Chapter I

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Roland's POV

The branches were scratching at my arms. The wet clothes that were stuck to my being made me feel cold. My black hair was stuck to my head.

I'd escaped without shoes so the rocks were jabbing at my feet but I had to keep going, no matter what.

God, help me.

The distant roar of the lions and chatters of monkeys made the adrenaline in my veins run faster. My feet made crunching sounds on the ground as I ran swiftly through the jungle, not knowing what they were going to step on next.

A trap, an animal, anything!

The rains had begun to fall, and lightning lit up the sky every now and then.

I'd run for a while now, but I didn't dare to stop, because I knew that if I got caught, I was done for.

Suddenly, loud screams enveloped me, the jungle cats and monkeys weren't the ambient of the night anymore.

Figures of men and women jumped from the trees above, surrounding me, giving me no avenue of escape. My eyes searched frantically for a way out, but alas, my hands were suddenly tied up from behind and I was tackled to the ground.

I tried to shake myself out of the strong grasp, but the black, muscled hands held me down.

They spoke in a language I didn't understand, and I didn't even bother trying to find means of communication. When I got to wherever they were taking me, maybe I could talk to them, maybe.

Oh, I pray that I come across someone who understands English.

These jungles had been raided before by white men and trade was already happening in these parts of the jungle. I was sure that I could tell someone about my predicament, and I'd be alright.


The walk to their tribe was not long, but I was beyond tired to walk any further. The warrior who was in charge of me for the journey kept on pushing me forward, making me almost fall a couple of times.

I was at their mercy.

Life was different here than from where I came, and who knew of my outcome? Maybe I'd be burnt to death or served to the tribespeople as a meal! I'd heard of some cannibal tribes in these parts of the jungle, but they were few.

Keep me safe.

The opening to get into the tribe was guarded by two warriors who were almost two metres tall in height, wearing their fighting armor.

They spoke to each other in that language I didn't understand again, making my skin crawl in fear and apprehension. They looked at me, and had more conversation again before they got in. The warriors at the opening grunted at me but I kept my emotions at bay. I was afraid, but I couldn't let them see that. These seemed like the type to feed off of fear.

The roads were empty. It made sense since it was raining and also night time. Vague house like structures were spotted here and there.

I was tossed into what seemed to be a hut. The musty smell of the room repulsed me, but I didn't have a choice but to stay in there. A guard was in the hut with me, but he was fast asleep.

The excitement of the day's event seeped out of me, and my body began to give into the tiredness I didn't know I'd felt. I gave in, the rain and thunder giving a natural lullaby for my scattered thoughts.

I was shaken awake by the same guard who'd slept in the same hut with me, and after being lifted to the ground was shoved out.

I fell straight into the muddy ground and I stood up. Opening my tired eyes, I saw that, to my surprise, the huts were beautifully designed and decorated. The women wore two piece clothes that covered their intimate parts and the children ran about only covered with a loin cloth. A few cows and goats were seen here and there, grazing in the fields. You could see that everyone was busy with their own different priorities.

Very few people bothered to see who this foreign man was on their land. I guess this meant that they were used to white people in their lands.

Or they knew that you were gonna die.

My mind blanked out. Why was I so calm about this? Shouldn't I at least try to fight? This could very much be my last day on this earth.

The huts ended up becoming bigger and more beautiful the more we walked deeper into the tribe. The noise also subsided in a slow like fashion, until there was silence. Girls and women ran about, but their wear was more colourful than that of the women I'd seen before.

I was led into a big hut where a lot of old men sat, with a bunch of cloth covering their bodies. The cloth had a lot of different patterns on it with different colors that made them beautiful and unique.

They sat in a semi circle and at the middle of it was a throne that had leather skins all over it, and in it sat a man with bushy white hair. He was also wearing the same clothing as those he sat with, but his were a plain color.


He must be the chief.

His old eyes were on me, surveying me from head to toe. He looked into mine, squinting his as if to see something that others couldn't see. Something from within.

"Who are you?"

My eyes widened. He could speak English?? I mean, some Africans knew it since the whole trading debacle and war for land had begun. I just didn't expect to be this lucky.

"I said who are you?"

I had been taken away by the joy I felt, such that I seemed to have forgotten how to speak. I quickly got a hold of myself.

It was now or never.

"I'm Roland Wellington, son of the viscount of England, Viscount Wellington."

He stood up and slowly walked towards me until he came to my front, his weathered cane assisting him. He looked closely at my face, and a huge smile went across his features.

"You have his nose."

I took a step back. The only person I knew to be resembled with because of the nose was my father! Maybe he'd been here before.

"You know my father?"

The old, wrinkle faced chief laughed out loud.

"Know him? We are very close friends. He came here a while back in his youths and traded with my father. We were close and he's the one who taught me English and I taught him our language, Swahili. So, what happened to you for you to reach this place in such a situation?"

Just the mention of what happened the night prior filled me with utmost dread.

"My ship was attacked by pirates. All my men were killed but I successfully escaped with my life. I had to swim to shore since they were after me. I ran and ran until your warriors captured me. Most of my possessions were on that ship, and now I have nothing to my name. I fear that I am in great danger.."

The chief clasped both my shoulders.

"Your father and I have a good relationship. I would never let his child go unattended for. You'll live with me in the palace, and I'll find one of the best warriors we have for you! Now, let me call a maid for you who will lead you to your room and get you clothes to wear. We don't have clothing of your type, so you'll just have to wear what we have while someone makes clothing that fits you."

I held onto his hands as a sign of gratitude, a smile of pure elation and gratitude spreading on my muddy face.

"Thank you so much, chief. For everything."

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