chapter Five:War
Dominic's p.o.v
This feeling I kept having was just weird like I knew something was gonna happen I just didn't know what I walk out of my room and into the kitchen and I sit down and this just uncomfortable feeling just washed over me I've never felt this way before until I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see my boyfriend looking down at me with a concerned look on his face and he asks "you okay?" I nodd with a smile and I look down at my side and seen there was blood staining under my shirt it was solid red and I raise up my shirt and see a mark on me I gasp and then I look up and see my boyfriend had been replaced with an older woman though she looked old enough to be my mother and she had long red hair and had on a tight leather one whole outfit and then she says "do you know who I am?" I shake my head slightly scared "I'm your grandmother".

I lerch forward and gasp for breath and I see I was in my room and I look around my room and see I was alone until I hear my door open and I see its clem and she sits on the bed and she asks "are you ok?" I nodd and she asks "another dream huh?" I meet her gaze and I say "thats the fifth one I've had clem what does she want from me?" she grabs my hand and she says "you need to tell mom maybe he can help" I sigh and I grab my hair behind my head and I say "ok I'll tell them tomorrow" she nodds as she stands up and walks out of the room and I lay on my bed and I can forget going back to sleep that dream just scares me everytime but the question is why does she want me? clementine is more of the talented one not me my powers they haven't even equipped yet why is she targeting me?.

~The Next Morning~
I didn't sleep a wink last night but I pull on my shirt and pants I go to the dining room to see my mom and dad there and I see clementine come up behind me and I say "mom? dad? I need help" my dad meets my gaze and he asks "what is it son?" I smile as I look up at clem and she nodds and I say "I've been having these scary dreams lately and its about lilith she's channelling me through my dreams and when I have these dreams she tells me that she's my grandmother and I always get a mark on my stomach what does the mark mean? and how come clementine has been getting her powers but I haven't? I don't know what I am" my mom touches my hand across the table and he says "son its ok we have been doing some research about this and let me see the mark" I raise my shirt and I show him the mark on my stomach and he says "axel?".

He nodds and stands up and he says "come with me" we all walk to my parents bedroom and my moms hand wrapped around me his solid red eyes flickering at me I smile as we walk in and we sit on the bed and axel says "ok when your mother got pregnant he had dreams like that as well and then when both of you were born we didn't know about you dominic until after clementine was out and he got the same mark on his side we all assumed it was for clementine but it was for you really and I think she believed that too at first when your mom set the spell but it was only for one baby so the spell went to clementine for her protection" I nodd understanding so when my mom had us he only aimed for one so the spell went to clem and thats why I'm having these dreams she's trying to have me under her control and I ask "but that still doesn't explain why I've not got my powers" my mom nodds and says "we believe that mark take's powers from any live host and we never really figured it out until you came to us saying your powers hadn't come in it's happened before" I exhale and I say "so she's been taking my powers for a long time?".

They both nodd and I walk into my room if she is taking my powers and its happening through this mark I gotta find a way to stop her I turn around and see my mom walk in my room and he says "she wants the realm and she believes if she gets your powers she can do it" I nodd understanding completely if she wants a war she'll get one I sigh and ask "how can I defeat her?" I turn and look at my mom and he says "by killing her and the only way to kill her is by the first blade but when I stabbed her it only put her in purgatory so scratch that we need to read up on it to see what can kill a demon" I nodd and I watch as he walks out of my room.

Roxas's p.o.v
I walk into our room and see axel on the balcony I walk over to him and I hug him from behind and he says "she used the colt on him its what killed my dad she used the last bullet when she summoned it there was only thirteen bullets and that was the last one" I kiss his shoulder and he says "I just can't see her take away our son too she already took away my dad she can't take away him too" I rub his shoulder and I say "she's not gonna take dominic from us I promise you that" I hug him around the waist and I whisper "I won't let her" he rubs my hair.

Dominic's p.o.v
I walk into the library I see demyx and zexion I smile over at them with a wave as I look into book after book it felt like forever there is nothing that can kill his woman until finally I stumbled upon an old book that had a weapons section I turn to the page and I keep looking at weapon and then outside the weapon was the power it has and I finally came across a weapon called The Archangel Blade but wouldn't it hurt me? I'm a demon not an angel well it's worth a try I tell Valentine to go and gather some supplies to summon the blade I had a pentagram on my bedroom floor and six candles in a circle and a pillow in the middle and valentine asks "are you sure you wanna do this? because they will get mad" I nodd and say "it won't be gone long".

He nodds as me and him say the incantation together and then a big puff of light pushes us back and I jump up and see the sword in the middle of the circle I grab it but it doesn't burn me and I say "val" he nodds at me and I ask "how is it not burning me?" we run out of the room and to my parents and I say "dad" he stands up and he looks furious "how did you summon that? don't you know you could be in big trouble for summoning an archangels sword" I give him a look "its not burning me here hold it" he grabs it then hisses and then he tosses it back to me and I say "see why doesn't it burn me? I'm not part demon I'm angel like you moma" my dad meets my gaze and he says "wait clementine she's demon she's not angel anymore she's demon clem come here".

She walks out and when she grabs the blade it burns her too and she tosses it to me and I say "see why doesn't it burn me I can kill her thats why she needs my powers she wants to be half like me so she can try to rule heaven and hell she wants to take it by force I can kill her dad" he rolls his eyes "its out of the question your not going up against her" I rub the back of my head and I say "dad if I kill her I get all my power back and all of this will be over but what I wanna know is why I haven't changed I'm full blown angel and I'm in hell do I get it from mom?" my mom nodds at me with a smile and I say "I'm gonna kill her dad with or without you" my dad looked far from pleased but he seen how serious I was and then he broke into a smile and says "ok but we do it together not just you ok?" I nodd while giving him a smile.


ok now ya'll know what the mark is I would like to dedicate this chapter to MercedezBrock she gave me the idea of axel's mom coming back for revenge on roxas and axel realm and that was one of her reasons she still wants the realm and she also wants to rule heaven she wants to be half angel so she can birth children and rule the angels above and thats why she needs Dominic I loved writing this chapter and I hope you like it to Mercedez

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